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.. .. Ba .. Be .. Bi .. Bl-Bm .. Bo-Bu

Dreams: Bo-Bu

Boa constrictor:
- If the boa constrictor is ANGRY, means that something is wrong in our lives.
- If we see a boa constrictor ON THE BED (In the case of women) indicates a next pregnancy.
Also see: "Snake".

Represents courage and bravery irrational.
- This dream tells us that we must control our excessive courage, because in the worst cases can lead to suicide.
- It can also mean a very dangerous enemy to be avoided.

Boarding symbolizes a need for change.
- If in the dream trying to board a train or subway, but that, before we can ascend a policeman stops everyone, to check for a BOMB and after reviewing and defuse the bomb, let us board, means to avoid unexpected and painful circumstances, we must first review what we are doing well to check for errors that can cost us dearly in the future.
- To dream that we MISSED OUR FLIGHT, That is, the plane split before we can board it, means that there is a danger or risk to lose a valuable opportunity to excel.
- If we can board SUCCESSFULLY, means it is a propitious time to attempt a change in our lives. But if we fail to board, it means that we have to postpone the change for a better time.
- If we dream that the train or subway goes and to board, we TRY TO DO IT BY ENTERING THE WINDOW, and even if it is dark, it means that if we try to do things by traps or tricks, we can besides get in trouble that entails danger.
- If we are VICTIMS OF BOARDING, means we want a major change, yet we can not find how to do it.

Boarding school:
- To dream of a boarding school or we are in means that sometimes we have to work harder to achieve success. This dream advises us to put more effort into the issues that we know are important and study more.
- If in our dream, we climbed a stairs to get to a boarding school, that talks about an important issue in which at first we were not working hard, but then we started to show more commitment and study more, which we will soon the victory.

Boast, Brag, Show off:
If in our dream we see ourselves showing off something, it means that in reality, we want to have or achieve that we showing off in the dream.
- If we dream that we boast that we know MARTIAL ARTS, it means that we want to fight well (Fight of any kind, according to our current situation), but there is something we are missing, such as being prudent, practicing more, studying more or doing a Better strategy.
- To dream that we are sitting in bed showing off MONEY, it means that we wish we had more money to spend with our girlfriend or partner.
- If we dream that we give a SLAP to someone (To an unknown person) because we think it is very boastful, it represents a friend or acquaintance who dislikes us because he(she) likes to show off that is not have.

- Symbolizes the way of life, generally represents the end of an era and the beginning of another, if we travel with another or others, refers to those close to us, if such person or persons were lowered from the boat to reach to a port, means to stay away from us, if someone rises means that person can be close to us in the future, unless later in the dream all the ship go down at a port, then it means that everyone take different paths.
- If we are driving the boat, means that we have control of our life, if instead is another who steers the ship or boat, it is because we have no control of our lives or we are strongly influenced by others.
- If we are climbing a crowded boat, it means we need to interact with others, and have more friends, and advises us to be less timid.
- If we get a boat, and before we approach, descend from the, passengers, it means that this life change will not be definitive.
- If only we arrive, it means that soon receive a proposal that could change our lives, although we have not yet decided whether to accept it or not.
- If in our dream we see a boat that travels through a river and we also see a lot of knives, it means that someone left this world a few years ago and is in an underworld, so we need to pray for him so can be rescued by the Angels and so get to Heaven.
- If we dream we travel in a boat, by drainage pipes, tells us that the soul of someone we know and who died recently or long ago, is caught in an underworld, so he needs our help, so that angels rescued him from that site, what we can do with our prayers.

- If we dream that we have the dirty body, it means money or moral difficulties.
- If we are to a large or swollen body, it means that we will have more goods or more power.
- If we are in two places at the same time, it means that we will have two couples.
- If we see our body broken into two parts, it means loss of property.
- If we dream that a rat gets into our body, meaning that there is something evil that surrounds us, which advises us to be cautious in what we do or try to do.

Body language:
Body language and gestures are interpreted literally, for example: If you're talking with someone or against someone, and suddenly that person touches or rubs his nose, is because it is lying about something, or because it is displeasing something from us or our attitude (Its meaning is the same either, that happen in our waking life or that we see in our dream).
- If a man in his dream is in front of a known woman, and note that she running her hands through your hair, it means she wants him to account how beautiful it is (Represents flirtation).
- If we see a person known holding papers in front of his chest, It means that he(she) is anxious about something.

Body Shops:
To dream that we damage a car and urgently seek a body shops, it means that things are not as bad as we thought and that there is always a way to fix things, especially in this case.

- If we see ourselves as bodybuilders in our dream, it tells us that we should not abuse our rivals.
- If in our dream we see a bodybuilder wearing a corset, it means we can suffer the impositions of someone, which advises us not allow it, but also advised us not to abuse or be rude to that someone.

- See a bodyguard, it means we need someone to tell us good advice.
- If in our dream we see a famous singer and we try to get closer, but his bodyguards prevent us, it means that someone is trying to prevent our objectives.

If in our dream we see boiling food or even a spring means good health, and good luck in our economy.

• If we see a bomb explode, warns us of unforeseen circumstances we will be more painful if the explosion in our dream causes havoc.
• If in our dream we are engulfed in flames because of the explosion of a bomb, it means that we will suffer because of the treachery of a friend, but who has that dream is a woman, then it means that you must be careful, as it can get to have difficulties with your partner or boyfriend.

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- Dreaming of bombings, warns us of unforeseen circumstances we will be more painful if the explosions cause havoc.
- If you dream that bombard us aliens, warns us that we will face more due to unforeseen circumstances we have not yet managed to adapt to our environment. This dream advises us to study the situation.

This dream shows that you have lost the hopes. We went through a period of gloom and despondency.
If this dream is repeated a lot is advisable to seek medical and spiritual help, for we may be entering a depression.

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This dream is associated with renewal and a new beginning. It can also mean that our aspirations are good.

If in our dream we see a bonsai tree, this means that we still difficult to achieve our goals because of our lack of vision and experience.

- If in our dream we get a bonus (In money) means money difficulties.

Means we should study more, or see a specialist to solve the problems we have, or we can come to be soon, and if it is a book of a particular issue means that we must study more on this topic and sometimes we may see some pages of a book where we see images associated with something we know, in this case tells us to study or find out more about it.
- If you dream of a book with missing pages, means that there is an episode of our lives we did not want anybody to know, but that will come to light.
- If you dream of a book buried, or stored in the bottom of a trunk, then there is some secret or any part of our life, we prefer to keep hidden

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Book separator:
This dream tells us that there are businesses or topics that we should study more.
- To dream that we write accounts (such as addition and subtraction), in a book separator, means that in order to defend our interests we must study more.
- To dream that we write numbers in a book separator, means that if we want to earn more money, we must study more.

If we see a bookcase or shelves empty, it means we are wasting too much time on entertainment that interfere with our training or our projects. If we see a bookcase full of books, it means that we must study and prepare more, and if we see a particular book, such as a history book tells us that we should study more about that particular topic.

Booked/Reserve (From: Reserve a seat or something to someone):
- If we dream that we want to sit in a certain place, but someone says that there is already booked, means: Family disputes.

To dream of a bookstore means that we must study more or seek to consult a specialist to solve the problems that we have or that we may have in the near future.
- If we dream that we have an ACCIDENT, we die and then we see ourselves in a bookshop as ghosts, means that to avoid a disaster, we must study more about certain things or consult a specialist (For example: If we are going on vacation, we must first Take the car with a good mechanic to check it well).
- If in our dream we see a bookstore, where we find a BOOK THAT WE DID NOT KNOW and also get to see its title and the name of its author, then, it may be a message that tells us that we should look for that particular book and in that Place, since in the there is an important knowledge that we must know.
- If we dream that we are in a bookstore and notice that there is an empty space in the booksellers and there we see a CAT, it means that we must tune our senses because there is something that we need to know more. This dream advises us to buy more books, take a course, buy a didactic CD or what we know that can help us to know more or to find out something we need to know.
Also consult: "Books".

Boom barrier:
- If in our dream we see a barrier boom, it means that we will have to face some difficulties or obstacles. And the same thing means if we dream that we stop in front of it.
- If it is up and we pass without problems, it means that we will be able to progress or move forward in a certain matter.

This dream tells us that our friends can surprise us by treachery.

If in our dream we see a bonsai tree, this means that we still difficult achieve our goals because of our lack of vision and lack of experience.

The boots in our dream generally have the same meaning as the shoes, which in most cases are related to the commitment and freedom. But in some cases, the boots are related to strike a blow to our enemies, as is, win a battle, or even up to humiliate them, depending on other signs we see in our dream.

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If our dreams we feel bored, or is present boredom, means trouble.
It may also mean that those who compete with us for the same goal will have an easy or that we are alone to defend our cause.

Borrow money/Loan:
- If we dream that someone we know borrowed something from the NEIGHBOR, it means that because of a gossipy person, that known person could borrow money from us, but the problem is that if we lend money, it is most likely that person does not pay us.
- If we dream that we ask someone for a loan of money, but in the end we REGRET OR LEAVE WITHOUT THE LOAN, it means that we were about to do something that would have caused us money problems, but in the end, we did not.
- To dream that SOMEONE LENDS US money means economic difficulties.

- Mean trouble in our work.
- To dream that we are the boss, portends future hope of success.
- Avaricious boss: It means misery in our profession.

Boss around:
If we dream that somebody boss around to us, means that we must not let others manipulate us

- If we see ourselves in the dream, DISTURBING A BEES, and then they attack us; it is a council that tells us to avoid exposing ourselves to risky and dangerous situations.
- If we dream that we see a IMAGE and it bothers us to see it, it means that something related to the image bothers us too much.
- If in the dream we see a PERSON WHO BOTHES ABOUT OUR ENTHUSIASM, that represents a person who envies us. But if we see a person with an aspect of exhaustion and at the same time we notice that he gets angry because of our enthusiasm, it means that there is a person who envies us, especially because his life is not easy; In this last case, the dream advises us to act with discretion to avoid envy.
- If we dream that SOMEBODY IS DISTURBING us, it means that a person is causing us problems or tries to provoke them, meddling in our affairs, which advises us not to allow it.
- If we dream that SOMEONE SAYS TO US, THAT HE DOES NOT WANT TO US BOTHER HIM, it means that we have received or will receive threaten quiet serious.

- If we dream, we catch a demon or evil spirit in a bottle of glass, is the ability to neutralize the bad.
- To dream that a villain attack us, but we hit he with a bottle, to save us; it means that we will manage to avoid a hazard.
- If the bottle is filled with clear fluid, it means that we will have joy and good luck.
- If the fluid is dirty, then it means we can have unfortunate incidents.

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Bottle, Baby:
This dream tells us that engender a baby and all will be well.

by letter.


Bottle cap:
- To dream of a bottle cap, tells us that with just a little more effort we can achieve what we want or solve a problem.
- If we dream that we can’t open a bottle, is an obstacle.

If in our dream we see someone giving us a bouquet of flowers, it means that someone loves us. But if we see ourselves rejecting those flowers, it can mean that someone does not suit us.
- To dream of a bouquet of completely DRY red roses, it is a bad sign that predicts loneliness and difficulties in love, mainly because of bad feelings around us. This dream advises us to get an amulet, such as a keychain in the shape of a sword, or place two “X” shaped swords in our living room or bedroom, which will help us fight evil and keep loneliness away, and The difficulties in love.
- If in our dream we see a LADY OF HONOR (From a wedding) and notice that she is carrying a bouquet of flowers, it means that a friend or relative we had not seen in a long time, died recently.
- A bouquet of RED flowers, represents a passionate love.
- A bouquet of WHITE flowers means purity.
- Also consult: "Flowers", "Roses"...

bouquet, bridal:
- Seeing in our dream a bridal bouquet means possibilities of marriage and prosperity.

- To dream that you are in a boutique and stole clothes they sell there, means there is something that it is difficult to achieve, but also advises us not give up or settle, but keep trying, to achieve what we want.
- If we dream that we sampled in a clothing boutique or a clothing store, means a probable change in the situation.

- If in the dream we see black bows in the entrance of our house, it means that there is a person who wants to separate us from someone we love (for example: Someone who wants to cause a break in our relationship, who wants to take away our custody of one of our children, etc.).

If we dream we do a strike, it means success, or we had a hit.

Bowling ball:
This dream tells us that our success depends on our wisdom and sacrifice.

- If we win the fight predicts success, if we lose it portends a likely failure, whether we can we the fighter, or the fighter that is that we support.
- To dream that we throw in the towel signifies a failure probably because of our lack of courage and bravery. This dream advises us strive for our purposes.
- If we dream we are to the mat ( In a fight) and the referee begins to count and we could not get up, it means failure, but if we get up before the countdown ends , it means we still have chances to win.
- If in our waking life, the day before a boxing match we've been looking forward to, or if we were during the broadcast of the fight asleep and dream for a moment:
• We knock out a young man, it means that the fighter who support (which we hope to win), win the fight. But if we dream that a young man knocks us means, that the fighter who we support, lose the fight.
• If we dream that the boxing match is decided by knock out, means that the fight will be decided by unanimous decision. But if we dream that the fight is decided by unanimous decision means that will be decided by knockout.

Box of pencils:
This dream tells us that soon we will have a surprise, if in addition to seeing the case, projecting a certain color then the meaning of color can help us to know if this is a good surprise or bad, for example, if the color to projecting is the black means an unpleasant surprise.

Box seats:
If we observe the scene well, the message will be the meaning of the things that appear in it, but if we only see ourselves as spectators, it means: that we are being too timid or distrustful.

Boxer shorts:
- If a woman dreams of boxers, means desire for sex.
- If a man dreams about boxers, shyness means, and or fears about sex.

The boxes in our dreams usually mean good fortune, at least that is filled with something that has a bad meaning or that we see that is empty.
- If it is EMPTY, it means poverty.
- If we see a FULL BOX, means prosperity and good fortune, unless it is full of something that has a bad meaning.

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Boxing bag:
If in the dream we see a boxing bag, it means that we must prepare well for a certain battle (Legal, sports, for love...).


- If in our dream we see a woman wearing a bra or corset, means there may be discussions in marriage.
- If we see a man using bra, may mean that we may suffer the impositions of someone.
- If a woman dreams of wearing a thin blouse and note that flashes her breasts because he forgot to wear bra and even if people look bad; means, discussions on the marriage of a close person.
- If a woman dreams that her bra is stained, means marriage discussions, or with your partner because of something that has to do with sex or with your reputation.

The bracelet is a symbol of continuity while it protects and insulates.
- If we see a bracelet with precious stones, the meaning of the stone is attached to the bracelet.
- If a bracelet breaks announces the breakdown of the marriage.
- Losing a bracelet predicts disputes against the person who gave us the bracelet.
- If we put the bracelet to another person indicated our desire to dominate her(him).

- To dram about braces relates to our appearance.
- If we dream that we break or damage the braces, means that we are concerned about our appearance or we are uncomfortable with some of our appearance.

This sign says we should be careful about scams.

- If in our dream we are bragging about something, it means that in reality, we want to have or achieve that of which we boast in the dream.
- If we dream that we boast that we know martial arts, it means we want to fight well (Fight or estruggle of any kind, as our current situation), but there is something we are missing, such as prudence, practice more, study more, or make a better strategy.

Brahma is one of the names of God, and dream about him, means the same thing: God >>

It means that we must think things better, or make a better strategy.
- To dream that someone wants to brainwash (Expression), tells us to be more suspicious and cautious, at least we want them to deprive us of what is ours by right.
- If we dream we eat brains or a dish containing brain tells us that we are acting with intelligence, that is, we are doing well.
- If we eat brains and someone says it's cheese brain, means that continue to act with intelligence can help us achieve sufficient resources to look to the future with confidence.
- To dream about we are inside our brains watching old memories, means that there are important things that we should not forget. But we also see foam, means there is something important that we should not forget, in addition to being more cautious in the future.

- If we dream that we eat brains or some dish that contains brains, it means that we are acting intelligently, that is, it tells us that we are doing well.
- If we eat brains and someone tells us that it is brains cheese, it means that continuing to act intelligently can help us to reach sufficient resources to contemplate the future with serenity.
- If we dream that we eat brains, and the most noticeable thing about the dream is that the brains are more pink than normal, it tells us that a new love together with continuing to act with intelligence, can bring us good luck and/or help us achieve what that we want.
- To dream that we are inside our brain seeing old memories, means that there are important things that we should not forget. But if we also see foam, it means that there is something important that we should not forget, in addition to being more prudent in the future.

- To dream that we are wearing a shirt, or any other garment of a pirate or imitation brand, means that we can suffer an embarrassment or a humiliation.
- If we dream of a blue car and notice that that car lacks the logos and names of the brand, it means that we have freed ourselves of the dominion that some people had About us; And if it is a beautiful and expensive car, in addition to the above, tells us that people see us with respect.
- If we dream that we wear a pans brand Puma or brand Tiger, and we notice that the logo embroidered or stuck in the pans (The logo with the shape of a puma or tiger), is broken or worn, means that we are lacking courage and Determination in something, which also can make us look bad to others.

Bray, Heehaw:
This dream tells us of probable unpleasant news, or annoying rumors.

Breach of confidence/ Breach of trust:
- If in our dream we see our brother abusing our trust, means that we must be careful with, because it can cause a long family conflict.
- If a shopkeeper in our sleep, try to abuse our trust, means that we must beware of a delicate matter. This dream we are advised to take things calmly and analyze the situation before attempting to stop.

Bread :
- If ever we were poor, or have spent days of need, and in our sleep we are looking for bread, means that we are afraid to see us in misery. But if we have never had a major economic necessity means that are afraid of something related to the moral or with the psychic.
- If we dream that is being developed or baking bread, it means that we have confidence in ourselves, unless the loaf comes out wrong, in this case means that we lack confidence in ourselves and in our abilities.

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Bread roll:
- If in the dream we see fresh bread rolls, means promising developments.
- If we dream a hard bread roll (Old bread roll) means money difficulties.
- If we dream of a bread roll (In good condition) with cream, augurs lucky financially.
- If we see an cold bread roll (Cold but not yet become hard) represent unpromising things.
- And if we look bread rolls in a toilet, the dream tells us that it is best not to care in a unpromising business.

If a man dreams of a bread basket with glazed donuts and glazed croissants, it means that he has several options in love, but it is important that he choose well, since there are girls who suit him and others who do not, for the reason that they are people unfaithful and/or unreliable.

The things break in our dreams, most of the time tells us that we have released which means that what we break, but sometimes it happens that we break it has a good meaning, in which case tells us that we are losing what it means to we break.
- If in a dream, we are BREAKING A FENCE, means that we wish things to change and so free from something that gives us constant tension.
- To dream that we break DOCUMENTS, promises forgotten and forgiven of the mistakes we made.
- Dreaming about BREAKS A GLASS FULL OF WATER and it spreads along the ground indicates the loss of a love.
- If someone of the opposite sex, tells that we broke her(his) HEART, means that we have freed of a commitment or a love that was not profitable. Can also mean that there is a risk that we badly-someone who love, a family member, friend, partner, girlfriend, etc.
- If we break a NECKLACE means our liberation of another person.

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Break down:
- To dream about a computer that is break down, means that we get to have some problems in our work.
- To dream about only with the computer monitor that is off and break down, means there is a danger that happen a disgrace and between larger the monitor, the greater the danger, which advises us to be cautious and get us an amulet protection.
- To dream about a television that is off and break down means the same as above.
- To dream about a broken radio, augurs problems.
- To dream that something works well but suddenly break down, it means that we have little confidence in ourselves.

- If breakfast is nice to eat indicates promising developments and whether they are bitter anguish and loneliness.
- The taste very strong, affronts.
- Very hot nervousness, and very cold discomfort health.
- Cooking breakfast, family agreement.
- If breakfast something we do not like or eat it with difficulty, means that soon we will have to face some unpleasant circumstances or rough, but if instead we eat something natural and good, means we are going well, because we take our experiences well.
- If the food is complicated, it is because our life is too complicated or tend to complicate things.
- If we are eating alone, means sadness and loneliness, or we will be depressed, if instead eat unaccompanied, means we have good amistada with others.
- If we are eating sweets, means luck in love.
- If we steal some breakfast, or someone tells us the price, breakfast, tells us that we are being too sentimental.

This dream tells us that it is very likely that we will have to go through days of grief or problems within our family, neighbors, work or friends.

Break-up, sentimentally:
To dream of a sentimental breakup, means that we must avoid situations that can lead us to a breakup with our girlfriend or girlfriend.

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Breasts are a sign of devotion to motherhood and children, so it is associated with the side of good, the offering, privacy and protection, provided that in sleep we felt that kind of feeling.
In terms of appearance, through history, large breasts look good, have always represented strength, fertility, attractiveness, safety and power, and while a very small breasts and unsightly represent otherwise.

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Advertise a possible motherhood.
- If a woman dreams of having a baby and breastfeeding it represents the desire to have a baby or at least a new brother (And according to the case, if you have the perfect partner and the right time is no problem, but if not it's best to wait a while).

Announces a possible maternity.

- Losing your breath indicates troubles. can also mean that we are going through times of moral fatigue, or exhaustion of the difficulties, which tells us that we must not lose hope and it is important to continue to strive to achieve our goals.
- Catch your breath indicates that safety in our decisions.
- Having bad breath (Sting breath) indicates jealousy.
- Having good breath indicates confidence.
- If we dream that a demon or a shadow, takes the form of an animal, and tries to suck the breath, this is, tries to absorb our vital energy (morph demon that can take any shape to try to confuse and then suck breath) means that there is an evil spirit that is bothering us in dreams and trying to feed on our fears, in this case, the first thing to consider is that, for example: If the shadow convert in a dog or a cat, does not mean that dogs and cats are bad, only that it take this way to try to confuse us, since in fact one of the best protections against such psychic disturbance is a picture of our pets or goddess Bastet, the goddess who is depicted as a woman with a cat's head (who is actually in charge of archangel scare away evil beings).
And it is noteworthy that the dreams of morphs, occur when there is an excess of bad feelings all around.

- If we dream that we finally have a breather, it means that we have got rid of a difficulty, but at the same time it advises us to be more careful next time.

- If we have a nightmare and awakening we can´t breathe well, it is because a spirit of the underworld is disturbing us. In this case, the ideal is to pray before bed.
- To dream that we can breathe under water, it means that we would like to, not to have to make important decisions or have responsibilities.

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Breathing, rescue:
- If we dream that we give rescue breathing, to someone and we manage to save him, it means that we are well prepared to save the situation.

- If we see a CALVING RAT, means that we have an enemy who is carrying out a plan or a ploy to try to steal something important or trying to harm us in any way.
- If we dream that our pet EATS THEIR BREEDINGS, means that we are being too interested or that we are not taking good care of our family or our friends.
- If we dream that our pet had breedings but we HIDE THEM so that our parentswe do not remove means that we are afraid that our friendships or our new love; he will not please our parents or our circle of friends.
- To dream that our PET HAS breedings or puppies, and noticed that one of them is very thin or skinny it means that we must reinforce a point in our relationship of love or friendship. It also means that we can not overlook one of our family or friends.

Breeds, dog:
Sometimes we meet someone who has some special feature that distinguishes it from most of the people they know, such as hair, so that if in our dream we see a dog of a particular breed, which bears some resemblance to the person you know, such as their hair, says that dream is related to that person, and in most cases we are told that it is a loyal and in whom we can trust.

This dream tells us that our ambitions will be realized - A small breeze means peace, and the same means a scented breeze.

- If in our dream someone asks for a bribe and we give it, it means we think we're above the law. But if we refuse to give bribe, means that we are respectful of the law.
- To dream that someone gives us a bribe means that we are being too influenced.

To dream about bricks represents our desire to build something. It can also symbolize the parts, elements, or sections of a project.

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- If in our dream we see a bride that means we can soon find someone to marry and we'll be lucky financially.
- If we dream that we tried a wedding dress means that a relative or friend recently died; sometimes it is someone we have not seen in a while.
- To dream that we tried a bride dress, made of white paper, means that any time a family member or friend left this world does, but we should not worry because already in Heaven. This dream is a message that friend or family member, who says that is already good.
- To dream that we are invited to a wedding, means that a friend has died, may also cared for the death of a friend we have not seen in a while.
- Being invited or attend a family wedding, means the same as above.

- If a woman dreams of being a bridesmaid at a wedding, means that recently left this world a friend or a relative.

This sign represents the possibility of overcoming the problems.
- If we try to cross but we stop in the middle and there we see a BLIND PERSON, tells us that we are neglecting an important detail, which advises us to pay more attention to what we do and not become complacent.
- If we CROSSED, is that everything will be fine.

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- If we dream of a briefcase that is very FULL, the dream tells us that we have too much work, so it advises us to find a way to change our rhythm of life.
- If we dream that we LOSE a briefcase, it means we have little chance of success.

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This dream is related to a disappointing love life.
- To dream a briefs of our same sex means: Shyness, if we are men, and in the case of women, it means the same, but it can also mean: Fear of sex or motherhood.
- If in our dream we see our, dirty underwear, tells us to be more responsible in the intimate.

- To dream about shiny new things, tells us that we will have a promising future. In this case it is advisable to consult the meaning of the shiny new thing to have more details.
- If we dream of gold coins, means we have a promising future, and if the coins also are shiny, it means that our future will be bright (Very good).

Brightness (From: The brightness of a monitor):
- If in the dream we see the monitor of our computer, but we note that the adjustment buttons, color, brightness, contrast, position, etc., are on the left side and also on the screen we see a sign that says, we use sunglasses means that there is something we are doing wrong and can damage our sight, this dream advise us to do things in a more easy and practical way, so that our sight is not affected (Less physical work and more smart work).

- Means: Happy prospects of realization for our projects.
- Dream a utensil with missing bristles, means that we have a project or an issue that is a bit difficult to resolve or perform.

Broad bean:
To dream of broad beans is the best omen that who may yearn to have a child because it guarantees them the next arrival.

- If a child dreams that will not eat because the food contains broccoli, and it happens that he does not like that vegetable, it is a tip that tells him to be more obey their parents because they love him and do everything for his sake.

- If we dream of a gold or silver broch, it means that we will soon have some Divine help.

Its meaning is related to the type of information containing, for example, if it is propaganda, then, we must seek the meaning of propaganda; whether it is an offer, meaning bid .....
- If we dream that we are facing the house of someone we know, and that someone gives us political propaganda means that there is a danger not get to see fulfilled our wishes because of that someone who we know.

- To dream of something broken, means that we have got rid of what is broken, or of its meaning, in which case it is convenient to look for the meaning of that is broken, in this same dictionary.
- But if what we see broken in our dream has a good meaning, then it means the opposite, for example: If we dream of sweeping it means that we will soon see our problems resolved according to our wishes; but if we dream that we are sweeping with a broken broom it means that we have a problem that we have not managed to solve according to our wishes.

Brokerage House:
To dream about a broker-dealer, means that our business can be compromised by risky decisions so we must analyze the situation well.

- If we see a broom BECOMES A CANE, means marriage problems.
- Dreaming one WITHOUT BRISTLES broom means we have a project or an issue that is a little difficult to resolve or perform.
- To dream that we FLY ON A BROOM as do tales of witches, means that we want to reach a higher spiritual level, because we have not achieved our desires.
- If we are SWEEP WITH A BROKEN BROOM, tells us we have a problem we have not solved. But if the dream we see someone we know with a broken broom sweep, then it means that that person has a problem that has not solved.
- If we sweep in the MIDDLE OF THE STREET it means shyness.

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- If in our dream drink broth, means that we will have happiness at home.
- To dream about a cold-medium broth (Such as when it is cold because it means we do not take in time and almost is completely cooled), means lost opportunities.

- To dream that you are in a brothel means we want to improve our relationships.

Brother and Sister:
Our brothers and sisters in dreams, in most cases are a reflection of ourselves, and in this case, no matter whether of the same sex or the opposite sex.
- If in our dream we see DIE our brother(sister), the dream tells us that something can end badly.
- What we see in dreams DO OUR BROTHER OR SISTER is like seeing ourselves so that we can see through them our fears, desires, emotions, what happens to us, so... (Although there are some exceptions).

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Brother in law:
This sign tells us that the family interests may cause long conflict.
- If dreams we see our brother in law abusing our trust, means we must be careful with him, because it can cause us a long family conflict.
- If we are married and we dream that our brother in law kills one of our brothers, it is a tip that tells us to be careful with that person, as he tried to separate us from our wife(husband).
- If we dream that we discussed with our brother in law, it means potential conflicts with that person. This dream advises us not to be angry too.
- To dream that our brother in law is the neighborhood assembly (Organization that defends tenants, but most often dishonestly) represents a person who wants home without costing, for example, a parasite or an opportunist.
- If we dream that our brother in law leaves a mess in our room, it means that we will have to endure the discomfort of an aggressive person or by our own brother in law.

If in our dream we see a freshly prepared brownie, augurs prosperity and happiness in our family.

Bruises represent something that hurts us and makes us angry.
- To dream that we have a bruise on the abdomen means that there is something that angers and hurts us, and the same thing means if we see one of our brothers with a bruise on his abdomen.

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- If in our dream we see an actress or actor, and we notice that she is brunette or swarthy, but in real life (Daytime) she is another skin color, it means that the dream has to do with someone we know and who is brunette, but that has a similarity with the actress or actor of our dream, (Even with one of the personages who has interpreted); And it is related to the meaning of the other things and details that we see in the dream.

- To dream about a HAIRBRUSH, means dependency or subjection to something or someone.
- To dream about a SOFT WASHING BRUSH, means the same as above.
- To dream about a BRUSH SHOWERD means we depend on someone either economically or emotionally.
- To dream about a many TOOTHBRUSH means it is good to pay attention to our oral health.

- Commit, means we can offend a person.
- Suffer, it means that someone will commit an injustice against us.

Bubble gum:
- To dream about we CHEW a bubble gum, means there is something that we are being dishonest.
- If in our dream we see a pack of bubble gum that is EMPTY, tells us that we are not being dishonest, that is, we are doing well.
- If we dream it we STUCK bubblegum on our clothing (A bubble gum that someone leave in the seat in where we sat); portends unpleasant situations because of dishonesty and malice of someone.
- To dream that, we have a STUCK BUBBLE GUN IN OUR HAIR is a complicated situation and if the gum is red or pink, it means we have a complicated love.
- To dream about we BUY a green bubble gum, means likely difficulties because of our immature attitude.

Bubble plastic/Bubble wrap:
Bubble wrap is a protection.
- If we see an oil stain on the floor of our house, but above it we see bubble wrap covering means that we are protected from witchcraft and envious persons, that is, tells us that they did not achieve harm us.

- It tells us that we may suffer disappointments in business.
- Dreaming that we are on the edge of a lake and see how bubbles spring waters, means we can related disappointments business and love, or that have suffered recently.
- If we dream that we open a door and see a lot of bubbles, it means that we can suffer disappointments in love affairs or work.
- If we dream with bubble wrap represents protection, for example: If we see an oil stain on the floor of our house, but above it we see bubble wrap covering it, means that we are protected from witchcraft and envious persons, means they failed to do us harm.

- See a bucket, predicts surprising news.
- Ber an empty bucket, portends disappointments nearby.
- If the bucket contains dirty water, warns that there may be problems or family troubles.
- If it contains clean water, it means there will be happiness and harmony in the family.
- To dream that someone asks us to let him fill his bucket with water, because at your home it is no water, it means that there is someone who needs our help.

Represent one of the good prophets sent by God, as Buddha taught the right way to people and never said he was God but taught that everything obeys the Law of Karma, which is God.
- Dreaming Buddha means that our problems will soon end. But if it is sad or angry, it means that something is wrong, we must analyze our actions well.
- Dreaming of a talisman or amulet, a robust Buddha, means we have an increase in goods and good health.

- If we dream that we catch a budgerigar, and we put it in a cage, it means good luck in the affairs of love.

- This dream warns us that we must act very carefully before making any decision or making a commitment.
- To dream that someone tells us that there is no budget for a certain thing, means that it would be very difficult to achieve that which means the thing for which there is no budget.

- It symbolizes the sacrifice, patience, work and strength.
- If we see the buffalo, glossy and with good antler predicts abundance of material goods.
- If we see a buffalo without horns, means poverty.
- If the buffalo is furious disease.
- If we see the buffalo sleeping or thin, poverty.
- Dead, misery and misfortune.
- If in the dream we see a buffalo or ox even very small but with large horns (Horns large in proportion to its size), means that only through patience and hard work will achieve what we want.

Bug-killing racket:
- Dreaming about a bug-killing racket means that we need to avoid some annoying people or prevent certain unreliable people from getting into our business. And if it has the figure of lightning in it, it means that we have the ability to do a certain thing, without needing to ask some annoying people for help.

- If we're terrified, tells us that we are tied to childhood fears and guilt complexes.

- It means that events will be favorable to us.
- To dream that we build a house on top of a mountain, augurs favorable events, and tells us that we will attain a higher spiritual level.

The buildings in dreams represent our projects.
- A building or a place CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC, represents something or someone that is not available.
- If we live in a city and in our dream we see a building we know and we know that is one of the five HIGHEST OF OUR CITY represent the cosmic pillar means success or simply that all is well in our projects.

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This sign in most cases is related to our family relationships and in some cases with a new project.

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bulging eyes:
- If in the dream we see someone with bulging eyes, it means that someone is watching us or is aware of what we are doing.

Represents our instinctive and wild forces, both destructive and creative.
- If we see a massive and aggressive bull means that we have a great creative energy and creative.
- If we see a bull chasing us, it means that our instincts are about to explode.

- If it is a bulldozer, represents hard work, but if you try to hit someone or to destroy something with it, is intended to achieve something using brute force or by means of an injustice.
If we dream that someone is trying to run us over with a bulldozer , it means that someone who has ill will and is trying to commit injustice against us, and if he can run us over, tells us that the danger that aims to achieve even greater. In any case, the dream advises us away from dangerous situations, unreliable business, loves light and all that we can put at risk.

- The bullets represent evil thoughts, (Unless they are of a special material).
- If you dream of titanium bullets, tells us that we must act firmly and decisively, even though they might think that we are being bad.
- If you dream of titanium bullets, then, tells us that we must act firmly and decisively, Even though they might think that we are being bad.
- If in the dream just see silver bullets, bringing good luck and a quick solution to a difficult problem.
- If you shoot or shoot us, see: Shot

- Dreaming of a bully, says it is likely that we will be used without we realize it.
- To dream that a bully is bothering us, it means that someone trying to manipulate and provoke problems, meddling in our affairs, which advises us not allow it.

- If we dream that we are victims of bullying or harassment, tells us that someone feels harassed by us, which advises us to be more considerate of others.
- If we dream that we practice the bullying, it means that we are suffering from bullying or harassment of any kind, which advises us to seek help, or turn away from risk, depending on the case.

- If what we see in the dream is unpleasant, portends fights and disappointments. It could also represent someone hostile.
- If a man sees in his dream the bum of a woman and the dream is sensual, it represents happiness.
- If a man sees in his dream the bum of his wife, it means prosperity.
- If a man dreams of a woman showing her ass, but then she covers her ass with her hand, it means that can have some obstacles to achieving happiness or what is proposed.

We say someone tries to harm us; but if we kill the bumblebee in our dream, tells us that easily discover their traps.

This dream tells us, do not be fooled by our acquaintances.

- If in our dream we see cars with a bigger and stronger bumpers means that our enemies are preparing to defend themselves or to counterattack.

- If we dream that we begin to leave many bumps on the NOSE, it tells us that we should not be dishonest.
- If we dream that leaves us a pimple on the part that is BETWEEN THE NOSE AND MOUTH, especially if is black, tells us that we should not say rude things or they can hurt others.

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Bungee jumping:
If in our dream bungee jump means that something is about to change in us, whether some of our personality or the way we see the world, which can be good or bad depending on the meaning of the other things we see in our dream.

Bunk Bed:
This dream tells us that we should not be lazy or passive.

- To dream about a bunny represents the opportunity to meet interesting people of the opposite sex, with the possibility of getting married and having children.

Bureau (From: The bureau standing on one side of the bed):
If we see a bureau away from the bed, in poor condition, with number six, broken, or a broken lamp, means bad luck in love.

- To dream about an arbitrary or inefficient bureaucrat or means trouble and delays.

- If we dream that they bury someone portends victory over our enemies.
- If someone buries us alive shows that someone does his best to hurt us.
- If they bury us dead portends a long and happy life along with an increase in our assets.
- If we dream we see a relative buried in the bathroom, that means the family is in danger, and it is because something is not right (Referring to a nearby danger from a possible revenge or attacks by dishonest people or vindictive).

In this case the first is to see the meaning of what you burn, and if you have a bad meaning, tells us that end up with a problem, but if you burn has a good meaning means bad luck.

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This dream tells us that there may be fights and discussions.
But if someone makes us a burn, then it means that there is someone who is making us look bad before others.

This dream warns us of constraints that will arise in the execution of our business.

Burying means ending something, for example: if we are burying an animal, the meaning is related to the meaning of the type of animal, and if we bury a canary, meant that we have ended or will end with love. In the case of an object, the same meaning, be related to the object, for example, if we bury a salad, it means that we are not interested to lead a healthy and moderate life, which advises us to change our attitude.
- If we do not distinguish what buried predicts a radical change in our life.
- Bury poop, it means bad luck financially.

Indicates a change in our lives, but we do alone, but surrounded by everyone we know.
- Up to a crowded bus reflects the need for relationships with others.
- If the bus is empty signals our timidity.

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Bus stop:
- If we wait in the bus stop, it means that we have some doubts.
- And everything we see happening in the bus stop, is a warning of that awaits us.
- If the transport does not arrive, it means that we can have obstacles to achieve a new direction in our real life.
- If everything happens without problems, it means that everything will be fine for us.
- If in the dream we arrive at the bus stop or similar and we see the transport arriving and passengers coming down, it means that the message is related to a recent change or to an upcoming change.

- If in our day life we have a business, and we dream that being there we feel BAD VIBES, it means that someone has ill will to our business. That advises us to keep it well cleaned and not stop being optimistic.
- If in our dream we see the business of someone we know and we notice that there is an EMPTY or unoccupied SPACE in that business (For example, that there is an unoccupied space between all the shelves), it means that it is very likely that person known to have a job for us in your business or in one of its branches.

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Business meeting:
To dream that we are in a business meeting it means that we must analyze well our current situation.

Businessman (Business owner):
This dream tells us that there is a danger that our hopes will not come to see made.

- To dream about a busybody, it represents someone who is ruining all or that it is an obstacle in our affairs.

- If we see it, it means that our projects will be made.
- If we see it broken, tells us that our projects can fail.

The butcher represents a person who tries to harm us, that is, the dream tells us that there is a person who tries to harm us.

Butcher's shop:
It tells us that a disaster is coming.

Butt (Of a weapon):
- See the butt of a gun announces oppositions and rivalries.

Seeing butter in our dream means good fortune in money matters. The more butter we dream, the greater our fortune will be.
- If in dreams, we see ourselves eating butter, means wealth and a good surprise.
- If we see ourselves beating butter, it means a birth or we will receive an inheritance.

Generally represents the soul or transformation.
-- Butterflies can also announce that we are changing, either materially or spiritually, in this case it is a change for the better.
-- To dream of a COIN with the image of a butterfly, tells us that we are reaching a higher spiritual level, which will bring benefits.

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- To dream that we KICKED A YOUNG MAN in the buttocks means that we have given a blow to one of our enemies (Such as having won a major battle). But if in addition to kicking we see he naked then means that we have managed to decipher the intentions of an enemy, and if we kick someone who we know, the meaning applies to that person.
- If in the dream are present acts of sexual depravity then it is because our sex life is difficult or because someone is repressing us too.

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Button (To activate something):
- If wee dream that we press a button and does not work, the dream tells us that something is wrong in our affairs. This dream advises us analyze the situation well.
- But what does not work is the button of an elevator and does not work, the dream tells us that something is wrong in our work. This dream advises us analyze the situation well.
- If we dream that we press a button and it works perfectly, it means that all is well, and we are doing things right.
- If in the dream we see the monitor of our computer, but we note that the adjustment buttons, color, brightness, contrast, position, etc., are on the left side and also on the screen we see a sign that says, we should use sunglasses, means there is something we are doing wrong and can damage our view, this dream advise us to do things in a more easy and practical way, so that our view is not affected (Less physical work and more intelligent work).

Buttons (Buttons for clothes):
- Losing a button, it means loss of money.
- If we sew predicts happiness in the home.
- If the buttons are of metal presage invitations.
- Of gold or silver, excessive spending trend.
- Of Wooden, success after much work.
- Of nacre, travel or unexpected pleasures.
- If the button is fabric lined warns us for us to monitor our health.

- To dream that you wish to buy a red shirt with the logo of a horse, tells us to work harder to achieve win a major battle, at least in the dream buy the shirt, as then it means that you have the means and courage to win the battle.

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Buy in installments:
- If we dream that we buy in installments, it means that there is a risk that we will have difficulties in the future.


.. .. Ba .. Be .. Bi .. Bl-Bm .. Bo-Bu