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.. .. Sa-Sc .. Se .. Sh .. Si .. Sk-Sl .. Sm-So .. Sp .. Sq-Sz

Dreams: Sq-Sz

- If in our dream we see an armed squad, and further, if we see approach; means that we may be in grave danger, only able to overcome, faced with courage and with determination the problems that may occur.

If we dream figure of a square, checkered clothes, pictures of squares, images with squares, etc., is related to the stability in our affairs.
- If a woman dream, to she DRESS A WHITE CHECKERED MINI-SKIRT means having the ability to maintain stability in the affairs of love.
- If in our dream just SEE A SQUARE, tells us that we have the strength to maintain stability in our affairs.
- If in the dream we see SHEETS OF GRAPH PAPER, BLANK, tells us that we have stability, besides that there is nothing to worry about.
- If we see SHEETS OF GRAPH PAPER, CRUMPLED, tells us that, to make things go well, we must put aside our feelings of failure.
- To dream that you are in a SQUARE WELL (To four walls) and see a staircase leading out, tells us that we feel hopeless, but soon managed to find the exit and stability.

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If in our dream we see squeezed lemons (As if someone had removed them the juice and had left them there) representing a person, who, someone chose to get away from him because he, because he used to make the pass distressing and unpleasant moments.

To dream about a giant squid means an unwarranted fear.

A squirrel, means superficiality and frivolity.
- If in the dream we see a flying squirrel, it means us that frivolity or frivolous things will not help us overcome difficulties.

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It means that soon we will help to solve our difficulties.

Sray (Container for spreading liquids):
- View our dream deodorant spray or flavoring, means that the artifices employed to mask the truth before others did not yield results.
- If in our dream we see a white dog that someone painted graffiti on your body, it means that there is a danger that someone sabotaged our courtship or our friendship with someone.

SS (From: Hitler's SS):
If we dream of the sign of the SS, it means racism and / or desire for revenge. It can also mean wishes for superiority.


This dream is associated with the hatred and fear, shows revenge.
- If you dream that someone you know stabs you, means to that person has you ill will and or they want revenge on us.
- If we dream that we stab to someone we know, means we want that person to stop messing in our affairs.

- With beautiful horses portends wealth.
- If horses are not pretty but are in good condition, it means money luck, but moderate.
- If the stables are empty, upcoming hardships.
- If we are in a stable, mean stable and lasting wealth.

This dream is related to our adversaries.
- If in our dream we see a HOTEL RESEMBLING A STADIUM, means that we are experiencing mood swings, and advises us to step back (taking a break) for a bit of struggle against our adversaries or of overwork.
- To dream that we are IN A STADIUM, tells us that our success depends on our wisdom and sacrifice.
- If we dream that we are PLAYING A MATCH IN A STADIUM, and we win means that in real life also we will win; if we do not win it means a likely failure;
- If NOBODY WIN means that the future is uncertain.
- If we see VIOLENCE IN THE STADIUM, means there may be some danger.

What we have to look at is what happens mainly at the scene.
- If we are spectators reveals shyness and suspicion.
- If we direct the scene indicates our tendency to dominate others.

- If in our dream we see dirty, stagnant water means diseases or problems of moral approach.
- If in our dream we see a river stagnates, it means that in our life we are stagnating, and if it noticed that the water is dirty, it means that we are stagnating because of people with us ill will.

The stains are related to our reputation and credibility, although its meaning may vary depending on the context of the dream.
- If we ARE YOUNG and dream stains, means fear of sexuality and its consequences.
- If we BLOOD STAINED objects represent something that hurts us, or someone who is taking advantage of us in any way; and is related to the meaning of the object.
- If we see stains (from those shown BY THE ACTION OF TIME), means that there is an event that is not current, but is stuck in the past, or that the consequences are from the past.
- If a man dreams that he brings a CAT WITH WHITE SPOTS, in your pocket represents a safe girlfriend, but also tells him to be careful with sex, as it can cause many problems.
- If in our dream we see our HANDS BLOODSTAINDE and the next moment we realize that it is BECAUSE WE KILL SEVERAL PEOPLE, means there is an issue that is causing us anxiety and we would end up with that or with certain people that continue tucking into our affairs or business; yet the dream tells us that we plan well what we're thinking of doing, because something can end badly.

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Stain Repellent:
If in our dream we see stain repellent, it means that we should avoid doing things that can stain our reputation.

Stainless Steel:
Commonly called Stainless steel to a material that is a mixture of several metals, in their meaning: This dream tells us that only if we show strength and character, we will achieve what we want.

- If we FALL into our dream a staircase AND FEEL DIZZY, it means that our personality is changing, to know where is the change, we should pay attention to the meaning of the other things that occur in our dream.
But if we FALL from a staircase, BUT NOT FEEL DIZZY, it means that our projects can fail, so the dream start advises us to do much more.
- A spiral staircase symbolizes a vicious circle. It is often accompanied by feelings of anxiety and fear and symbolizes that we are spending our energy on something that is not worth our effort.
- If you choose to upload THE stairs instead of the elevator, then we made the right decision or the right way to do something, they take us to success, it can mean that we have won the competition.
- If you see a staircase leading downward, and is full of people, so we can not lower, it means that we will not retreat from our plans or we can not do so, which advises us to do our best so that everything goes well.
- If climbing a staircase, stumbling, it means that we must not be complacent, and we must take all necessary precautions to be able to achieve our purposes.

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This dream tells us that we have the valuable advice of influential people.

If in the dream we stalk someone, means that our interests may be jeopardized. But if in the dream we see another person stalk someone, means that we fear and anxiety, for something that we can’t control, so in that case it may be good ask for help.

- If we dream of a flower and we can clearly see their stamens, especially if the flower is pink or red, it means luck in love.

- If in our dream someone defends our stance, it means we will have some help to solve a problem.

Stand, sales:
- If we see a magazine stand in our dream, this is a piece of advice that tells us that it is convenient for us to review our present life.
- To dream that we are in a market and in one of its sales stands have the image of a Divine Being, it means that our problems will end soon, but first there is something important that we must do.

by letter.

Stand up:
- To dream that we are sitting on the floor or on the ground and then we stand up, means that despite the difficulties, we have the determination to continue with our actions, which will bring us good luck.
- If in dreams, we get up after a fall, it means the same as the previous one.

Standard bearer:
This dream augurs us an upcoming professional promotion, but if we are the standard bearer in a fight, we will only get the promotion, if in the dream we win the battle, if we do not see anyone win, it means that the future is still uncertain.

- If in the dream we see one of our neighbors fall from a ladder, but we notice that he falls on his feet, without any damage happening to him, it means that we will have to fight with a gossip-person difficult to overcome, that is, that will not be so easy to clear things up

Star Wars (The movie):
- If we dream that we destroy the death star (as in the main scene of the film: Star wars, it means that we will achieve our objectives without problems (since in this case, in the film, that was the main objective, so that is a comparison with our current situation).

- If in our dream we stapled papers that have something written, tells us that we must ensure that all our affairs go well, and if further distinguish what is written on paper, means that we must ensure that the matter is related with what is written, is going well.
- If in our dream we see a very dirty stapler, tells us there is something (A project or matter) is not going quite right, which advises us to renew the draft or review the matter well before proceeding.

If we dream that we staples nailed or inserted in the body, it means that someone has us ill will and that he is trying to resort to any means in their power to harm us, (Gossip, intrigues, traps or witchcraft). It can also mean financial losses or family discord.

- To dream that we see the stars ARE FALLING, warns us negative changes, we must be prepared.
- Dreaming emerging stars of a CANDY, it means good fortune economically and in matters of love.

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If in the dream we see a starfish, it means we will have good luck.
But if we see a starfish Dead, it means bad luck in love.

Statement of account:
- If in our dream we see a piece of paper in which we observed debts of money, such a statement of account, it means that if we are not cautious enough, soon we can reach are financially strapped and with numerous debts .

A station in our dreams, usually related to stages in our life, a new starting point, our destination or what we expected; for example, if we are in a station and there we see a corridor or a path that leads to another station (Either a truck, bus, taxi, train, metro.....) where there other transportation that leads to the same destination, that is going in parallel, means we have the option to choose our destiny; Another case is if we travel in transport and arrived at a station without problems, means the end of a stage in our lives and stabilize our situation...

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Stationery shop:
If we dream of a stationery shop, it means concern in our projects, which tells us that we must strive more, to achieve success; although it can also be related to a document problem, in the sense of a legal matter, depending on our current situation.

- To dream of statistics or tables of statistics, it means that we must analyze well that has worked for us and that has not worked. This dream advises us to stop doing that does not work us or simply no longer keep making the same mistakes and choose for that we have seen that it works.

- If in our dream we are ADMIRING a statue or a monument, it means that our wishes will be realized.
- If in our dream we see a very ANCIENT STATUE, representing a thing of the past we must analyze very well, to avoid making the same mistakes.

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Statue of Liberty:
- Dreaming with the Statue of Liberty, it means that soon we will find our own independence and freedom, or will soon achieve greater independence and freedom.

- If in the dream we see the statuette of a saint and noticed that are tied and bloody hands, it represents a guilt complex. It can also mean that someone is taking advantage of our guilt.
- If in the dream we see a demon statuette, it represents an inclination toward evil, or the desire to do something wrong even though we know that is wrong.
- If in our dream we see the statue of a baby Jesus, it means we think we did something very bad and we want others to forgive us, in other words represents a guilt complex.
- If in our dream we see a statue of the holy death showing the back, it means that we have no affinity with it; but if a devotee of this cult has this dream means she is angry with him(her) for some reason, which advised him to be careful, because the holy death is somewhat bipolar and if annoyed with him(she) could bring from misfortune, in which case it is best to get rid of all objects related to it, and replace them with something good, as is an image of our Divine Lady (Virgin of Guadalupe).

In most cases, when we steal in a dream means hard things get. But if someone steals something from us, means that we have peace and order in our lives, or that there is a danger of someone stealing us anything, at least in the same dream that person returns us what robbery, since in that case means that the danger has disappeared.
- If we dream that we stole an ATM it means we wish have more money, but it is unlikely that we will. This dream advises us that the only way forward, will be studying and improving what we do.
- If we dream that we STOLE SOMETHING but then we RETURN THE STOLEN it means that we are still hard to get something, but still have the ability to change things.

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- If we dream that someone passes stealthily with a machete, it represents someone who is planning to harm us without our realizing it.

A short stem/trunk represents a lack of courage and decision to do things (For example: Seeing a tree with a very short trunk or plants with short stems).
But if we see plants with trunks or long stems, it means the opposite.

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Represents the unbridled instinct.
- If in our dream we see a steer majestic and challenging, it means that we have a great creative energy.
- If we see a steer that persecutes us, it means that our instincts are close to bursting and causing us a problem.

- If we perceive a foul odor or stench, it means that there is something that is not right

- If we dream that we have a stepfather (A stepfather who usually beats his wife and children), it represents family difficulties and disagreements.

- Dreaming of a stepmother, mean discussion and disagreement among family members, it can mean arguments and disagreements with your partner.
- If a child dreams of having a stepmother who hits it, it means temporary problems due to family arguments and disagreements.

Step on:
If in our dream we see ourselves stepping on something with the purpose of destroying it, it means that we want to end that something, here it is convenient to look for the meaning of what we see stepping on, on the other hand, if in the dream we see ourselves on a thing but without the purpose of destroying it, means, union with the object on which we are.

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It means approaching or we are going through, a period of moral solitude.

- If we dream of a stereo or radio, the meaning of the dream depends on what we hear, so if we like what we hear, means happiness; but if we do not like, then it means that a problem is coming.
- To dream about an off stereo, means that we are able to help someone, but we do not, or have not done well enough.

- If in our dream we only see the stern of a ship and that it is night, it means uncertainty, and it is related to the end of a stage in our life, which we are not sure if it ended well or badly.

- If in our dream we simply see, a stewardess means that soon receive news from someone who lives far away.

Stick, incense:
- If in our dream we see an incense stick completely consumed, tells us that we need greater protection, as they approach difficult and perilous days.

Its meaning is related to the image we see in it or with the meaning of that image.
- If we dream of a happy face sticker, means there's something we did well. r

- If in our dream we see documents that says we still have debts (That is, we have paid most of our accounts, but we still missed some payable) is a tip that tells us to pay our outstanding indebtedness.

It means we try to cheer up people around us, but we can not fool them all.

Sting, insect/Insect bite:
- If the insects attack us, it reflects that there are people that we can not dominate despite considering them inferior to us.

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- If a bee stings us, means that there may be a danger to our reputation.
- If a wasp stings us, means small problems.

If we dream that we feel a stinging on the feet, it means that there is someone who wants us to get away from a certain place, for example: From work, home...

It represents our tendencies toward evil.
- If we dream that a wave is approaching that begins to grow and becomes giant, but that as soon as it approaches to us, it is undone, it means that the danger existed that our uncontrolled emotions took us to the disaster, but in the end we managed to control them .
But if, in addition, we see that while the wave becomes big, the shape of a stingray is formed in the crest, but in the end the wave falls, it means that we were letting go by our negative emotions and dark tendencies, but in the end we achieved Control us and avoid disaster.

To dream that we are too stingy with food, represents a injustified concern.

- See: Scents >>

If in our dream we are losing it means that we must be patient and think things. But if we dream that we control the stirrups well, it means that we will succeed in our projects.

Stitch (The character from the cartoon series):
- If we dream of Stitch it means that there is a danger that we will be ridiculed (or abandoned and ridiculed) for the reason that we have not been able to adapt to our environment.

- If in the dream we see the legs of a woman and wearing a stockings (Nylon or silk) of BLACK color, means success in love, but at the same time tells us that something is not right.
- If the stockings have races or are BORED, warn us about possible deceptions or false promises.

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Stockholm syndrome:
- To dream of Stockholm syndrome means that there is something that we have not understood well.

Stomach cramps:
It means trouble with implications regarding relationships.

This sign represents our strength to carry out our purposes.
- If in the dream we see a STONE CYLINDER means we have the strength and harmony to accomplish our purposes.
- If we see in our dream a GEMSTONE, or a semiprecious stone, it means we have good purposes.
- If is a GEMSTONE,or semiprecious stone FALLS FROM THE SKY, it means that something good is about to start.
- Dreaming of a GIANT STONE MAN means that we are being too stubborn and advises us to change our attitude, for example: Accept help from someone.
- If we dream that we STUMBLED ACROSS A SPHERE STONE and feel dizzy at falling, it means that we have the strength and harmony to accomplish our purposes, however if we begin to doubt we can’t achieve it.

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- To dream of a stony path, means we will have many problems.

It means that we will receive support, although it will be of little importance but enough to begin to solve our problems.

- If you see a CLOSED store ahead augurs serious problems.
- View a store completely EMPTY, it means trouble is brewing. And if you dream of an empty store, but full of garbage, it means approaching problems are caused by jealousy and bad feelings of people around you.
- If you see a FULL SHOP, and good looking, you dream of material wealth or spiritual promises.
- If you see a store in RUINS is a danger of falling down in real life.
- If you see YOURSELF EXPOSED in the window of a store, then you have a strong inferiority complex.

It represents our subconscious.
- See a storehouse dirty or full of useless objects winery represents our subconscious is in the same conditions.
- If we see a storehouse clean and in good condition, it means that our inner is in order and well.
- A full storehouse, augurs well-being.
- If the storehouse is dirty and full of insects such as spiders and poisonous insects, means misfortune.

- If we see flying, one pair or more pairs of storks, means that our family is to increase, or announces marriage.
- If we see it, one stork flying towards us, meaning that we be careful with thieves.

If in our dream we see a cloudy sky with a storm, it means that difficulties are coming.
- If we see that suddenly the clouds begin to gather rapidly threatening a storm, it means that there is something we should not do, as it may be that we are planning to do a bad deed, so the dream warns us that if we do we will see each other in serious trouble.

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It represents our means to face the future.
- If it is a modern and in good condition stove, it means we have the means to face the future.
- If the stove is in poor condition, it means that we are not well prepared for the future.
- If there is food in it and burn or not cooked well it warns us that we have much to learn to succeed.
- If the food is cooked well, it means we are doing well.

- If in our waking life know someone who has curly hair, but in the dream we see with straight hair means that we will not tangle with that person, that is, that would not cause us problems or conflicts.

- If in our dreams, we feel that there is something strange or weird, it means that something is not right, in our current situation.
- If in our dream we see a young man strange face, like an unknown country or an unknown race, it means someone wants to impose their ideas by force.

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- To dream that we choke a person indicates that we will cause serious financial damage to an acquaintance.
- To dream that someone strangles us, it means us that we may suffer financial losses.

- To dream that we recommend a strategy to someone, but he(she) is skeptical, means the opposite, that is, that we who are still skeptical about the advice of someone.

It is a sign of material success thanks to perseverance.
- If in our dream we see straw in large quantity, and well packed or stored, it means success in our projects.
- If we see straw scattered without order, it means that we are not knowing how to take good care of our goods, and we run the risk of losing them.

Straw (Thin tube for drinking):
- If we are no longer children, and we dream that we drink something with a very infantile straw (like those that come in children's drinks), it means that we lack maturity.

- It means that women have an important role in our lives. Thanks to a woman, we will have love, and good fortune.

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-If suddenly we get lost, so DO NOT KNOW HOW TO RETURN HOME, BUT suddenly in the distance we see a building as a building or monument that is near our house and so we were relieved because know that to get there find the way back home, it means that we are concerned about an issue, but something that has to do with building, something happened there, with their meaning, or with someone we met there, can help us to resolve the issue.
- To dream that we GOT LOST indicates that the current situation takes a disturbing aspect; it can also mean that something in us related to the spiritual or moral is dead.

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- If in our dream we see a STRAIGHT STREET, that this alone and lost in the horizon, signifies our desire to improve, and our hopes, which are likely to be met.
- If we are walking down a DUSTY STREET, means that things may come to be difficult, but if we try a little, we will succeed.
- View a street ABOUND TREES, means success in our projects.
- View a street where there are NO TREES, mean difficulties and obstacles in our projects.
- If you see a BLOCKED STREET, tells us that we will face an obstacle, which we are advised that while there are difficulties in our way, we should not give up, but keep trying until success.
- If you CROSSING A STREET, means a change of social type. It can mean that we must leave behind our fears to achieve progress and grow.
- If you walk through a street and get on a CRUISE, you have come a moment when we must choose, finally, to where to direct our life or we make a decision soon.
- If you dream to a PERSON OR A DOG FOR COLOR BLACK OR YELLOW, tried to cross a street, but in his attempt Run Over (O) and is wound (or) in the middle of the street, it means that someone who recently departed from this world is in limbo, so you need our help to get to Heaven. He advises us to pray in the morning by that person for four days straight and if possible put your own picture on one side of an image of our Divine Lady (the Virgin of Guadalupe) to which she guided him and help him reach the Heaven.

Street fight:
- Dreaming of a street fight, it means a looming threat.

- To dream that we have strength means that we will soon be in good health, and a little help from Heaven.

- If we dream that we try to stretch a bill, it means that we must save money to avoid problems in the future.

- Find a stretcher or be in it, means a probable disease, or an accident. - If you dream to be an epidemic, and there stretchers, it means that there is a danger of a disease infect, which advises us to be cautious. r

- If we dream that there is an epidemic and no stretcher bearers carrying people, means that there is a danger of a disease infect, which advises us to be cautious.

- If a child dreams that his father is being strict, the dream tells him he should not disobey his parents both, may also mean that he feel guilty about something.

It means stagnation of our business or problems in certain projects.

To dream of something that is very striking, it means that there is something important that we have to keep in mind, in this case, it is also important to look for the meaning of the other things that we see in our dream, to know what the dream refers to.

- If in the dream we see a book tied with string, (So that it can´t be opened, since the strings prevent it), it means that there is knowledge that is important to make known, or that there is something that is important to find out (About all because there is someone who is trying to prevent us from making known something or find out something).

In this case, the meaning depends on the color of the stripes.
- If we dream that we changed the shirt for a shirt of horizontal stripes, color BLUE AND GREEN represents a positive change.

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- If we dream that we are a professional striper, it means sexual needs that have failed to meet. It may also mean that we feel attraction for exhibitionism.

- If in our dream we see that someone does us a striptease means sexual needs that have failed to meet and our sex life is difficult and boring.
- If a woman dreams that makes a striptease, it means the same as the previous one. It can also mean that is attracted to the exhibitionism.

- To dream of a stroller, means that a positive change is approaching that can bring us prosperity and happiness.
- If we see a stroller with a child inside, it means the beginning of something new, which will be accompanied by happiness.
- If in the dream we see a small breed dog or a puppy, inside a newborn stroller, and we also notice that it is burning, it means that there is someone who would like to marry and have children with us.
But if we start putting out the fire, then it means we wasted the opportunity, or somehow rejected that person.

- This sign represents something that we are failing to carry out, or something is delaying us.

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This dream tells us we have a good chance of achieving our projects.

Stuffed-toys/ Plush-toys:
This sign is related to the protection, especially if it's a plush-bear.
- If we dream that we have a PLUSH-TOY ALLUSIVE TO A ONE BRAND, tells us that we are well protected, and is related to what makes that brand (or that is what can help us protect ourselves and that relates to the meaning of what makes that brand), for example: If is a chocolate brand, says that happiness and good fortune in our family is safe, chocolates as they relate to the happiness and good fortune in our family.
If we dream that we have a plush-toy alluding to a phone brand, means we are well protected, because we have good communication with someone, because the phones relate to the communication.
- To dream about a PLUSH STUFFED TOY ANGEL, means we need an amulet to help us protect ourselves from those around us.
- Dreaming that we do hold a CORN INSTEAD OF OUR TEDDY BEAR, means that we are well protected and that our problems will be resolved soon.
- To dream that we are sitting on a PLUSH ARMCHAIR, tells us that although our current situation is good, we must not be complacent and we must seek to have extra protection, such as a charm, so that our situation is still good.
- If you dream of a PLUSH STUFFED TOY DINOSAUR means to be protected from problems, we must change an old attitude that does not benefit us.

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This dream warns us that if we behave like fools, can compromise the achievement of something important.

To dream that we have a stye in the eye, means that we are missing a vision of the facts and courage to achieve what we want.

- If we dream that we accept school in a very elegant, English style, it means that soon we will have a good opportunity to improve our work or activities.


If we dream that we speak with our subconscious and the conversation is not friendly, it means that it is difficult for us to control our emotions.

Subject :
- To dream that we fail the matter of art or artistic activities, means that we lack creativity to do things well.

Subliminal language/ Subliminal advertising:
- If we dream ads or anything that has subliminal language, we should look for the meaning of the things that represent the hidden images, for example, if we see a sexual organ or something that represents it, means that soon we will receive money, since that is the Meaning of sexual organ.

If a submarine is present in our dream, it means that we will be faced with a delicate situation and in order to protect ourselves, we must act decisively and effectively.

This dream tells us that we will have the certainty of having useful means to achieve a good management of our businesses and interests.

Subtraction ( - ):
- If in our dream we make a subtraction on paper or in a notebook, it means that it is important to defend our interests.

This dream tells us about a legacy or an inheritance.

Suddenly :
- To dream that suddenly fell asleep, it means lack of care, which tells us that we may be missing something unnoticed this, something that we're realizing, either in ourselves or in our affairs, so it is a call not to be negligent or complacent.
- If you dream that someone suddenly wakes up, it means that although our current situation looks good, we should not be complacent because will be people who are opposed to our interests.

Suck (Nurse, Be breastfed):
- Dream we are children and suck the breasts of a female-teacher, it means, we still immature plus we felt unprotected. In this case, the dream suggests we face problems with courage and determination, even seek the help of our Guardian Angels.

It means we want to rise on the social ladder.

- If we dream, that we suffer from an illness, it means that we can be worried about our health or that we will be worried about that reason.
- If in our dream we see ourselves crying at the margin of the events, it means that an unexpected joy will come.
- If we cry silently, the dream warns us that there will be a happy event.

This sign augurs pleasant family gatherings.

Sugar bowl:
- To dream that drop us a sugar bowl and all the sugar spreads on the floor means that there is a danger that our family relationships deteriorate.

Sugar cane:
- This sign is associated with the analysis of the situation, if we see our rods dream it means we better analyze the situation and our projects, also because it is possible that we can’t count on the help of our friends to solve our problems.
- Dreaming with a long cane and with an eye in it, it means that someone is aware of who we are related, or of whom like us.

Sugared almond:
It presages happy circumstances in the home. Joy and happiness.

- This dream tells us that we need to strengthen some of our own personality, or that we are being too pessimistic.
It may also mean that we are dissatisfied with life or with something of our lives.

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Suit jacket:
- This dream tells us how prepared we are to face future situations, so if it looks good it means that we are well prepared; but if it looks bad it means the opposite.
- If we dream that we are wearing a suit jacket that tightens us, it means that there is a danger that we will find ourselves in a difficult or embarrassing situation.

It represents our desire to escape something.
- If in our dream we see a BLACK suitcase, it means that we want to run away from a complicated and difficult situation. But if we see the suitcase in front of a closed door, tells us we can‘t run away from a complicated and difficult situation and advise us cope.
- If we are carrying a HEAVY AND LARGE suitcase, means we have a secret that is haunting us and we want to free ourselves.
- To dream about a suitcase full of MONEY (Bills), it means we want to escape economic hardship.
- If in our dream NOT FINISHED PACKING, means that we're frustrated about something related to our daily life, but not wanting to run from it.
- Dreaming with a suitcase full of SILVER, tells us that the only way to be protected and have good fortune, is to face our problems and not run from them.

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- If in our dream we see our suitor, the message is related to her (he), in this case, the important thing is to consult the meaning of the other things we see in the dream, to understand the full meaning.
- If in the dreem, we kiss our suitor, it means good fortune.
Also see: Girlfriend/Boyfriend

Sultans symbolize our parents or the people on whom we depend.
- If we dream that we ask a Sultan for advise, it means that we need a little help.
- If we dream it in a kind way, it means need for protection or help, it can also mean that we will have a good relationship with our bosses.

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To dream about summer, means that there will be a positive change, or the next coming of success in our projects.

If a submersible is present in our dream, it means that we will be faced with a delicate situation and in order to protect ourselves, we must act decisively and effectively.

- If in our dream as we reached the summit, it means that we will achieve our goals.
- If we fall or we cannot reach that, it means that we will succeed, unless we show more courage and character

Sumo wrestling:
If in the dream we see a sumo wrestler, it means that we have an enemy with a lot of money and resources.

It means: light, protection, life and everything good, unless we see it dark, then we warn of approaching danger.
- If we dream of the rising sun, it means that something good starts, it also augurs prosperity and well-being.

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If in our dream we see that a tsunami is approaching, it means that a disaster is approaching in our life, which advises us to be prudent and not get carried away by our instincts, especially in important matters, in order to avoid disaster.

- If you dream that attended school on a Sunday, or a legal holiday, it means we need to study and prepare more, and in this case also tells us that we need to study overtime, for example: Take a course of regularization, or if we were already taking, then, tells us that we do not leave to attend our regularization classes.

This dream asks us not lose sight of our sun, our primary objective is the only way to succeed in life.

This dream is related to our ideals.
- To dream that we travel in a vehicle and suddenly someone tries to get out by the sunroof with the danger of falling from the vehicle, means that we must keep in mind what our most important objectives are.

- To dream we see a sunset, means that stage of our life is about to end.

Super Mario Bros.
- If we dream that we are playing a video game, for example, that of super Mario-Bros. And it happens that we managed to win in addition to rescuing the princess, it means that we have the ability to carry out the most important company or project that has been entrusted to us.

It refers to scarcity.
This dream warns us that our current security may be unstable and a difficult situation is approaching; so we must be prepared, because our resources can diminish rapidly.

- If we dream of someone we know and we notice that he/she acts in a superb way, it means that he/she is a difficult person to deal with.

If we dream that we drive a supercar, it means that others see us with respect, but if it is a particular car, it means the following:
- Seeing a BATMOBILE or a superhero's car means that someone trusts us to help them solve a difficulty. It can also mean that others view us as respectful and trustworthy. And the same means if we dream that we drive it.
- If in our dream we see a new FERRARI, it means that others see us as young athletes, in addition to the fact that they also see us with respect and appreciation.
- To dream of KITT means that we have the ability to do many things (We have many talents).

- If we dream that we are very superficial or that someone is very superficial, it means that we lack self-confidence or that there is someone who lacks self-confidence.

- If a woman dreams of Supergirl or that someone tells her that she is like a supergirl, it means that she is overcoming a difficult problem and also, she tells him that at this moment she has new opportunities that she should take advantage of.

To dream of a superhero or that we are, means that we are overcoming a difficult problem and also tells us that at this moment we have new opportunities that we must take advantage of.
- If we dream that two superheroes are fighting each other, it means that we are fighting against someone who actually shares our same ideals, so this dream tells us that we must analyze things well.
- Dreaming of Flash or of a superhero whose main power is speed, means that we will manage to escape from a serious danger, at the same time that we will have new opportunities that we must take advantage of.

- To dream of superman or that someone tells us that we are superman, it means that we are overcoming a difficult problem and also, he tells us that at this moment we have new opportunities that we should take advantage of.

A Market, Mini-super, Supermarket, Hypermarket, Outdoors market... represent our external and material life, and the people we see there are those who are close to us in real life. If we buy something, it equals what we will get; Although if we make the attempt to buy something, but in the end we do not, it means that we will not be able to obtain that which means what we did not buy (Unless we change our attitude), for example: If we see that we are in a position or section, of pants and we buy one, it means that we have security and determination to achieve what we want, but if we only try, then it means the opposite, since the meaning of pants is related precisely to the security and determination to do things.

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- To dream that we have superpowers, it means that we will soon achieve a higher spiritual level.
- If we dream that we are crossing the street and suddenly we notice that a vehicle is coming from the front at high speed and when we turn to the other side another vehicle comes, but we use our superpowers to escape by flying, it means that we have the opportunity to get out of a trap very elaborate and we must take advantage of it. But if when trying to escape by flying we run into electrical cables, then it means that we have the opportunity to get out of the trap but there is a danger.

- To dream that we are superstitious, means that our beliefs about a certain matter are not entirely correct or that we must make sure of something, so that we do not have any doubts.

- If we dream of a supervillain, for example, with the Joker, Lex Luthor, etc., it represents an enemy that is difficult to defeat. But if we see it as a cartoon, then it means that there is a danger that an evil person will make fun of us.
- If we dream that we are a supervillain, for example: The Joker, Lex Luthor ... it means that we are acting dishonestly or that someone sees us as a dangerous enemy.

- If we dream that we manage to fix everything before the supervisor arrives, it means that we will be able to avoid a problem.

- To dream that someone is supplanting us, means that in our daytime life, someone has tried to impersonate us, which we should not allow.

Supplicate, Beg:
- If we dream that we beg for something, it means that we must forgive someone.

- If in the dream someone we know supports us in something, it means that we can trust that person or that we will have some help from that person.

- If we dream that we are supporters of a communist group, it means setbacks.
- If we dream that we avoid being supporters of a communist group, it means that we know how to take advantage of the councils.

Supposedly, Suppose:
- If in the past we had a friend (supposed friend) who always got us into trouble, and we see him in our dream, he represents someone who pretends to be our friend, but who in reality only looks for his own interest (In this case, he It is about a reminder dream, which tells us that we have a friend who looks a bit like that old friend who always got us into trouble.

- If in the dream we simply see a surfboard, it means that someone is influencing us too much.
- If we see a fighter with a surfboard, it means that success depends on our sacrifice and that we do not allow ourselves to be influenced too much by others.

- If in our dream we simply see a surfer, surfing in the waves, it means that to achieve what we want, we must learn to control our emotions.

Surgical room:
- If we dream of a doctor who is carrying out a surgery, it means that there is someone who is needing our help.

Surgical suture:
To dream of a well-made surgical suture, it represents the solution to a problem that seemed difficult.
But if in our dream we see someone we know with a bad or crooked surgical suture, it means that we have not been able to fix things with that person or that we could hardly fix things with that person.

- To dream of that bird, it means that we must be honest with ourselves and recognize the evidence of what happens in our life.
- To dream that we use suri leather articles, tells us that we lack the courage to do things.

Suri (Edible worm):
A suri is a phallic symbol (It represents a man, fertility, motherhood, virility or sensuality, depending on who dreams it).
-If a woman dreams that a suri bites a man, she represents a very jealous person. -If a woman dreams of suris, but they disgust her, she represents a man who does not suit her.

- If we dream that someone has a certain name, and it happens that in our waking life we have a friend, enemy, acquaintance, or family (For example: A cousin), who has the same last name , we must pay attention to the meaning of other things we see in the dream and compare our current situation , since it is likely that the dream is talking us precisely that person with the same surname.
- Dreaming of someone who has two last names to we remember, because in our waking life know people with those names, means: For example, if we dream of someone who's last name is: Méndez Lombardo and it happens that in the past we met someone whose last name was "Méndez" and with that person we had a business relationship, love, legal, friendship, etc., and it happens in the present, we know someone who is his last name is: "Lombardo" and we have with that person: a relationship or case of its type, the dream tells us that the issue we had with who his surname is: "Lombardo" is similar to the issue we had with the person who his surname was "Méndez" so it is very likely to will happen the same or both people behave in the same way (As if the dream told us that the Mendez case is similar to the Lombardo case).

- If in our dream we feel surprised by something, or someone gives us a surprise, it means that we are restless because we are waiting for something to happen. It can also mean that we have a desire that is not yet very well defined.

Surrealism, Surrealist:
- If in our dream we see a painting or something surreal and it also causes us fear, it represents a situation that is causing us frustration, especially because there is something that is not right or is out of place.

This dream tells us that we should not put aside our ideals and principles in order to achieve something material, since this can bring us many problems, or put ourselves at the mercy of people who offer us to get certain advantages or things

- If we make a survey it means that we will achieve victory over our rivals.
- If someone surveys us, means that we have awakened the suspicions of our rivals.

- If we dream that a neutron bomb kills all living beings, and we are the only survivor, it means that we feel that others do not support us or that they are forgetting us.
- If we dream that the plane in which we were traveling crashes and it happens that we are the only survivor, the dream tells us that something went wrong in our affairs, but we still have the possibility to try again.

-If a girl dreams that she loses her Susikin (baby doll), and then another girl finds it and takes it away, it is a advise that tells her that she should take better care of her toys.

- If in our dream we see ourselves suspecting something, it means that there is something that is not right, so we must analyze the situation well.
- If in our daytime life we have the suspicion of something, and we dream that we have the same suspicion but that when trying to verify it we realize that it is not as we thought, it means the opposite, that is, that the suspicions of our daytime life are true.
But if in our day life we have the suspicion of something, and we dream that we have that same suspicion and that when we try to verify it we realize that it was true, it means the opposite, that is, that the suspicions of our day life are incorrect.

If there is suspense in our dream, it means that there is a business that worries us, and the meaning of the other things we see in the dream can give us more details.

This dream is a warning that something bad can happen.

To dream of a well-made surgical suture, represents the solution to a problem that seemed difficult. But if in our dream we see someone we know with a poorly made or crooked surgical suture, it means that we have not been able to fix things with that person or that we could hardly get to fix things with that person.

SUV (Truck type):
As they are family vehicles, they are sometimes related to our family or to the possibility of getting married and having children.
- The appearance of the vehicle is how others see us.
- The path we travel on can give us clues to our life depending on the meaning of the things we see.
Also see: "Truck".

Swabs, cotton:
- To dream that we have too much wax in the ears, it means that we must pay more attention to what happens around us. But if we dream that we clean the wax with a cotton swab, then, it means that soon we will realize what happens around us or what they say about us, but it has already happened.

This dream tells us that our actions are contrary to our own interests.

It symbolizes purity.
To dream of swallows is an excellent omen of peace and happiness albeit with slight longing and melancholy.
- If nest in our house is even better omen and extended to all members of the household.
- View reach a swallow, foretells news of loved ones.
- View the swallow leave, it means that a family member will go for a short time.
- If we see the swallow die, portends bad luck or a tragic event.

- If in our dream we see ourselves in a swamp and sink in it, it warns us of a probable danger or of a next illness, and if in addition the dream looks dark and the water smells bad, it means that the danger or the disease can be more serious.
- If in the swamp we see that sunlight arrives, even if it is little, it means danger or illness, but it tells us that we have ample possibilities to avoid danger or disease.

We promises fame and fortune, unless they are black, because then warns against immorality.

- If we see a swarm attacks us, it means problems with partners or lazy in working with the consequent ruin.
- See only some bees is a happy omen.
- See some bees from flower to flower indicate a nascent love.
- Destroy a beehive, it means that we are antisocial and misfits with the environment.
- If in the dream we see a swarm of flies, it means that we have many dangerous enemies.

- To dream of a swashbuckling, it means it is likely that we become used without us realize it.
- To dream a swashbuckling bothering us, it means that someone tries to manipulate us and cause us problems meddle in our affairs, which advises us not allow it.

The swastika comes from one of the oldest civilizations that is aware of, and is developing somewhere in ancient India. It is a sign that represents good and evil.
- Dreaming of a swastika means we will have good fortune. But if we see it as nazi sign (black and turn left) or in a nazi sign, tells us that there is sometimes a fine line between what is good and what is bad, so it's a tip that tells us that we must be careful not to end in the way of evil and revenge.

Swear words:
It tells us that we must be cautious in the way of avoiding the emotional climate that we could be harmed.
- If in the dream we see a child saying profanity, means that we must be very careful with our enemies and avoid any discussion, because we could be harmed or be victims of a trap.
- If a child dreams of being rude to his teacher, or swears to her teacher, means he must avoid being disrespectful to his teacher, because otherwise he might get hurt.

It means that we will have some problems that will affect our physical endurance.
-- To dream that we have sex and begin to sweat, means the following:
• To dream that we have sex and begin to sweat more than normal, means that we are having some difficulties related to sex or that we fear sex for some reason. This dream advises us to be more sure of ourselves.
• To dream that we have sex with someone we know or someone who looks like someone we know, and suddenly we see that she(he) begins to sweat, but the sweat is white, it means that person would want to have sex with Us, but does not insist or accept because it tries to behave well (Since it can be married or any other reason).
-- If we dream that we can´t reach our girlfriend (boyfriend), besides that we are full of sweat, it means that we are not doing enough to please her(him), that is, that we do not are working hard enough to make things work. r

This sign tells us how prepared we are to deal with future situations, so if it looks good means that we are well prepared, but if it looks bad means the opposite.
- Wear a black sweater, and good looking, means we are well prepared for future situations, but sometimes we abuse others. He advises us to be more considerate towards others.
- Wear a red sweater, tells us that we are ready to have a girlfriend or suitor. And the same mean, if we wear a sweater with roses pattern.
- To dream that you put a sweater on a chair, tells us that we are well prepared to face the current situation.
- If in our dream we see someone we know, or someone who looks like to someone we know, and noticed that is wearing a white sweater, that means the person or the person who looks is good and loyal.
- If in our dream a sweater accidentally breaks, fraying, burns, broken, or disappears, tells us that we are not yet prepared to face the situation.
In this case, the color of the sweater can give us more details, for example, if we break a red sweater, tells us that we are not yet ready for love (either because we do not do something, there is an obstacle, a problem, poor fitness, etc.), if we break a pink sweater, then tells us that we are not yet ready for a new love .....

- It tells us how prepared we are to face future situations, so that if it looks good it means that we are well prepared; but if it looks bad it means the opposite.
- If we dream that we are wearing a sweatshirt that tightens us, it means that there is a danger that we will find ourselves in a difficult or embarrassing situation.

- Sweep means that soon we will see our problems resolved according to our wishes.
- If you sweep in the middle of the street, it means shyness.
- Sweep into a temple, promises good luck and good fortune.
- See sweep someone you know in a temple, predicts that this person will have good luck and good fortune.
- To dream that someone will sweep your feet with a broom, it means bad luck in love.

Sweet dragees:
- It means good luck in love.

Sweet Sixteen:
- If a woman dreams of a SWEET SIXTEEN DRESS/ DRESS OF FIFTEEN YEARS, it is because recently she saw a dress that she liked a lot, or that she misses her years of youth.
- If a child drams that SHE IS 15/16 YEARS OLD, it means that she wishes she could do the things that older girls do.

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Swedish shoes:
Swedes have the same meaning as normal shoes, with a few exceptions, for example:
-If a man dreams of Swedish type velvet sandals, it means desire to have sex with a girl, although it can also mean that he will soon have sex with a tender girl.

- If in our dream we SWIM WITH EASE, means we'll have good luck.
- If we DROWN, predicts that we will not succeed in our projects.
- If we SAVE SOMEONE FROM DROWNING, means we can avoid a hazard.
- If we see that SOMEONE IS DROWNING, BUT DO NOTHING TO HELP, then there is a danger close.
- If we are swimming and beside a CROCODILE EATS SOMEONE, it means that there is a very close danger.
- If we swim the WATERS TO SEE CLEAR, means that we are sincere, otherwise it means we have bad feelings towards someone.
- If in our dream we are LEARNING TO SWIM, it means that we lack willpower and determination.
- If the WATERS FORCE US AWAY, tells us that we are being led by our passions.
- If swam WITH DIFFICULTY, tells us that we must do more.
- If you dream that NOT KNOW HOW TO SWIM, means that we do not know how to carry out a project or how to treat a certain matter.

Predicts a trip that will last a short time.

It means a happy marriage, and if the rope breaks means the marriage will be fertile.

Swiss army knife:
- If we use it to ATTACK or threaten someone represents jealousy or revenge.
- To dream that someone GIVES us a Swiss Army knife or a pocketknife, it means it is very likely that we are victims of a hoax.
- If we are GIVING someone a Swiss army knife, portends a break.
- If we dream we bought a Swiss Army knife, but noticed that has LITTLE PRACTICAL tools and even if they are worn, it means that we buy things that we are most useful (Avoid buying or acquiring things that are not going to serve).
- If in our dream we see a Swiss army knife THICKER and more tools than usual, tells us that we can achieve success with perseverance and determination, but may also mean that we need greater protection.

- If in our dream we only see a switch and it is blue, it announces success in our projects.
- To dream that we turn on the light, means that we will soon acquire important knowledge or that we will discover something that was hidden. But if we turn it off, then it means difficulties.

- If the swollen us, we should see which is the swollen part and apply its symbolism.

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A sword represents the best tool to destroy evil and to overcome our adversaries, for example if we beat an enemy with it, it means success; and the same means if we destroy something that has a bad meaning to it.
- If the dream focuses on the BLADE OF THE SWORD, and is two sides may mean that our arguments are convincing, provided that to the blade be shining, but the blade is in poor condition, warns us that we need to do more to know well how to transmit our arguments to others and thus more compelling our words.

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- Dreaming of a swordfish, means that soon we will be successful, and/or economic prosperity. But if we see that its beak is broken, then it means failure.
- If we dream that we catch a swordfish, it means success and prosperity.

- To dream that we do not like the father of our girlfriend, suitor, ex-girlfriend or former suitor, means that we will have an obstacle or a danger.
- If we dream that we sympathize with someone we like, it means that he/she also likes us. And if we dream that we sympathize with someone we like, but he/she talks to us slowly, it means that he/she also likes us, but is being a bit insecure, which advises us to take the initiative or give him/her a little more confidence to be feel more secure.

- Dreaming of a symphony orchestra is a good sign that tells us that all will be well for us.

- If in our dream we see someone we know, and we notice that he has a symptom of a contagious disease, it means that we dislike that person or that he said something that we dislike. It can also mean that we must be careful with that person since he may have a contagious disease, which advises us to be prudent.

This dream tells us that soon we will see our wishes and hopes fulfilled, and if in it we see an image of the Divine Lady (Virgin of Guadalupe) it means that our luck will be greater.
- If we see a synagogue from afar and do not approach it, it means disappointment.
- If we see ourselves in a synagogue talking to people, but not paying attention to what is said there, it means that we are being thoughtless in real life, and that we are likely to commit something reckless.

In this case we must pay attention to what dominates the most and for this we must observe the signs that are at the top, in the middle, the main characteristics, color, etc. So that, what dominates the most, tells us that it is what most dominates in a Being or in a matter.

Synthetic things represent the false.
- If our dream focuses on synthetic things, it means that we are not being honest with ourselves or with those around us.

- If we dream that we contract syphilis, it means that we may soon have health problems; It can also mean that we are in danger of catching a disease. This dream advises us to be prudent and to get a charm for health.

A syringe for injection means we will help solve our most difficult issues.

The syrup is associated with help for our health or our soul.
- If the syrup is for someone else, it is because that person is in need of our help.
- If we see ourselves as physicians, it is a warning that we must attend our body and soul.


.. .. Sa-Sc .. Se .. Sh .. Si .. Sk-Sl .. Sm-So .. Sp .. Sq-Sz