Soda or soft drinks, in most cases tell us that our troubles were over, and we predict a time of tranquility and peace.- To dream that our MOTHER TELLS US THAT WE WILL NOT OPEN A NEW SODA, because he wants before end the soda that is already started, says that before starting a new business or project must conclude that is underway.
- If we see trash, but the most noticeable is WASTE GLASS OF SODA, means there is someone who is jealous and try to harm us, and if the vessels are brown, envy is related to our luck love. In both cases we recommend to have it in mind to avoid unpleasant surprises.
- If you see a EMPTY SODA-BOTTLE, means sorrow.
- If we see a soda BROKEN BOTTLE means disappointment.
- If in our dream we accidentally dropped a soda GLASS CONTAINER AND BREAKS, means that our problems are likely to end soon, but then create others.
- If we break the sleep GLASS CONTAINER OF A DRINK, BUT THEN PICK UP THE PIECES broken with the hands and threw it away, it means that despite the risks we have taken the right decision.
- Dreaming of a pepsi, or any other drink, tells us that the penalties ended, and promises us a time of tranquility and peace. But if we see the same dream A PEPSI AND COCA-COLA, then the dream tells of a pirate copy or of someone trying to impersonate who is not, so that represents the original coca cola and pepsi imitation.
Beer:- If you drink BEER in our dream, foretells that we make an effort to be profitable.