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.. Ta .. Te-Ti .. To .. Tr-Tz ..

Dreams: Ta

- To dream of a capital T, it means that there is something that is not right in our affairs, which advises us to review the situation well to avoid future errors, the same means if we see a key or a file number that ends with T, for example: "3116T". (The capital T is a bad sign because it is similar to an old sign associated with evil.).

This sign usually has to do with family relationships. But sometimes it also has to do with our fortune, for example if we see fresh bread on the table or fresh tortillas, means we will have good fortune thanks to the confidence we have in ourselves; but if we dream that something was on the table falls to the floor, represents what we may lose and is related to the meaning of the thing to falls.
- If in the dream we see that on the table there TORTILLAS (THIN CORN) wrapped in a cloth napkin and then fall to the floor, tells us that if we keep doing what we know is wrong, we will soon have troubles and lost money.
- If the table is BREAKS OR IS DAMAGED, tells us that there is a danger that the union and harmony of our family harm.
- If in our dream we see that there is a CUP on the table and turns to fall sediment from ground beans with the coffee (On the table) was elaborated, means we have the ability to change things (Change the future), in this case we suggest to do, that we know can help us change things.
- If we dream of a rude DOG that goes up to the table to try to eat whatever is there, represents someone who wants to marry us, but also tells us that does not suit us at all.
- If we see a table EMPTY means that lack unity and communication in our family.

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- A white and pretty tablecloth, on the table, augurs prosperity in the home.
- A stained or bad-looking tablecloth means problems we could have avoided.

Table dance:
- To dream that we are in a nightclub table dance or adult entertainment, means sexual desires.

Tables text:
- If we look at tables or cells, tells us to organize our information (fill out, send some information or something related to certain information).

- If we dream that we carry a tablet in our hand, and one of the things we remember the most is that it did not have its screen protector, it means that there is a danger, but it is in our hands to be able to avoid it.
- If we dream that we put our tablet in the water (A tablet that is not waterproof), and then someone takes it out of the water, but tells us that it will no longer work, it means that we must avoid doing reckless things or things that we know they won't turn out well.
- If we dream that we are in school and that we have a tablet, but that it only has 25% battery (Which is running out of charge), it means that we must make more effort in our studies.

Aspirins, lozenges, pills or tablets, which are used as medicines, are associated with helping our health or our soul.

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If you dream that something is taboo, it means that there is a danger, which we are advised to be prepared or simply not to risk too.

- If we dream that we tackle someone during a football game, or see how the player we support tackles an opponent, it means that we have our enemies under control.

- If we dream that we eat some well prepared tacos with a pleasant taste, it means promising events.

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- If we dream that we are talking on the phone with our girlfriend (boyfriend) or ex, and suddenly she/he somehow causes static to be heard, as a tactic to not talk to us, it means that she/he is angry with us for some unclear reason.

- If in our dream we see tadpoles, it means that we have not yet managed to develop our full potential; It can also refer to a project, which has not yet achieved its full potential. This dream tells us that we are doing well but we still need to do more.

- If you dream you are training or practicing tae-kwon-do, means that we must prepare for an important event.
- If we dream that we are fighting and we win, it means that we will succeed, but if we lose, it means failure.

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This dream could indicate several things, according as this, for example, if we are placing a tag to a package, warns us that we will have good news, but if the paste into an object, warns us that we incidentals.

This dream advises us confront difficulties directly and decisively, it can mean that we must rely on our experience and cope with problems.

This dream advises us confront difficulties directly and decisively, it can mean that we must rely on our experience and cope with problems.

- If it is the tail of an animal, means that we end up with a delicate matter.

It augurs us prosperity and good fortune.

Take down:
Means ingratitude, disloyalty, selfishness or misunderstanding in our environment.

It tells us that new conditions lead to our hopes to fruitful projects.
- To dream that we boarded a plane that does take off, but then lands immediately, without that we can begin the travel, means that in order to start a project we need more self-confidence and greater determination.

Take out:
- If a married woman dreams that her house is full of cat, but her husband takes them out, and the cats even meow when he makes them, it means that there is a woman who has been trying to make her husband fall in love, but he has remained faithful to despite everything.

Talcum powder:
This dream means health problems may also mean: harsh words, to people around them.
- If in our dream we see someone we know with crooked teeth and with talcum on their face (and even more so if in the dream their face appears suddenly), it means that we must be careful with that person, since it is of someone dishonest who also often resorts to witchcraft to harm those who do not like him.

- If we dream that we have talent for something, it means that we will have good luck in our work thanks to our creativity and good work.
But if in our daily life we are about to carry out a certain project and we dream that we have the talent to do it well (To do that particular project or job well), then it means the opposite, that is, that we do not have enough talent, for the reason that we lack experience; On the other hand, if we are about to carry out a certain project and we dream that we do not have the talent, it means that we do have it.

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Tales/Children's Stories:
It means that we will live peaceful moments of happiness with our family. Quiet and repose.

In this case, we first note that the amulets are those that protect us from evil and talismans are for something specific, such as: love, money, justice, labor, etc. Another important thing is that for example, many of the talismans that are used today, were seen in a dream, and then made exactly that way, because sometimes the angels show us how to make a talisman to help us, for example when we have a difficult problem and in our dream we see a talisman related to what we need.
As for its meaning, see a talisman or amulets we predict a comfort or protection, especially if it is an amulet. But in the case of talismans, sometimes the meaning is related to the type of talisman that is, and here we mention the most common:
- If in our dream we see one of our amulets or religious images, BADLY PUT tells us to put it right or leave it in the right place.
- If we dream of the amulet is the BASTET HEAD (The head of a black cat with gold earrings), means that our house is well protected.
- If we dream we put a talisman WITHIN A FRESHLY BREAD means that we have confidence in ourselves, plus we have special protection, and if the talisman has the image of a good Being means that we should be relying on that Being, because it is close to us.

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- If in our dream we chat or talk with someone, we can find the meaning of those words, to understand the meaning of the dream, for example if we say the word God, then we must seek its meaning, which in this case is peace in the soul or too much security.
- If it is a prophetic dream, as when we follow the instructions to have a prophetic dream (see: Types of Dreams), and then we dream conversation with a stranger, it may be an angel who is giving us a tip, by what we should pay attention to what he says.
- To dream of a talking ANIMAL means that we have a special talent for deciphering the intentions of others, or for understanding people.
- If we dream that we are talking about something with someone, and that NO CHANGE OF TOPIC or he(she) does not change the subject, means that it is time to change the subject (which should stop insisting on a certain matter).
- But if CHANGE OF SUBJECT immediately or the other person changes the subject immediately, means that we should not insist on a certain topic that is important to clarify or resolve.

Talking, sleep:
Sleep talking can have several causes, either because we have not been able to rest enough, because there is a situation that is causing us anxiety, among others. The fact is that on some occasions it can cause problems between some couples, such as when the sleeper mentions the name of an ex, however, that does not mean that there is an infidelity problem, so it should be interpreted the same. than a normal dream. So in most cases it denotes dissatisfaction, or some annoyance from her/him towards us, so we must make sure that everything goes well, otherwise we could have problems in the future.

- To dream that we are taller than in our waking life, means success.
- If we dream that we are in a room and there we see attractive people of the opposite sex and we want to kiss or caress them, but they are so high that we can’t reach them, represents certain people that are not in our power, for example, because they are married.

- If we see someone we know wearing a tallit, it means that person has some customs different from ours (In the sense that sometimes he behaves strangely, but it is not because he is a bad person, but simply because he has some customs different from ours).

It means success. But if we see a container with sebum break, it means: Disgrace.

- If on some occasion we have been poor, or have spent days of need, and in our dream we see ourselves looking for a tamale, it means that we are afraid of seeing ourselves in misery. But if we have never had an important economic need, it means that we fear something related to the moral, or to the psychic.
- If we dream that a tamale is being prepared or cooked, it means that we have confidence in ourselves, unless the tamale comes out wrong, in that case it means that we lack confidence in ourselves and in our abilities.

- If in our dream we taste a tamarind-flavored ice cream, besides being a very pleasant flavor, it represents pleasures and is related to love and sensuality.

- This dream portends success and triumph but of short duration.
- If this dream as a child or teenager has reflected the desire to age-appropriate adventures.
- If we are going through a difficult time in our lives the dream may reflect the need to dominate internal contradictory passions.
- If we dream that we tame a lion, tells us that we have enough strength and courage to achieve our goals.

- This dream tells us that we will receive bad news that will be communicated to us by an influential person who acts on behalf of an official body.
- But if we dream of a tampon with blood or menstruation, it means that there are documents, or something that can prevent an official body from violating our rights.

- If in our dream we see a tangerines in good condition, it augurs love and marriage, which also promises us a happy family.
- If we see a tree of tangerines in bad condition or tangerines in poor condition, means: Loves that go away or that we do not know to take advantage of.
- To dream that we drink tangerine juice, augurs the end of our problems and tells us that we will have abundance and prosperity.
- To dream that we are making a tangerine juice, and suddenly we fall and the juice is spilled, it means that health problems are approaching.
- To dream that we eat tangerine seeds, augurs the end of our problems and tells us that we will have abundance and prosperity.

If in our dream we see things tangled, or us the tangled, it means confusion, in this case they should also inquire the meaning of the things we see tangled and that confusion is related to this, for example, if we see our hair tangled means that our ideas or thoughts are confused, which advises us to analyze things right. (hair is related to our thoughts).

- If in our dream we see or drive a tank, it means that we feel threatened by something.

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Tanker truck:
If the tank truck is full, it represents prosperity. But if we see it empty, it represents deficiencies.

Tap water:
- If we dream that the tap water is open and is wasting the liquid, it means economic hardship or loss of money.
- If in our dream we see cockroaches coming out of the tap, it means it is likely to soon get to have some money troubles because of a despicable person such as a swindler or a dishonest judge.

by letter.

- If in our dream we see tape means that we must be cautious, and fix what this wrong or what we are doing wrong.
- If in our dream we see a piece of silver tape, stuck up our door, it means that we have a good protection, but still we must not be reckless.

Tapeworm (Intestinal worm):
To dream about tapeworms, it means that there is a danger that we will be oppressed or harmed by people of dubious reputation.
It can also mean that someone is taking advantage of us without giving anything in return.
- If we dream that there is a hole or space inside the wall (Like a kind of bubble), and upon discovering it, we realize that there is an intestinal worm there, it means that there is someone who is taking advantage of us in some way and on top everything is hurting us.

Tape Measure:
- To dream of a tape measure means that we must ensure that everything is correct, since it is possible that someone is evaluating us.

Target shooting:
- If in our dream we see a target, means that we will succeed in our projects.

It represents something that we have not managed to achieve or correct despite having been trying for a long time and repeatedly.

- Dreaming with windows or crystals tarnished by the rain augurs betrayal and deception.

This dream tells us that we must be cautious and thoughtful regarding certain decisions that we must make.
- Dreaming of the CHARIOT card represents constant travel, or that we will soon take a trip.

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- If in our dream we see a door covered with a black tarp, means that we still have to do something to achieve a definitive solution, because before we solve some problems.

- If we dream that we have tartar on our teeth, it means that our affairs are not going quite well. It can also mean that we are giving a bad impression of ourselves.
- But if we dream that the tartar falls off, it means that things are changing and our affairs will soon begin to improve. It can also mean that someone is changing his opinion of us (from bad to good).

It represents our future and the meaning is related to the figures that are formed with the coffee grounds as they will have the same meaning as in tassology.
- If formed a BUTTERFLY, it means we will have good luck.
- If formed a CANE, it means betrayal or insecurity.
- If formed a DOOR, announced changes.
- If formed a FAN, tells us that we will have a likely encounter with the person we love.
- If we see that at the bottom of the coffee cup form a HAND, tells us that we will have a little help.
- If formed a MOUTH, augurs slander.
- If we see a cup of coffee on the table flips and FALLING OUTSIDE the coffee grounds (So that fall directly on the table), tells us that we have the ability to change things (change the future).
- If formed a SWORD, it means they have the strength to achieve what we want.

- If in our dream we try something and it tastes bland, tells us that our life is too boring.
- If in our dream we offer something, or try something that should be sweet, but then to try it, it happens that the taste is bland, tells us that our love life is boring, what we suggest try a little more.

In most cases, a tattoo is a sign of ownership, so if we get a tattoo means that we want to show our dependence referred that to the tattoo.
But if we dream to someone makes us a tattoo it means to that person wants to show that we are of your property somehow.
- If in our dream we are DOING A TATTOO, means that we want to show our dependence referred that to the tattoo.
- If you dream that our GIRLFRIEND(BOYFRIEND) does to us a tattoo, it means that she(he) wants to all the world know that she(he) is our formal girlfriend(boyfriend) and are not available to anyone more.
- To dream that we have a tattoo IN BACK means that even though we are trying to reject someone or that we are angry with someone, the truth is that we can’t separate ourselves from that person because we are very attached to her.
- If we dream of a person who is PRAYIND, and that somehow makes us a tattoo, represent a sectarian who is trying to convince us to join their sect (Someone trying to force us to convert to their religion by of trickery and deceit). This dream advises us not be influenced by such people.
- But if we dream we are in SCHOOL AND WE CHECKED to ensure that we do not have any tattoos or piercings, it means that to be successful we will need more preparation, but also will require that we get rid of something harmful to us, that not letting us improves.

This dream tells us that our aptitude towards our friendships causes us to despise some of our friendships.

This dream warns us that we must be very prudent with our relationships.

Tax collector:
It means that we must be cautious so as not to have losses or problems with the authorities.

- If we dream of taxes, we announce problems with legal authorities.
- If we dream that the Treasury discovers that we are evading taxes, it is a warning that tells us to be cautious, because otherwise we may have problems with the authorities, besides this can encourage our adversaries.
- If we dream that we will pay our taxes with blackberries or we pay a tax of a blackberries, it means that we are doing well, thanks to which we can avoid certain problems with the authorities. r

- Want to take a taxi, but we realize that it is BUSY it means we can control our own destiny in spite of our recklessness.

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This sign tells us that there is someone/something that we would like to keep for a long time. But if the animal/thing has a bad meaning, then the dream tells us that we have got rid of the problem.
- If a woman dreams of cat of taxidermy, it means that she has gotten rid of a rival.
- If in our waking life we have a dog that bit someone recently, and in our dream we see a monster-dog dissected, tells us that soon we will get rid of the difficulties caused by the bad behavior of our dog, for example: What our parents are rid of it, but in the end our dog back home, or that there had been a danger that someone legally sue us because of our dog has bitten someone, but in the end we have not been sued.
In this case we suggest doing something to prevent our dog is still behaving badly, for example: Dogs do not understand our language, most simple things like their own name or to know that we are angry when we raise our voice, then we scold loudly at the exact time we see him misbehaving and thus understand it's not right what he does, another way is to look at the dog for about one or two minutes (but not see it directly eyes), and imagine, that is, to have the image in our minds, ourselves vigorously punishing or abandoning him when he misbehaves while trying to convey that image, this technique has to do a bit with telepathy (That even this scientifically proven), and if we do well, without hesitation or distraction, can work well.


.. Ta .. Te-Ti .. To .. Tr-Tz ..