Dreams: Sa-Sc
- The shape of this letter represents the harmony of the universe, and dreaming of a large letter "S" or if our dream focuses on that letter, means that soon we will have a little Divine help.
See: "Sword".
Sabertoothed tiger:
The sabertoothed tiger is associated with war, but also the courage to face a difficult situation. It
can mean several things:
- If we see an aggressive sabertoothed indicates that we have a more peaceful and friendly towards
others fitness.
- If the sabertoothed is not aggressive, it means that we have the courage to face a difficult
- If it's a sabertoothed drowned, tells us that we need courage to face difficult situations.
- If the sabertoothed is injured, the same as above.
- If in our dream we see a lot of sabertoothed tigers killing people, tells us that an approaching
natural disaster, such as an earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, tornado, etc. But if we dream that a
sabertoothed tiger warns us that other sabertoothed come to kill people, tells us that there will be
a natural disaster, but did not come to the region in which we live.
This dream tells us that our relationships can go through a bad time, if we are not careful.
- A sack full, mean abundance and prosperity.
- If the sack is in poor condition, it means that our goals will be achieved only with great effort.
- If the sack is empty, predicts poverty.
- If we see its content, we must find the meaning of what it contains, and that means plenty of that.
- If in the dream we scratch and feel better, it means that we will avoid some problems or setbacks.
- If in the dream we see a dog scratching itself with its paw, it means that we will be able to avoid some problems or setbacks, thanks to our loyalty.
Sacred Calendar (Aztec Calendar, Mayan calendar):
- This dream tells us that we will have success and good fortune.
- It can also mean that all things need time to complete, so we suggest that we should not rush things and we must be patient, because we also have special protection.
This dream tells us that our health will be improved as well as our living conditions.
Screen protector:
- If we dream that we carry a cell phone or a tablet in our hand, and one of the things we remember most is that it did not have its screen protector, it means that there is a danger, but it is in our hands to be able to avoid it.
- To dream that we sacrifice ourselves for any reason, means that we are likely to fall into a dangerous situation; what advises us to analyze the situation or what we are doing, because there is something that is not right.
Sacrifice, human:
Sacrificial rites in which someone dies, in most cases mean that we are in a very difficult situation and we want a change,
but also tells us that if we are not careful we can end up in a dangerous situation.
- If in our dream SEE HOW OTHER SACRIFICE SOMEONE, means we are in a difficult situation and we want a change, but also
tells us to be cautious about what we think do.
- If in our dream WE SACRIFICE SOMEONE means the same as above, that is, we are in a difficult situation
and we want a change, but also tells us to be cautious about what we think do.
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Means ill-considered acts, this dream warns us that we should be more thoughtful in our actions.
- Seeing a mare/horse that is being saddled, but without anyone riding it, means a meeting of women.
It augurs us success in our businesses, which will also ensure us having good prospects for the future.
If in our dream we do sadomasochistic acts or we see sadomasochistic acts, it means that our life in the aspect
of sensuality is difficult and boring.
- If we dream that someone offers us a lot of money to do sadomasochistic things, it means that our
sexual life is difficult and boring.
A safe, in most cases relates to our economy and how well protected are our possessions.
- If we see a safe full of BILLS (Paper money), means economic hardship.
- If we see full of COINS OF GOLD OR SILVER, means that we will have in our future prosperity and good
luck in money.
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- If in our dream we see a sailfish, it means that soon we will have success and/or economic prosperity. But if we see that its
peak is broken, then it means failure.
- If we dream that we catch a sailfish, it means success and prosperity.
- To dream sailors in the sea, means that it is important that we be prudent and cautious in our affairs.
- If in our dream we see a sailor on the ground, we anticipate friendship or love with a person who will soon arrive in our lives and then suddenly disappear.
- If we see ourselves as sailors, it means that we want adventures, or it can also mean uncertainty as to our future.
- To dream that a sailor falls to the sea, the dream tells us that there can be a near danger with respect to our affairs, reason why we should not trust us.
- This dream tells us that the end of our problems may come, but if we see angry saints, it means that something is wrong, but if we dream of a crucifix or a saint carrying a crucifix, it means confusion or suffering.
When someone is a devotee of a certain saint and dreams of him, it is usually his guardian angel who takes the form of that saint to tell him that he is protecting him from dangers, although if the dream is more complex (It has many signs) , then, we must consult the meaning of all the things that we see in it, since it is an important message from our guardian angel.
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Saint Benedict:
Sometimes our guardian angel takes the form of a saint we know to give us a message, in this case, it means that our guardian angel is protecting us from evil spirits as well as people with bad intentions.
It can also mean that we must be very careful when they give us things to eat, since that food could contain witchcraft, or some toxic substance, so it is best to receive it so as not to be rude, but discard it at the first opportunity, since, although We could exorcise food by drawing a cross with a knife on it, the truth is that it could also contain a toxic substance that can damage our body.
Saint death (From: The saint or goddess of worship bearing the same name):
If in the dream just see a picture of the saint death, means we have a trouble.
But if our waking life often we passed a place where someone has a picture of the saint death and dream with her, means that basically we resent that image, it can also be a hint that tells us that it
is best to avoid make fun of or make comments as we go through this site to avoid ill will
- If we dream that saint death, we ABSORBS BREATH, means that she is trying to feed our vital energy. And if the dreamer is someone devoted to the cult, means the same
as above, or she want to make a generous gift too, which is not very convenient.
- If you dream that saint death ASKED YOU LIGHT A CANDLE, means that we must not be influenced by this cult.
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It means that we must try to have a healthy and moderate diet.
Salamanders represent our ability to adapt to any situation and are sometimes related to passion, depending on
the context of the dream.
- If in our dreams we see a puppy dog and a salamander in our bedroom, it represents a new love that could become
- If in our dream we see a black salamander with yellow spots it represents a dangerous person, and the same
means if we see a brightly colored salamander.
Represents passion and love.
- Announces that some acquaintances will abuse our trust.
- To dream that someone tells us that we deducted from our paycheck, it means that there is someone who thinks that we owe something, be it money or whatever.
See saliva, predict difficulties with our friends.
- If in the dream we kiss someone of the opposite sex, whom we know and notice that they salivate too much (that their mouth is full of saliva), it means sexual desires towards that person, but at the same time, that person also has sexual desires towards us.
Represents courage, which overcomes all difficulties.
- If we see ourselves fishing salmon, it means that we must act with courage in order to be successful.
- If we see ourselves eating salmon, the dream promises us success.
Salmon, color:
The salmon color means that in order to carry out our projects we must act with more courage and determination.
Salt can have several meanings, but when someone throw salt, or the salt fall
us, is a difficulty that is related to the meaning of the place where it falls the salt.
- If the salt fall in our CLOTHES, or someone threw salt into our clothes, it means that someone who has ill will to us, and he will try to harm us in any way.
- Dreaming eat a salt CRACKERS, augurs poverty because of someone who is ill will, in this case the dream gives us the tip to get a good amulet, to prevent the ill will affect us that someone.
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Salt shaker:
If we drop the salt shaker and pours salt, expresses the sterility of our inner world.
Salvador Dali:
- If we dream of Salvador Dalí's painting called the hypercubic christ, it represents suffering caused by a person who does not allow us to progress and who is using manipulation and/or witchcraft to achieve his goals.
-- If it is a sample of perfume, it means the following:
• If the aroma of the sample is pleasant, it speaks of good people and feelings.
• If the aroma is unpleasant, it tells us about primitive people and bad actions and feelings.
• If we see it dry, it tells us that our relationships with someone who is close to us can change.
• If we see it dry and wrapped in a napkin, it advises us to be prudent and fix things with someone we get angry with or recently distanced.
• If we see an old man with a sample of dry perfume wrapped in a napkin, it means that we should fix things with someone we get angry with or distanced recently and also the dream tells us that we should ask for advice from someone reliable.
Represents honor, duty, effort, and struggle.
- Seeing ourselves as samurai, means that we must defend our honor and our family.
This dream indicates concern for our health, but if we enter the infirmary, it is a warning that we must separate or end a business in which we have recently been involved, it can also warn us of problems caused by someone's bad intentions, depending on the other signs that appear in the dream.
Also see "Hospital"
This dream tells us that soon we will see our wishes and hopes fulfilled, and if in it we see an image of the Divine Lady (Virgin of Guadalupe) it means that our luck will be greater, but if in it we see a crucifix: it is a bad sign, especially if the image is unpleasant, in that case it means confusion and/or suffering.
- If we see a sanctuary from afar and do not approach it, it means disappointment.
- If we see ourselves in a sanctuary talking to people, but without paying attention to what is said there, it means that we are being thoughtless in real life, and that we are likely to commit something reckless.
If we see a very humble sandal, represents poverty, but if it is a plastic sandal, represent poverty or falsehood.
But if it's a good looking sandal, it means the same as a shoe
- If in the dream we are building a sand castle, it means that we do not have a good basis for success. (For example: It may
be because we need to study more, more education, practice more, have more confidence in ourselves, etc.).
- Seeing many power tools, of different types (Drill, polisher, sander, etc.), means that in order to finish or do a job that remains pending, we should try harder and look for better tools than the common ones, for example: Consultation, better books, ask for advice, etc.).
Sanding/Sand down:
- Sanding something is equivalent to removing the impurities or improving the appearance of something (For example: Improving the appearance of our task or work).
- But if we sanding an object that is not made of wood but if we scrape an object that is not of wood but that also has to be sanded, and we scratch it, means that in trying to correct something, we are ruining it (In the sense that we are not fixing or improving it proper way).
- If we are eating ACCOMPANIED means friendship and affinity with others.
- If we are eating ALONE means sadness and loneliness.
- If too COLD OR FROZEN: Health distress.
- COOKING a sandwich, means family agreement.
- If is NICE TO EAT indicates promising developments but if is bitter anguish and loneliness.
- If we do NOT LIKE the sandwich portends that we face something unpleasant. And the same means if we have difficulty
chewing or swallowing.
- PROVIDE A SANDWICH: Happiness at home and reject family conflicts.
- If the sandwich is SOUR, means discomfort and distress, unless the sandwich is for someone else, because in that case
means that person will be suffering from discomfort and distress.
Sangria (The drink):
Dreaming of a sangria represents suffering.
Santa Claus:
- If in our dream we see a BEAUTIFUL WOMEN DRESSED LIKE SANTA CLAUS, it means that we will have a little help in love.
- To dream that Santa Claus or one of his elves GIVES US A GIFT, means that soon we will see a wish fulfilled.
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Santo (The legendary fighter):
- To dream of the Santo or that someone tells us that we are the Santo, it means that we are overcoming a difficult problem and also the dream tells us that at this moment we have new opportunities that we must take advantage of.
- This dream tells us that we will have Divine help.
- It can also be a consolation, good luck in money, good luck in the spiritual, or in the family.
Dreaming of a sapphire, it means that we will receive a heavenly help, that would end all our problems and difficulties.
- To dream that we respond to someone with sarcasm, means probable problems with that person. It can also mean that, that person is offended by our attitude, which advises us to be more considerate and kind towards them.
This dream augurs us the end of a moral or material dependence, unless we see ourselves kneeling before it, in which case it means penalties.
It augurs success in business.
Sargassum in our dreams represents something that causes us discomfort.
Sari (Traditional Indian dress):
To dream of a Sari means that it is important not to forget customs and habits (religious, social, work or of a particular place),
since otherwise we may have some difficulties.
- But if we see ourselves wearing a sari and we also see ourselves with our hands tied, then it means that it will not be possible for us to avoid a certain tradition or custom. It can also mean that a certain tradition or custom has put us in a difficult situation, or that it could put us in a difficult situation.
The sasquatch represents our primitive part, so dreaming about it means that we should not get too carried away by our emotions and instincts.
- If we dream of a Sasquatch walking down a dark street, it means that we are getting too carried away by our emotions and instincts,
which can also put us in a dangerous situation.
- If we see a devil, for example: Satan, in our dreams, or we hear that word, it means a feeling of guilt.
- If the devil is tempting it means that we are afraid of not being able to control our destructive impulses.
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- If we dream of a communications satellite, it tells us that we have good communication with the True God, that is, that we understand well what he wants us to do.
- To dream of a communications satellite that does not work well, it means that we are not having good communication with the True God, that is, the dream tells us that we are not understanding well what he wants us to do.
Satellite dish:
- If we dream that we have a satellite dish to see more channels on our TV, means shyness and distrust and the more channels it in the dream, the greater shyness.
- To dream that we do a satisfactory job, tells us that everything is going well.
- To dream that we have a satisfied customer, means that everything is going well.
- The planet Saturn in our dreams means the defeat of an enemy/adversary.
The sauce in our dream augurs happiness in the home, unless it is hot sauce, because then it means: we are too angry
about something that is of little importance.
- If in our dream we see hot sauce and other things that have a negative meaning, tells us that if we do not take the proper precautions will suffer an upset, for example: Hot sauce and bills because the bills have a negative meaning, because generally mean economic hardship.
- If we dream of a sauce packs, tells us that we should not get angry too.
- If in the dream we see a rice with hot sauce, tells us that we should not get angry too, nor too worried, because soon the
relief to our suffering, and the same meaning if we eat rice with hot sauce.
- If we see hot sauce in the toilet, it means that someone is likely to do something, or commit something reckless that can make us angry, but it is best not to bother with that someone. It can also mean that someone
will be reckless but we will not get angry about it.
To dream of a sauna, it means: Health problems.
Depending of the tone: If is white means joy, black: sorrows or anxieties, red: passion and love, gray: pessimism
about the situation before us.
- If we dream a red or pink tone sausage, that this decomposed or rotten, mean approaching bad luck in love. The meaning of the other things we see in dream, can give us more information on the reason for the bad luck.
- To dream that WE SAVE OUR BROTHER OR SISTER, tells us that we are able to save a difficulty relates to the meaning of
the other things we see in our dream.
- If we dream that someone to we know DIES TRYING TO SAVE OUR LIVES means we are very special to that person, who would even
be willing to help in whatever no matter what.
- If SOMEONE SAVES US means we can benefit from the help of someone whose advice can be valuable.
- If in our dream SOMEONE WE KNOW, SAVE US of a danger it means we can count
on that person and that he(she) can help us to solve a difficult problem.
- To dream that WE SAVED SOMEONE it means we are well prepared to save the situation.
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To dream of a saw, it means that we want to dedicate more time to our hobbies or finish a job that we have pending.
- If we dream of sawing a HAMMOCK, it means that we are being too lenient or passive, which advises us to be more firm in our decisions and less lenient
in important things.
- If we dream that we want to cut the NECK of our dog (especially if a dog of the opposite sex) with a saw, but we cannot do it completely and
it happens that he sees us with a sad look, as if he wanted to say that Because we do that to him, it means that if we break up with our girlfriend
or partner, she/he would get too sad.
- If we see ourselves mowing a TREE, it means that a danger threatens us because we have lost an important protection due to our carelessness,
but if it is someone else who cuts the tree, it means that we will lose an important protection for reasons beyond our control.
To dream of a saxophone, it means probable arguments and disappointments.
If someone says a saying, the dream tells us that the meaning of this, it must apply to our current situation.
- If in our dream we see sawdust, tells us that things are not going well, plus you can get there or have health problems.
If in our dream we say something, or someone tells us something, we can find the meaning of those words, to understand the meaning of the dream, for example if we say the word God, then we must seek its meaning, which in this case is peace soul or too much security.
Also worth considering that sometimes what we say in our dream (Regardless of the situation we see in the dream) sometimes often associated with
a feeling that has to do with some of our waking life, for example: If a child has a dream in which a part of it says, (for whatever reason),
"Daddy do not leave me here," may relate to the fact that the child does not like going to a certain place or stay in a certain place, such as
the house of his cousin or some other relative, in which case it is desirable to find out why.
- If we dream of a black scab or crusted with dirt, it represents things hard to start or to remove.
Scabies, Mange:
This dream tells us that we can be worried about our health or that we will be worried for that reason.
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- Seeing things to scale (A smaller version of the original), reflect our ignorance and smallness. Fighting this means one of the means to attain true wisdom.
This dream tells us that our tetimony will be required to clear up a confusing issue.
When a scalpel appears in dreams, there is something that has come to the point where we need to take drastic measures to get out of this situation.
- If in our dream we see a scandal, it means that someone threatens us.
- To dream that one of our enemies makes us a scandal, it means that we will receive threats from the enemy, but if it is a stranger enemy, the dream simply tells us that we will receive threats from an enemy.
Scandalize, (Something that causes us astonishment and anger) represents a threat.
- If in our dream someone is scandalized by something we say, it means that someone feels threatened by what we say or what we do.
- If in the dream we were shocked by anything, it means that we feel threatened by someone. But if we were scandalized with others, represent a social threatens or that something is threatening our circle, group, family, association, etc..
It means we will have good luck.
- If in our dream we see a scapular with the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe or an angel, the dream tells us to use one as we see in dreams or at least carry with us a small image of the Virgin of Guadalupe. It can also be a tip that tells us to avoid doing evil things.
This dream represents business to walking towards the drift.
- Scaring a person indicates that we will be responsible for an unpleasant situation.
- Being scared means that will be discussed on our interests.
It means that we must learn to control our feelings and reactions.
Scarlet fever:
It tells us that all disorders can alter our affairs and provoke disturbances.
Scars (From: Scars in the skin):
- If we see ourselves scarred, means that we are silently suffering or that we have some moral failings to we must change, and if we see another person with scars, means that it is he(she) who is suffering or has some moral failings.
- To dream about a woman or a man who has a resemblance to someone we know and we noticed that he(she) has acne scars, it means to that person is suffering because of his(her) physical appearance.
- If we dream that we have a healed wound in the heart, it means somebody made us suffer in the past, but the pain that person caused us, has disappeared (which will not bear a grudge or simply stop and affect us).
- If a man dreams of a woman who knows and sees her bare and scarred breasts, means that person or someone who has something in common with her want to be intimate with him (Having sex), but be careful, as there is something immoral about the matter, for example: That she is married.
- When we perceive a foul odor, with some exceptions, tells us that something is wrong, but if it is a pleasant smell, then its meaning
is good.
See more
- To dream that we have schizophrenia, it means that we feel uncertain about a situation or in terms of the relationship with our family or friends.
Schnauzer (Dog breed):
- If in our dream we see a dog of the "miniature schnauzer" breed in the yard, it means that we must be frank with a love that begins (new girlfriend (boyfriend)) or with a friendship that begins.
To dream that we are in school talks about the frustration we feel when we are faced with difficult problems; it can also be caused by a test
or prove that will soon have to make. In any case it is a call to prepare and strive either study harder for an exam, which can be a little
harder than we thought, or if it is not an exam is a call to prepare more and better analyze the situation.
- To dream that we travel in a SCHOOL BUS, means a change in our life approaches, but at the same time is advice that tells us to be prepared,
and it is therefore desirable to study and strive more.
- If we dream that we CHANGE TO A BETTER SCHOOL, means that there is the possibility of a favorable exchange rate with the
help of those around us.
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School, boarding:
- To dream of a boarding school or we are in means that sometimes we have to work harder to achieve success. This dream
advises us to put more effort into the issues that we know are important and study more.
- If in our dream, we climbed a stairs to get to a boarding school, that talks about an important issue in which at first we were not working hard, but then we started to show more commitment and study more, which we will soon the victory.
School bus:
- If we dream we travel on a school bus means approaching a change in our lives, but also is a board that says we must be prepared, and it is therefore desirable to study and work harder.
- To dream that we are scientists, means that to succeed, we must analyze the situation more, experiment, observe, and be more
- To dream of an instrument for scientific research, means the same as above.
Scientology (The sect):
Finding ourselves in a sect indicates setbacks.
- If we dream of books or DVDs (Material type propaganda), of the Scientology sect, it means difficulties, money problems and / or the danger that our projects will not be carried out, because of a very astute and vividora (Person who lives at the expense of others).
Dreaming with scissors, most of the time has a meaning that relates to bad gossip or hearsay.
In some cases they can mean the destruction or creation, birth or death.
- If in the dream we see a BASKET AND WITHIN THAT SCISSORS means difficulties caused by gossip and slander.
- If we BREAK SCISSORS, it means that we get rid of a gossip or slander.
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Scold, Nag:
This dream tells us that problems are approaching with our emotional relationships.
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Scooby Doo (The character in movies and cartoons):
- Represents a shy or cowardly but loyal friend. Although if we see it as a cartoon, he represents a nerdy friend (Shy and insecure), who can make us look ridiculous.
- To dream that we go on a scooter, means that we must act with all prudence since the least carelessness can ruin everything.
- If we dream that we become friends with some criminals and that while they travel on motorcycles, we follow them on a scooter it means that if we associate with dishonest people, we run the risk of getting into trouble, no matter how cautious we are.
- If in our dream we see a scoreboard, and we see our name, in addition to the marker indicates where our name is a greater number, ie, the result favors us, it means that in real life we will also win, If we do not win, it means a probable failure.
- If nobody wins, it means that the future is uncertain.
The scorpions are associated to the dark side. It can also symbolize the betrayal.
- If we dream to SEE A SCORPION, warns of a possible danger, and is a warning to not be careless or reckless.
- If we dream that scorpion FLIES AWAY, means the same as above, this is, that we got rid of a betrayal.
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If in the dream we see ourselves as scouts, it means that we will have some benefits in a difficult situation.
Scratch (Scratch to remove itching):
- If in the dream we scratch and feel better, it means that we will avoid some problems or setbacks.
- If in the dream we see a dog scratching itself with its paw, it means that we will be able to avoid some problems or setbacks, thanks to our loyalty.
Scratch (Hurt scratching):
If someone scratches us, it means that there is someone trying to attack us.
- If in our dream we scratch someone, it means that there is a person who feels attacked by us, or by what we say. It can also refer
to the future, in the sense that someone is likely to feel attacked by what we do or say.
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Scream: .
If in our dream we heard screams, or someone makes a lot of noise means the notice of a looming threat.
- If the screams or noises are heard IN THE DISTANCE, means it is likely that someone slanders.
- If noise or screams are STRONG AND ARE VERY CLOSE, means serious slander.
- If in our dream, WE YELLING, BUT WE CAN NOT, then there is a serious danger approaching.
- If in the dream with someone ARGUE SHOUTING, means that there is a looming threat.
It can also mean the desire for freedom from oppression that bear no longer, in this case, moreover, it may be that who would shout, be someone known, in which case it means that oppression comes from that person.
- To dream that you CLAIM TO SOMEONE, SHOUTING, means that there is a looming threat.
It can also mean the desire for freedom from oppression that bear no longer, in this case, moreover, it may be that who would shout, be someone known, in which case it means that oppression comes from that person.
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by letter.

























