It means a state of confusion that prevents us from solving the problems in which we find ourselves, it can also be a warning about hidden enemies.
- If we dream of a CANDLE, that begins to smoke (black smoke comes out), it means that our opponents are very angry. - If we see a CHIMNEY that makes a lot of smoke, it means: Financial difficulties. - If it is CIGARRET, cigar or hookah smoke, it means the following:
- If we see FIRE, but we notice that it does not burn well or it makes a lot of smoke, it is an indicator that we may suffer a betrayal from someone in our environment or close to us. - If we see that a lot of smoke comes out of the HEATING, it means: Loss of control of a situation. - If the smoke comes from INCENSE, it means: Good fortune. - If it is WHITE smoke, it represents uncertainty.
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