This color by itself does not bring us good luck, but if you combine it with the green helps us attract harmony
- Brown:
This color helps us attract fertility and sensuality.
- Blue:
The color blue is related to Heaven and helps us attract tranquility and general well-being.
- Gold:
This color has the quality to help attract prosperity and or a good job.
- Green:
It is the color of life, the nature of justice, order, and also means hope.
- Magenta:
The magenta color that helps us a new love is made stronger.
- Orange:
Symbolizes the commitment, and helps us attract the loyalty or marriage.
- Pink:
This color represents the love that you start, so it helps us to find a new love and also helps us with a love that starts.
- Red:
This color helps us to get protection and or love.
- Silver:
The silver color gives us protection.
- White:
This color helps us attract the peace and tranquility.
- Yellow:
It symbolizes the thought, knowledge, prudence, and spirit. This color helps us to attract prosperity and work.
- Fluorescent:
Fluorescent colors (Very bright colors) help us ward off evil.
- Fosphorescent:
The fosphorescent colors are the glow in the dark (Unlike the single fluorescent glow when it is day or some type of light), also help us to ward off evil.

In these cases, it may not always be easy to find the image you want in the currency. What we can do is stick a decal circular, in which we can draw the picture or sign that we want.

Images or signs of God.
In this case, it must be borne in mind that God can manifest itself in several ways, for example: the Holy Mountain, the Sacred Tree...
Secondly there are the following:
Angels and Archangels:
In this case we must look to be a good thing that possesses the quality that we seek, for example: If you are looking for love, we can include an image of Aphrodite.
The angels also can be represented with butterfly wings, in which case we can find a figure and said with that image, and depending on the color will be the kind of help we get, so if it is white can help us to have peace if love red, yellow if the prosperity, if justice is green, that is: depending on the color.

Amber is a mineral that was formed from the sap of trees. Amber serves especially to protect children from any danger.
This blue-green stone is related with the Cosmic Soul and is ideal for those who wish to study parapsychology, because that gives us inspiration and patience.
Diamond helps us gain strength and determination in order to confront the most difficult problems.
Gold is one of the best materials with which to develop an amulet, as it has very special qualities psychic, as well as being a metal, and therefore an excellent conductor of psychic energy, is also an material that is not oxidized, has a special shine, has a special relationship with the sun, which is the star that is bigger in the sky, and is possessor of great energy.
Gold protects us from evil hence it is not surprising that the kings bearing crowns, because they like to be a magic circle and be made of gold, are ideal for protecting the mind and thus help make the right decisions
(In our case If we need to protect our minds and decisions, I can carry a gold in the shape of a crown). Gold also has healing qualities, if used the right way.

Because they represent the union of Heaven and Earth, as we can see from the example of the prophets, who managed to cross the sacred site and bring a message from the Heaven, as if the Buddha attaining enlightenment with the help of the Tree Bodi, Mohammed ascended Mount Hira, Rama climbed Mount Himalayas, Quetzalcoatl climbed Mount Tonacatepetl, et cetera...
In terms of talismans and amulets, we can achieve prepare them as follows:
The best way is to do during the start of the season, that is, when they begin the equinoxes and solstices, for example, if we have the opportunity to visit Teotihuacan during the spring equinox, we could carry or buy an amulet as close to the venue and climb up to the top of the pyramid of the sun, and there it stands with both hands, heading towards the sun, and it says the following prayer:
God of our sustenance
material and spiritual
bless this amulet.
And ask Quetzalcoatl
and Quetzalpapalotl
I accompany
in difficult times.
If we can not do it that way, just do the same at the start of any season in the top of a mountain, albeit a small mountain. This can also be done next to a tree, for example if we live in the city can go to the nearest park and find the tallest tree, and then lift our talismans or amulets directing toward the sun during the start of the season and say prayer. If we live in the countryside just find a tall tree of preference in this hilltop. Although if the start of next season even this far we can go to the nearest tree or mountain during sunrise and after sunset
(About 7:00 hr and after 19:00 hr), making for four days in a row.
Finally, it is important that every time, that our amulet will help us, give an offering, such as burning incense (You can also use cones) and pass the amulet five times through the smoke, thanks to the favors or if you received what we prefer, we can do each month. In this case it is important that when you're done, do not turn off your incense, but leave it alone until it is completed.
The Magic Circle.

Sacred Sites.

If we visited Teotihuacan or another sacred site, we can buy a souvenir at the site, which will be even better if it was fabricated by those who live near there. Another option is to take photographs of the site, including photographs within the holy site, and we succeeded form a strong bond with this important site, the following would put the photo in an appropriate place, as the head of the bed, on an altar, in our work, take it with us, depending on where we need the help.
Special Items.

But also, things that belonged to a loved one fall into this category, such as clothing, a photograph, or something that was special to them. Similarly, items that brought us luck at some point in our lives, such as when we won a competition, achieved something in love, school, or work; even our first earnings from our first job or business, whether it be a coin, bill, or check—everything we used that helped us achieve success is considered very lucky, so it's advisable to keep it well.
Finally, whenever something has worked well for us, it may be helpful to jot it down in a notebook, as this can also bring good luck.
Here we see the sacred script (It's by sounds) that is used to write prayers in some amulets.