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Dreams: Sp

To dream that we go to a spa, means that we must show ourselves in a better way to others, for example: In a more cordial and relaxed way.

Space shuttle:
To dream about space shuttle means that we want to achieve a much higher level. This dream tells us that the only way to achieve a higher level is through effort and perseverance.

The spaghetti has the same meaning that the food in general, as appropriate (If the spaghetti is cold, hot...). But if we dream that we are at a party and eat spaghetti, it means difficulties related to a tangled or confusing issue.

Spanish Polvorones (Cookie-polvoron):
- If it is a cookie-polvoron, it means probable losses of money that are related to the end of a business or loss of goods.
• If we see a store and there we see polvorones with a lot of sugar, it means that there are loves that

It warns us to be careful with the wiring.

- If in the dream we see a yellow sparkle, it means that we must reflect on an issue.

- It can be a warning against our unconsciousness and futility.
- It can also be a warning against unconscious people who try to benefit from us without worrying if they hurt us.

Sparrow hawk:
- The sparrow hawk symbolizes rise in all planes of existence; physical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual, also it symbolizes victory and superiority.
- If in our dream we see a sparrow hawk tearing a hare announces victory over unbridled desires.

Spatula tool:
This dream warns of the danger of being injured on the development of our activities.

- The meaning of the dream depends on what we hear, so if we like what we hear, means happiness; but if we do not like, then it means that a problem is coming.
- If the speakers of a computer and see them in poor condition, it means that something is happening to us unnoticed and has to do with our work or something related (like not being able to hear or perceive well what happens).

It means we have many ambitions and we are confident of achieving them, it is very likely that we attain. At least we are wounded by the spear, in this case, means sorrows in love, or of any other type.

Special offer:
- If in our dream we simply see some promotion, for example: two for one or a gift in the purchase of a certain product, it means that we will soon have new opportunities that we must seize.

Special master/Cour expert:
- If we dream that we lost a claim because someone bribes an special master, it means that we recently suffered an injustice at the hands of an arbitrary authority. But it can also mean that you canīt always trust the authorities, so it is best to avoid resorting to claims as much as possible.

- If a woman dreams that a man she knows gives a spectacular engagement ring, it represents a successful compromise and/or that person will suit her.

- If something looks good, but we speculate or think that may be wrong, it means that something is not right we must analyze the situation well. - If we see a lake with clean water, but we think or speculate that the water may be contaminated, means we have a well-founded feelings (Related to love), but something is not right. Which advises us to we must analyze the situation well.

- If we are giving a speech, it means that it is likely that our desires are not realized.
- Listen to a speech, it means as is said, will be the dream favorably or unfavorably.

- If we dream to use any method of divination or sorcery, means that approach distress, in this case it is useful to think about what the future things that could go wrong, and why start analyzing the situation well.
- If in the dream we are making spells to another person, means that person we can be very useful.

- If a man dreams of semen or sperm, it means that he needs to have sex, because sometimes they are also necessary, but only if sufficient precautions are taken either to prevent infection or to avoid making unwise.
- If a man dreams of naked women with skin smeared with sperm , or if a woman dreams of having sperm in the skin, means : Wishes to have sex , or we need to have sex, but at the same time we dream cautioned to take all precautions to prevent a disease infect , or commit an imprudence .

A sphere represents the harmony and order.

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It symbolizes the enigmatic and mysterious appearance of women.

It means happiness in our home, and good fortune in money.

Spiders represent the dark side.
- If you dream of a spider, it means that we are careless or reckless, which would cause us to fall into deception and cheating.
- If the dream we see many spiders on the ceiling of our house, it means that someone who has ill will.
- If in our dream we see spiders falling from the ceiling of our house, tells us that there are people who keep us ill will and we are causing or will cause us harm.

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Split (Exercise):
- If we dream that we finally manage to do the split well, or any other difficult exercise to do, it means that we have had an important achievement in our life.

- If we dream that a glass with water drops and water spills on the table, it means approaching health problems in the family.
- To dream that we are making an orange juice or other citrus, and suddenly we drop and spills juice means approaching health problems.

Spinach dream means that we will have good health and good physical condition.

The twists and things that twirl are generally associated with a change (It suggests that things can give a positive or negative direction, depending on the context of the dream and the meaning of the other things we see in the dream).
- If in our dream we see things twirl while rising, it tells us that our issues can put a positive spin.
- If in our dream we see things that rotate while falling, it tells us that our affairs may take a negative turn.

Represents support.
- If a man dreams that a kitten in his bed, but then realizes that he has come out the bones of the spine, it means that he feels that his girlfriend (wife) does not support it enough.
- If we dream the doctor operates the spine, means that we need someone to support us or someone to support us.

Spinning wheel:
It means: Family pleasures or emotional well-being.

- If in our dream we see a spinster, it means that he urges us to become independent, it can also mean that he urges us to get married.

This dream tells us that with a little patience can get what we want.
- If in our dream we see the picture of an elephant and noticed that has figures of spirals around, it means that if we have a little patience, we will have the strength and the knowledge we need.
- If in our dream we see a coin with the figure of a spiral, it means that with a little patience and perseverance, we will have good fortune or good luck on a certain topic.
- But if our dream we see a spiral rotating (Moving) and clearly remember which way it did, it means: If the spiral turned to the right, it means that our business can get to give a positive turn, but turned left then it means that things may get to take a negative turn.

by letter.

- To dram about a BAD SPIRIT WATCH US, mean there is something we need to know and is, that there is a person who tries to harm us in any way.
- If we dream a pesky spirit is BOTHERING us, means that someone person is causing problems or is provoke either meddling in our affairs or making witchcraft; which advises us not allow it and or get an amulet, such as a four leaf clover silver.

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Spiritual retreat:
To dream that we are in a spiritual retreat means that we want to prosper. It can also mean that we wish we could understand certain things or certain people.

- If we dream that we CONSULTED A SPIRITUALIST, and she tells us about our situation, what she says we should, it is what can happen in the future.
- If in our dream we consulted a medium, what we see in your crystal ball is what can happen. Can also relate to the meaning of the images we see in the CRYSTAL BALL.
- If in our dream we consulted a medium, but noticed her CRYSTAL BALL IS COVERED with a cloth or something similar, it means that our future is uncertain.
- If in our dream we consulted a medium, and noticed that her crystal ball is covered with a cloth or something similar, but suddenly BREAKS THE FABRIC AND CRYSTAL BALL STICKS, it means that we have control of our destiny.
- If we dream that a spiritualist it HITS TO US WITH A FOLDER, means we want a positive change in our work, but also warns us to think about the things that could go wrong, so it is a call to analyze the situation well before disaster strikes.
- JUST SEE, it means that anxieties are coming, in this case it is useful to think about what the future things that could go wrong, and that begin to analyze the situation well.
- If in the dream we will TELL FORTUNES to another person, it means that person can be very useful to us.

This sign can have several meanings depending on how you see, for example if someone spits, or someone spits something that belongs to us, means there are a person who is trying to harm us. But if we spit something that has a bad meaning tells us that we have rid of that bad which means that thing.

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It means failure and bad luck.

Means tangled affairs.

It is a warning that tells us that we must be careful what we do/say, because there is a danger that we will be involved in a scandal.

If we see we get a splinter or splinter, means approaching discussions and criticisms of friendly people.
- If we dream that we removed a splinter to someone, it means you will soon end up with a problem or achieve soon avoid arguments and reproaches.
- If we removed a splinter, means the same as above.

Split (Exercise):
- If we dream that we finally manage to do the split well, or any other difficult exercise to do, it means that we have had an important achievement in our life.

- If we dream that someone spoiled us, it means that there is a person who wants to you treat he better.
But if we dream that we spoiled someone, then it means that we would like certain people to treat us better.

It tells us that we should pay more attention to protect our reputation.

To dream about our godfather means that we will have support at a difficult time. And if we see our godparents (Godfather and godmother), it means the same as the previous.

To dream that someone sponsors us means that we will have help in an important matter.

This sign tells us that we have marital bliss.
- If is a GOLD SPOON means marital bliss, accompanied by prosperity, loyalty, happiness, and harmony (If you're not married, it means that it is likely to get married with a person, good and true, which brings us happiness and good luck).
But if in the dream we see a gold spoon, but then we see that it is a gold-plated spoon, and also noticed that the spoon is starting to drop gold, represents a marriage or probable marriage, which seemed, would bring us happiness, loyalty, prosperity, and harmony, But in reality it is not, and you will soon realize that.
- If we are LOSING A SPOON, means we can be innocent victims of a suspicion.
- If is a METAL SPOON, means marital happiness and prosperity.
- If is a WOOD SPOON, means we will have happiness, despite the poverty.
- But if we dream a WOOD SPOON IS BURNING, means that we get to have money, but not marital bliss, and refers to someone with whom we have possibility of getting married, or who got married recently.

If we dream that we are playing in a game or we're competing in a sport means that success depends on our wisdom and sacrifice, but if we see how to end the game or the tournament, means the following:
If we win, it means that in our waking life also win, if we lose, it means a probable failure, if no one wins, it means that the future is uncertain, and if we lose by default, then, means a probable failure because of our lack of courage.

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Sports, extreme:
- If in the dream we are practicing an extreme sport means that if we do not have enough skill and experience we can get to get into serious trouble.

Sport Pants:
It means the same thing as pants, See: "pants".

Sport shoes/Tennis:
- Dreaming with a pair of new tennis or that we tested a new, means that you need to buy a new pair of sneakers.
- If we are without footwear, is a warning that we may be subject to the other.
- If we are to children's sport shoes, tell us we're being immature.
- If we tighten the tennis dream is a warning that we must adapt to a new situation.
- If we break a tennis portends the loss of our freedom.

- If a man dreams that he brings a cat with white spots in your pocket, represents a safe girlfriend, but also tells him to be careful with sex, as it can cause many problems.

When in the dream we are illuminated by a spotlight, it means that we are in the sight of someone or that someone is aware of what we do.
- If we dream that we are in a room with our girlfriend (boyfriend), while a reflector illuminates us, while some dogs try to attack us, it means that we are in the sight of someone who wants to see us separated from our girlfriend (boyfriend), So we must be prepared to avoid unexpected surprises.

- View our dream deodorant spray or flavoring, means that the artifices employed to mask the truth before others did not yield results.
- If in our dream we see a white dog that someone painted graffiti on your body, it means that there is a danger that someone sabotaged our courtship or our friendship with someone.

Spray (Sprayed or sprinkle with water):
- If in the dream we are spraying ALCOHOL IN THE BEDROOM of our parents, means it is likely that one of our parents soon suffer for the treachery of another, and we may have to do, either because we say what happens or to our recklessness reaches advice.
In these cases, to tell one parent that the other is cheating, can help, as such, is likely to avoid the problem reaches higher and although our parents angry then reconciled, but is also likely they divorce, so that in future we should be more cautious, and ask guardian angels and God's help.
- If in our dream someone sprinkled us with holy water of a CULT (SUPPOSEDLY BLESSED), tells us that someone has been sabotaging us or will try to sabotage us, and if the person who sprayed us with the supposedly holy water, is someone we know, it means that we should try to be careful with that person because he(she) can sabotage us or sabotage us by recklessly.
- If in our dream we see a GIRLFRIEND(BOYFRIEND) SPARAYING HOT WATER, means it is very likely that she(he) will soon leave us.
- If in our dream we see our WIFE(HUSBAND) SPRAYING HOT WATER, means it is very likely that she(he) suddenly asks us to divorce.

It usually refers to the start of something good.
Sometimes it is a warning that we must adapt to changes, whether good or bad.

Spring, coil:
- If we see a spring in our dream, it symbolizes new principles.
- If in the dream we want to defecate, but the toilet is very high and has a spring as a base, so we canīt find a way to use it, it means that it is being difficult for us to adapt to a new way of doing things, to new ones principles or to a new system.

Spring, water:
A spring represents regeneration, purification, life, and the beginning of something good.
- If we see a spring but we can not drink from it, it means that before our hopes are fulfilled, we must wait some time.
- If we dream of a spring that is dry, it means that our hopes are vain or that they will not be carried out.
- If in the spring the water looks turbulent or dirty, it means moral or economic ruin.
- If the water is clean and calm, it means that all our difficulties will disappear.
- If we see born a spring in our garden augurs good luck and happiness.
- If we see a spring, and next to a tree, it means that we will succeed in our purposes.
- If we see that a known person takes water from the spring, it means that the difficulties or diseases of that person will disappear.

- To dream spurs, it means concerns.
- If we are wearing spurs, it means that we do not have the character we try to pretend.

It means we'll see mixed in a complicated situation.
It may also mean that we have a concern or suspicion about a topic. In this case it is useful to consult the meaning of the other things we see in dreams to know that our concerns or suspicions related.

- If we dream someone is spying on us, it means that someone who is attentive to everything we do, so we must be cautious.
- If we dream that we are bathing and there are more windows than normal, plus us feel uncomfortable because we think someone can be watching or spying, mean the same as the previous one, that is, tells us that there is someone who is attentive to everything we do, so we must be cautious.


.. .. Sa-Sc .. Se .. Sh .. Si .. Sk-Sl .. Sm-So .. Sp .. Sq-Sz ..