For example, if you dream that a black butterfly flying in our bedroom, while causes fear us, we must seek the meaning of butterfly and bedroom, so that the meaning of a black butterfly is that we must avoid doing things immoral or prohibited, and the chamber represents the sex couples, in this case we can see how it relates to our current situation, a case could be that we were trying to have intimate with a married person, or who are married we tried to be intimate with someone else, in which case the dream warns besides being something wrong, there is a danger in it, and it is a nightmare.
Harmful nightmares
A second type of nightmares, which are not exactly messages
important, but a disturbance of our dreams, and can be caused
for several reasons.
For example, one type of dreams that are induced or caused by several
circumstances, particularly because there are people and companies who do not care
harm others with their messages or their attempts to manipulate us.
To better explain, normally, there are times when after watching a terror movie
we go to sleep, and that we can even cause nightmares, what
that is within normal, but there are movies that besides being of terror
have a high content of subliminal language and hidden messages, which
damage our mind and we can cause nightmares even several days later, the
the same can happen with the news that are sometimes little
responsible, and we show disturbing images and messages.
In these cases you can just stop watching such films, and see other
of news, or not seeing them for a while.
Here is a picture of a Ouija board thar is a ritual based on a pseudo-religion inspired by the underworld. Normally these are not official religions, but they exist and can become very dangerous. It manifested through games or invocations to spirits who are known too little. Such things may come to disturb our mind and our spirit, the same as using amulets evil, as is the pentacle. And those rituals sometimes become constant nightmares.
Normally, nightmares can be caused by various reasons, such as watching horror movies before bed, guilt complexes, disturbing memories, difficult situations we haven't been able to control, or psychological issues. But there is a type of nightmare that, although rare, does exist, and these are malicious nightmares. As we have seen in previous sections, through dreams we can visit different cosmic realms and even see our loved ones who have departed from this world.
But sometimes our dreams may not be pleasant, due to causes such as using malicious talismans, invoking beings from the underworlds, constantly having bad feelings, and thinking about how to harm others, or even because someone is casting a spell on us. This is when a malicious spirit may visit us in our dreams or take us to an underworld (a hell).
These types of nightmares are very unpleasant, can sometimes recur frequently, and in extreme cases, can even cause us illnesses.
In these types of nightmares, it is common to feel paralysis or even to feel that there is someone lying next to us.
To end them, the first thing is not to be afraid, because we must remember that malicious spirits become stronger when we fear them.
Secondly, there are things that can help us, such as saying a prayer before sleeping or burning an incense stick.
But if the case is extreme and we still continue to have malicious nightmares, we can do the following:
a) If we have malicious talismans and objects like a ouija board or a pentagram, we can burn them and then throw the remains in the trash.
In some cases, there are those who have been doing witchcraft or invocations constantly, which complicates things. In those cases, it is most common to wake up in the middle of the night or at three in the morning, as these are the most common hours for such rituals to be carried out. Sometimes, it is even possible to see some element of the ritual in the nightmare, such as blood, earth, etc.
To counteract it, the first thing is that if we wake up at those hours, it is very important not to go back to sleep immediately, but to wait a while until the enemy finishes the ritual. Otherwise, the next day we could experience tiredness, depression, among other things. It is also important to do a thorough cleaning of our house, getting rid of all the malicious objects, and finally painting or changing the wallpaper, as the case may be.
b) Get a dog, and if possible, let it sleep in our room, but only if it is well trained, as dirt will not benefit us.
c) Besides having an image of our Divine Lady (Virgin of Guadalupe) in our bedroom, it is also good to have photographs of our guardian angels, such as our grandparents who have already departed from this world but loved us dearly in life.
d) Before going to sleep, we should say a prayer in front of an image of our Divine Lady and ask her to protect us. Then we do the same with the photographs of our guardian angels, to whom we can talk as we did when they lived with us, so that they recognize us immediately and help us more. Even if we had a dog that has already departed from this world, we should also ask it to protect us, as they become our guardian dog angels, whose mission is to protect us in our dreams. Additionally, we can also ask for the help of the archangels.
In addition, we can help ourselves with a psychic weapon, such as a Swiss knife under the pillow or a protection mirror beside the bed.
e) Another useful thing is to follow the instructions for having a prophetic dream or any of the others that are in the first section of the: Dream Dictionary.
If an adult sees in his sleep of a child, usually a reflection of your child interior. But in children the meaning is different, because they see children as equals, so that if a child dreams of another child, as if a dreamed adult with another adult.
- Here we transcribe some of the most common exceptions:
a) If a child dreams breasts, means safety and protection.
b) If a girl dreams of another girl (Unknown), it is a reflection of their own personality.
- And here we see some of the most common exceptions that have to do with the nightmares of children:
- If a child dreams of a known him over to a thief or a stolen-child means that the familiar fear that harm you. This dream is a council to be cautious and not trust that person.
- If a child dreams of his dad being strict or scolds him, the dream tells him not to disobey her parents both can also mean that feel guilty about something.
- If a child dreaming that somebody kidnapped him, means he will have bad luck, can also mean that there is a looming threat.
- If a child dreams of blood in your nose, feel that this means that being overly punished or reprimanded by a parent or teacher even if we do not see it that way.
- If a child dreams of traveling by subway or train, and see a lot of dead children means that something can go wrong, so you should not do things that known to be dangerous. The same means if you see dead people (Any age).
- Good to orient the head of the bed to where the Basilica of Our Divine Lady (Virgin of Guadalupe), another option is facing the rising sun, then it is advisable to place a picture with an image of our Divine Lord at the head of the bed can be of any size.
- It is also desirable to keep within our pillow an amulet of a silver clover to avoid psychic attacks; can optionally, place two sharp knives in cross-shaped under the mattress, which is an excellent psychic weapon.
- Having a small light on help, such as a candle, or if may prefer a small lamp.
- If the problem is difficult, we can avoid watching television after four p.m., and avoid watching news very impressive, at least for a time.
Here is a picture of a magazine that features news very impressive.
- If in the past we had a dog and left this world, it is good to have
a photograph of him near, to look after us in our dreams, as the
dogs also have souls and leave this world to become our
Guardian Angels, who are dedicated to take care for our
Otherwise, we get a dog and let him sleep until about
the door of our bedroom, so that when you sleep, join us
in our dreams and we take care of any wrongdoing.
- In some cases, can also help our nightmares scoring a paper, and after we have consulted their meaning, we must break the paper and throw it away. In these cases after having done the same in several occasions, the nightmares are fading slowly.
Finally, it is important to note that the anxieties and problems daily, they can cause nightmares, but the Divine aid request through our dreams, it helps us that they are not disturbed and that what we see are true messages from Heaven, so they help us to solve our problems effectively and not only are we annoying, so we can refer to the section of "types of dreams", or If nightmares continue to repeat, in addition to the above, we make the following prayer before falling asleep.
Oh Racna (God)
Oh God
you who give movement
and give life,
to all that exists
to see you
just look
the order is in
all things;
I ask
I pray
you restore peace
and prosperity
Oh God
Oh Racna
Let my guardian angels
inspire me
good things
I ask you let
that Quetzalcoatl
grant us wisdom
and prosperity
and Bastet keep us
always safe
and grant us
joy and happiness
They both help me
to reach you
and keep us from all
pest and disease
I promise to be
Loyal and faithful
Because only you
are God no matter
call you Brahma,
Great Spirit, Allah or Racna
because all are you,
Because you are Omnipresent,
because you are Universal.
(The metal of the knife, works similar to that iron oxide content in the blood and that is that makes the soul be united to body, but in the case of psychic-weapon, being rubbed on the handle and by be a gun, pulls the spirit scurrilous and hurts its edge, so that the invader seek not back.
Here we see the image of a folding knife.
Nightmares, shared (When several people have the same nightmare):
a) It happens between very close people, as it can be between brothers and that happens is that the emotions that the nightmare causes us are so strong that we transmit it
telepathically to someone close to us.
b) Sometimes this phenomenon can be caused by evil spirits that visit us in our sleep, especially if we soon get sick or have difficulties. This dream advises us to light a red candle to our Divine Lady (Virgin of Guadalupe), in addition to not showing fear and being brave.
Sometimes it happens that two people have the same nightmare or someone has a nightmare and soon someone else dreams the same. So that can be caused by two reasons:
Nightmares that started from a traumatic experience:
If in the past we went through a traumatic situation and since then we have had nightmares that remind us of this event, it is for the reason that traumatic situations as well as acts of great evil, usually attract evil spirits that take advantage of this type of situations to accentuate our fears and emotions, since that is how they can feed our vital energy. In this case, the ideal is to use a psychic weapon to discourage those Beings, for example, place a folding knife or Swiss Army knife under our pillow and rub the plastic or wooden part before sleeping and after a nightmare, in order of hurting the invading spirit and that it does not return.
There are movies that, although some say they are very mediocre, are famous for causing nightmares for some people, such as Chucky.