Normally, dreaming of climbing a staircase represents success, but if we dream of going down a staircase, it means that something is not right.
The staircase can also take on a highly spiritual meaning, which we will know by the NUMBER OF STEPS (it must be a sacred number: 2, 4, 5, 7, or 9), and by the atmosphere of the dream; in these cases, it represents the ascent of the soul towards God, or the descent of God to the soul to grant His grace.
- If in our dream we CHOOSE TO CLIMB THE STAIRS INSTEAD OF USING THE ELEVATOR, it means that we have made the right decision, which will lead us to success, it can also mean that we have defeated the competition.
- CLIMBING a staircase in our dreams, tells us that we will be successful.
If we climb a staircase to reach a BOARDING SCHOOL (boarding school), it speaks of an important matter in which at first we were not putting much effort,
but then we started to show more commitment and study more, which will soon give us victory.
If we dream that we want to climb the stairs, BUT THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LET US do it, it means that there are
people who do not let us progress, so we must find a way to control them, to be able to move forward.
If in our dream we see ourselves climbing the stairs of a CHURCH, it means that soon we can see our desires fulfilled with great success.
If we climb with DIFFICULTY, the dream tells us that we require more effort in our projects.
Climbing IT TO THE TOP AND THEN LOWERING IT, announces a positive change in our life.
If we dream that we climb ONLY SOME STEPS, and then we go down it means that to achieve a positive
we must show more courage and determination.
Dreaming that we climb a staircase to get out of the SUBWAY, means that we have opportunities to achieve a positive change, and everything else we see in the dream,
can give us more details on how to achieve that positive change.
If when climbing a staircase we TRIP, it means that we must not trust ourselves, and that we must take all necessary precautions to achieve our purposes.
- If in our dream we go down a staircase leading to a CREMATORY, it means that there is something we are trying to suppress, or something we want to eliminate from our life, which also makes us uneasy, so we must analyze the situation well.
But if in the dream, after going down to the crematorium, we return and leave it, it means that we have the possibility of getting out of the problem, although it will depend on our determination and good analysis of the situation.
- If we dream of climbing a CRYSTAL staircase, it means that everything is going well because we have a good vision of events. But if we dream of going down it, then it means that despite having a good vision of events, we must be very cautious, because any carelessness can make us fail.
- If we dream of a DANGEROUS staircase (for example: Because it is poorly constructed), it tells us that there are some dangers and risks. So if we climb it, it means that we have the possibility of achieving success, but there will be some dangers in the process, so we must be cautious. On the other hand, if we have already reached the top, but we try to go back or down, it means that we have already achieved some success, but we must not cower or retreat, as there is a danger.
- If we dream that we are on a staircase and a BLACK-COLORED DOG JUMPS ON US and we hold it while it gives us a dog kiss, that is, while it licks our face, and down it looks dark, but up it looks light, it means that a family member/friend who passed away is already in Heaven.
If we dream that we THROW A WHITE DOG down the stairs and it dies, it means the end of our marriage or a commitment; but if the dog only remains half dead, it tells us that the commitment/marriage has not completely ended.
If in the dream we see a WET WHITE DOG GOING UP THE STAIRS, it tells us that if we want to get married or maintain a friendship, we must prepare to defend our interests.
- If in our dream we see a staircase MADE OF EARTH that goes up to the sky, it means that a family member/friend who passed away is already in Heaven.
- If it's an ESCALATOR, it means the same as a normal staircase. Except if THEY STOP, because then it means delays in our affairs; unless their mechanism DOES NOT WORK WELL, because then it means difficulties.
- If in our dream WE FALL FROM A STAIRCASE AND FEEL DIZZY, it means that our personality is changing. To know what the change consists of, we must pay attention to the meaning of the other things that appear in our dream.
If we see an ENEMY FALL FROM A STAIRCASE, it means that that person's projects may fail.
FALLING FROM A SPIRAL STAIRCASE, tells us that we have been spending our energies on something that did not deserve our effort,
which has led us to a change in our personality, or in the way we conceive the world.
If we see ONE OF OUR BROTHERS FALL, it means the same as the previous one.
If we see OURSELVES FALLING FROM A STAIRCASE, BUT WITHOUT FEELING DIZZY, it means that our projects may fail, so the dream advises us to start making much more effort.
Dreaming that we RUN DOWN the stairs and fall, means that if we go too fast we could relapse, for example, when we are just recovering from an illness and return to work immediately.
Dreaming that we fall down the stairs of the SUBWAY, means that we are in danger of death, so we must be extremely cautious, and if possible
carry an amulet with us.
- If in the dream we see a friend/family member who recently passed away, climbing a staircase and furthermore, if they tell us that they are going to GLORY, it means that their soul is on its way to Heaven and the same means if we only see them climbing a staircase.
- Dreaming that we GO DOWN A STAIRCASE TO BOARD the subway, tells us that there are some difficulties in achieving a positive change.
- If we dream of a staircase that GOES DOWN AND CONNECTS WITH A BRIDGE, it means a false exit, such as: a bad decision.
- IF WE ONLY SEE GOING DOWN, it's because something is not right.
- Seeing a LADDER ON THE FLOOR, means illness, unless we lift it, then it means healing.
Seeing a ladder placed ON A WALL, means there is a danger.
- Dreaming that we climb a staircase that LEADS US TO THE TOP OF A MOUNTAIN, and there we see that there is a resort with beautiful waterfalls, tells us that we are on the right track in our life. But if they do not let us in, it tells us that we are starting to lose the right track in our life, or that there is a possibility of
losing the right track; which advises us not to opt for a bad attitude.
- If we see a staircase LEADING DOWN AND FULL OF PEOPLE, so we cannot go down, it means that we will not back down in our projects or we will not be able to do it, which advises us to strive to the maximum so that everything goes well.
- If we dream of climbing a VERY NARROW staircase, or if we dream that when climbing a staircase it becomes narrower, it tells us that the path to success will be
difficult and tedious; which tells us to prepare to be patient and make much more effort than we had initially thought.
- If we dream that the PERSON WE LIKE smiles at us while descending a staircase until reaching where we are, it means that they also like us and they wouldn't mind descending to our level, or getting into trouble for it (for example, because of the age difference, because we are married, etc.).
- SEEING THE STAIRCASE, BUT WITHOUT CLIMBING IT, warns us that something is wrong, usually it can be that we have a bad attitude, or that we need to make more effort.
- The SPIRAL staircase symbolizes a vicious circle. It is usually accompanied by a feeling of anguish and symbolizes that we are spending our energies on something that does not deserve our effort.
If we dream of climbing a spiral staircase, made of white marble, it means that we are spending energy on a love that does not suit us.
But if in the dream we climb a spiral staircase and manage to reach the top, then it means that things can take a positive turn, it's just a matter of making enough effort. On the other hand, if we dream that we go down to the bottom, it means that
things can take a negative turn.
- Dreaming that we are in a SCHOOL, WHERE WE CLIMB A STAIRCASE AND REACH THE TOP without problems, means that we will achieve success thanks to our dedication and effort. But if we dream that, when we almost reach the top, suddenly there are so many people that we cannot pass, it means that we are about to achieve success, but there is something that stops us, and that is, our lack of confidence in ourselves. Which advises us to be more confident and not change our strategy.
- Dreaming that we are exercising on a STAIR CLIMBER means that, although it appears that we are making progress, in reality we are stagnating (in a certain matter or business), which advises us to analyze the situation well and change strategy.