Dreams: Sm-So
The small things that appear in dreams when in reality they are not, reflect our ignorance and smallness. Fighting this means one of
the means to attain true wisdom.
- If in the dream we see a bed that starts to become small, it means bad luck in love, in this case we should think about what would be
the things that can cause us to have bad luck in love, and try to avoid happen.
- If we dream that our bedroom is so small that we can barely fit, it means that we are being selfish, and it is related to the affairs of love.
See: “Cell phone”.
- Indicates our fear of making an important decision.
- May indicate on our way emerge a major obstacle.
- If we have escaped of the accident or to be smashed our well do we get rid of a sticky situation.
- If only we see an accident or see someone being smashed, we will have some setbacks without consequences.
- If we smash a rat and thought we killed, but did not get to see completely dead, it means that we are able to eliminate an enemy permanently, but we must not be complacent, because it is a very persistent enemy, so it is best to do more than need (What we think is necessary to overcome) so that they are not likely to rise again.
- If we dream that we want to smell our feet, it means that we have some distrust or
that we are acting with distrust, and it is related to commitment or marriage.
- Also see: Scents >>
- If we are melting metals, it means success in our business or affairs.
This dream in most cases tells us that there will be a happy understanding between our friends or family.
- If we dream that our girlfriend (boyfriend) smiles at us like a clown, it means that she/he loves us, although sometimes she behaves inappropriately.
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- See: Milkshake >>
It means a state of confusion that prevents us from solving the problems that we are, can also be a warning about hidden enemies.
- If the smoke is from incense, means good fortune.
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Smoke, fill with:
- If we dream of a candle in a glass and begins to smoke, so the glass is black with smoke, it means that our adversaries are very angry.
If we dream that we have a strong addiction to cigarettes, it means that we are concerned about our health.
- Seeing someone smuggling something, it means we disagree with someone.
The Smurfs in our dream (See them as real beings), represents good luck in love, but can also mean that someone is trying to harm us in any way.
On the other hand, if we see Smurfs as cartoons, then, means that there is a possibility that someone manipulates us and mocks us.
- To dream that we ARE A SMURF means that someone is trying to force us to be something to we are not.
- If we dream Smurfs, but as CARTOONS, means that there is the possibility that someone manipulates us and mocks us.
- To dream about GARGAMEL means that we have dangerous enemies.
- If in our dream we see SMURFETTE represents a lustful woman (For example: If we recently met a certain girl, says she is a lustful woman).
But if we dream a prostitute smurfette means bad luck in love.
- If we dream that SOMEONE IS CHASING A Smurf, tells us there is something or someone who is trying to enslave us, for example: Someone who is
taking advantage of our friendship too; any game this absorbing all our time and therefore not we can do our jobs, etc...
Means we have some comforting moments during a difficult and depressing time.
Snail, sea:
Snails represent our existence through time.
- If in the dream we are eating or crushing sea snails, means that we must reflect on our actions.
- If in our dream we see sea snails with spikes or thorns, tells us that
We should think more about our actions, because otherwise we will have to face many problems.
Snake and Viper:
- If the viper or snake is ANGRY, means that something is wrong in our lives.
- If you see a snake or viper ON THE BED (in the case of women) indicates a
next pregnancy.
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It means that our adversaries are prepared to commit wrongdoings against us.
- This dream tells us that soon we will receive a surprise.
- If we dream that someone try to sneezing on us, with the purpose to infect us, it means there is someone who has envy and ill will.
To dream that we are sniffing around, it means there may be a nearby danger. It can also mean that something is wrong.
It warns us of people who are liars, fickle, unscrupulous, dishonorable, fickle in their feelings.
- If we dream that we snorkel with sharks and that in the end nothing happens to us, it means that we are surrounded by people who want
to deprive us of what is ours, but even so, we will come out unharmed.
- If it is a pet snout tells us that we will be favored by affection.
- If it is a menacing snout it indicates that our situation could depend on our opponents.
- If we dream that our dog on the snout brings a turtledove or a pigeon, dead without a leg, it means bad luck in love.
- If in our dream we see the dog mascot of someone we know and noticed that suddenly his snout is extended into the shape of the muzzle of a wolf, it means that we should not trust that person, because he is a cheater and treacherous person.
Snow symbolizes the loneliness and death, so that this dream, we
advised to do something to counteract the bad luck unless you dream
happen in winter, then the dream predicts an abundance of goods.
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To dream of a snowboard, it means that we are being influenced by someone.
Snowfall represents loneliness and death, so it advises us to do something to counteract bad luck; unless the dream happens in winter, in that case the
dream augurs abundance of goods.
But if we dream of a snowstorm, then it represents loneliness and death, so it advises us to do something to counteract
bad luck, in this case it means the same no matter what season we dream it.
If in our dream we see a snowman, means that we are being too cold (emotionally cold).
- To dream that we soak bread in coffee and then eat it means promising events in our work.
And if the bread is of chocolate, then the message is more specific because it means: Promising events in our work, but in this case, thanks to the help of family members.
Seeing soap in our dream means that our business will become clear soon, but if we dream that soapy water gets us in our eyes and burn us
or not let us see well, then, means that there is something we are not seeing or that we must discover.
- To dream about FOAM SOAP, the dream tells us something soon be clarified, but also warns us to be cautious.
- If in the dream FOAM SOAP, GETS US IN OUR EYES AND SO WE SEE NO GOOD, BUT THEN WE CLEAN or wash the face with clean
water, means that we have managed to see, understand, discover, or decrypt something. But if we dream gets foam soap in our eyes so we
can’t see well, but then we clean or wash with dirty water (For whatever reason) to see good, it means we have failed to see, understand,
decrypt or discover something, but in addition to at the same time, we can have consequences.
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This sign represents fertility and rain.
- If in our dream we see ourselves sobbing on the sidelines of events, it means that an unexpected joy will come.
- If we sob silently, the dream warns us that there will be a happy event.
- If when sobbing, we feel tired or relieved, it means that the end of a difficult situation will come soon.
- If in the dream we see someone we know sobbing, it means joy with respect to that person, if it is someone we do not know, it means unexpected joy.
- If we dream that we fall asleep while we listen to the sobbing of a baby, it means that the frustration we feel, for a goal that we have not managed to do is making us neglect and trust.
- Also consult: "Cry".
Ball games, symbolize the struggle between two forces.
- To dream we PLAYED played a game of football soccer, the dream tells us that our success depends on our wisdom and sacrifice.
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Soccer player:
- If we dream that the best player who has had our national team (Hugo Sanchez, Magico Gonzalez, Pele, Maradona, etc., depending on which country we were born) helps us anything, it means that we must take the help of our best friend, employee, student, pupil, and so on.
- If in our dream we are watching a game and we see one of the players of the team you support, drawn and bloodied, it means that our adversaries can cause us harm. That advise us to be cautious.
- If a woman dreams of being a famous footballer girlfriend, means that she does not feel sufficiently recognized or that others do not appreciate enough, and generally it relates to matters of love.
- If we dream that someone we know is a famous footballer means that person feels that we are not recognizing enough or we did not appreciate enough.
- If in our dream we are sociable, or someone is sociable, it means that we will soon make new friends.
Social networks:
In most cases, this sign is related to communication with those around us, with love, with what interests us, and sometimes tells us something about ourselves.
- If we dream that someone we know publishes something about AIDS on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram... it means that there is an issue that is worrying that person.
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Social Security, Social insurance:
- To dream that we have social security and even more so if the dream is accompanied by a feeling of security, it means that we are prepared or protected against any unforeseen event.
- If we dream that we do not have social security, or that social security is going to be taken away, it means that we are not yet prepared to face unforeseen events.
- If our dream is related to a meeting, it means that there are aspects of ourselves that we must accept.
- If it has to do with Marxism or communism, it means that there is a danger that our hopes will not be realized.
Society for the protection of animals:
This dream tells us that it is likely that we are neglecting one of our pets, or that we are mistreating it.
If in our dream we see a device connected or plugged in, and does not work well, it means that we have difficulties to get in
touch with someone or something, or that we have difficulties to join two things.
Socks is related to our current situation, so if they look good, tells us that our situation is good, but if they are in poor condition,
then, tells us that our current situation is not good.
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Soda or soft drinks, in most cases tell us that our troubles were over, and we predict a time of tranquility and peace.
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- If sodomy is present in our dream, the dream tells us that someone is repressing us.
- If it is a nightmare, then it means that someone is repressing us too much. It can also mean that we have sexual needs that we have not been able to satisfy.
Soft, condensed milk candy/Soft toffee:
- If we dream we tried milk caramel and the taste is sweet means pleasures.
- If we dream we tried milk candy and it tastes sour, means discomfort and distress.
- If in our dream we eat milk candy, means we either sentimental.
- If in our dream someone tell us, the price it means that we are being too sentimental.
It is related to our current situation, here the important thing is to see the conditions of the sofa and who we see in it.
- If we see a child sitting on a sofa, it means that we are being too immature.
- If we see ourselves sitting on a sofa in good condition, it means that our current situation is good and solid. But if the sofa is in poor condition, it means the opposite.
- If we dream of a black cat on a sofa, it means that we will suffer from the intrigues of a woman and problems in love.
- If we dream of two cats, one black and one white that are on top of a sofa, it means that we will continue to suffer difficulties and problems in love, due to the intrigues of a woman, unless we are firm towards that person, and not let him continue to meddle in our affairs.
Soffocate, Stifle:
- To dream that we hug with someone of the opposite sex, but then his embrace suffocates us, it means that there is someone we appreciate, but we no longer like him or we simply no longer love him as a girlfriend or suitor.
- To dream that we hug someone of the opposite sex, but then we suffocate them, it means that there is someone who appreciates us, but they no longer like us so much, or they simply no longer love us as boyfriends or suitors.
- To dream of soft leather shoes, he tells us that everything has gone well.
Softner, fabric:
- If in our dream we see fabric softener, it means that we must improve our relationship with others (Soften our relationship with others).
- If in our dream we see a CD, DVD, memory, card, or similar, containing a software on a school theme, or technical in particular,
for example: math, tells us that we need to study more on this subject in order to fulfill the task entrusted to us.
- If we dream that we solve a problem with the help of a computer software, it means that we have the possibility of achieving good
economic benefits. But if we dream that we cannot solve the problem with the program, then it means that it is very likely
that we will have economic problems.
- If we dream that we lose one of our consultation books/software (Consultation CD's, encyclopedias, etc.), it means that we must not stop using our consultation materials and means such as: Books, software, consultation web pages, etc. Since
there must be the information that we need to know at this time.
- If in the dream we see a terminator robot programmed to kill us, it represents a dangerous adversary, but at the same time the dream tells us that it is a person too mechanical and systematic, what we must keep in mind in order to overcome it.
But if we see the terminator programmed to kill us, off, it means that we manage to decipher his attack method in time and neutralize it, so that we manage to avoid a difficulty.
Solar cells:
- If the solar cells work well, it means we're doing well, and we have the energy and determination it takes to make things right.
- But if the solar cells do not work well, it means that we lack willpower to do things
- If our dream is nice, mean our obedience to a higher law either
That comes from God or ourselves. It same means, if someone gives us clothing soldier and accept with pleasure.
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This dream tells us that we will have good opportunities in love and finance.
Sole, shoes:
- If we dream that the sole of the shoe breaks, it portends the loss of our freedom.
- If we dream of some shoes that look NEW BUT WITH THE SOLE VERY WORN, it means that in appearance everything looks good but in reality it is not like that, which advises us not to trust ourselves, because there is something that is not quite right and that we must fix.
- If we dream that we are lying in bed with shoes and the sole ON THE BLANKETS, it means that if we are not careful, we can have serious health problems.
Inhale solvent-thinner and drink beer, or, drinking beer with thinner, it tells of an irresponsible and untrustworthy person.
- If in the dream we see someone we know with a gloomy appearance, it means that that person has gone through negative and difficult things.
Somnambulism is the equivalent of an extreme nightmare, because it even makes us lose control of our body, and it can be caused by
something that has made a strong impression on us, or by invocations to evil beings (Use of the ouija board or because someone
is hurting us by invoking evil beings).
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If in our waking life we have children, this dream tells us that we can be concerned about them, and advises that we should make sure they are good, or they do not have any problems we should know.
- If we dream of one of our children AS WHEN HE (SHE) WAS A CHILD, means that he (she)
needs our help, for example: In our guide and our advice.
- If you dream of one of our sons (Who is now a teenager or an adult) AS WHEN HE (SHE) WAS A CHILD,
AND ALSO WE SEE SICK, means it is likely to get sick, so we advise him (her) to take care of your
health and protected against contagious diseases.
- If a woman dreams that her sister has a child (or that her sister has another child in addition
to it has in reality) with a BIRTH DEFECT or with a feature that does not
like, means that this worried or can get to be, if she get to get pregnant soon, because of
that there is the possibility that your child may be born with a congenital problem, or some
feature that does not like. This dream advised to wait for a better time, or at least go to
a doctor to make sure there is no risk, in the second case it may be a minor concern, for
example: That the dreamer this concerned that the likely dad is not good looking enough,
and that the baby can become more like him than her.
- If in the dream we see one of our children or small family with BRUISES, tells us that we must
be careful in the next few days, as it may fall (For example: In a stroller, crib...)
or injury.
- If in our dream, we are CARING A FAMILY MEMBER THAT IS BABY, and suddenly we noticed how the
baby start to get sick, says it is likely to get sick or be in danger, so we must ensure that
this good and he(she) will not have any problems.
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- If in our dream we hear a song, it means that we will have happiness and consideration.
- If in the dream we hear a sung message or the voice of someone, who tells us something singing, we must pay attention to the lyrics, since the meaning of the dream is related to it.
- If we dream that someone of the opposite sex whom we know is in our bedroom and asks us to sing her/him a song, it means that he likes us and loves us.
And if we dream that whoever we like dedicates a song to us, she tells us that she also likes us and also, she (he) wants us to know.
- Also see: “Music” and “Sing”.
It means happiness, but happiness that can only be
achieved through our hard work and overcoming some difficulties that can occur.
by letter.
