It means that we will have some problems that will affect our physical endurance.
- If in the dream we see our CHILDREN SWEATING, it means that we are pushing them too hard, or that we are giving them too many tasks.
- If we dream that we can�t reach our GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND, besides that we are full of sweat, it means that we are not doing enough to please her(him),
that is, that we do not are working hard enough to make things work.
- To dream that we HAVE SEX and begin to sweat, means the following:
- To dream that we have sex and begin to sweat more than normal, means that we are having some difficulties related to sex or that we fear sex for some
reason. This dream advises us to be more sure of ourselves.
- To dream that we have sex with someone we know or someone who looks like someone we know, and suddenly we see that she(he) begins to sweat, but the sweat
is white, it means that person would want to have sex with Us, but does not insist or accept because it tries to behave well (Since it can be married or any
other reason).