. elamoxtli .


If we see a devil or demon in our dream, or hear that word, in most cases represents a sense of guilt. It can also represent a wicked and treacherous person, depending on the context of the dream.
But if it is a nightmare that we produce too much anxiety, it may be evil spirits that bother us in dreams, especially if we get sick shortly or have difficulty, in which case, we should light a red or blue candle to our Divine Lady (Virgin of Guadalupe), in addition to not show fear.
Note: The devil does not exist, only evil spirits that feed of our fears.

- To dream that an ANGEL BECOMES A DEMON, means that our way of thinking is changing for the worse. But if we dream that a demon or an evil Being becomes an angel or a good Being, then it means that our way of thinking is changing for the better.

- If a man dreams that he is sleeping in the BED OF YOUR MOM and suddenly sees DEMONS ENTER THROUGH THE DOOR of the bedroom, it means that something is not right, and it is, because it is important to begin to become independent of his mother, because otherwise it will start to stall in your life, plus it is likely to come to have many problems.

- To dream that a DEMON WANT TO BRING OUR SOUL, means we have a guilt complex or a sense of guilt is bothering us too.

- Dreaming of a DEMON-CAT, tells us that we feel guilty about to a relationship. In this case, the dream tells us that it is a feeling unjustified and advised us to leave behind our fears and children our guilt complex.

- If we dream that we are talking on the phone, but a demon CHANGES OUR WORDS means that we feel guilty for something we said, or for something we should not say.

- If in the dream we see a CHURCH with diabolical figures inside it, it represents a disconcerting person/situation.

- If the devil is KIND, it means our desire to amend our faults and sins of others.

- If you dream that the devil LEADS TO ANOTHER DIMENSION, tells us that we should not fear the future, because things can always be changed, either doing more, or changing attitude. But if the dream causes us much anxiety or constantly repeated, it may be evil spirits that visit us in our dreams, especially if we get sick shortly or have difficulty, in which case we suggest red or light a blue candle to our Divine Lady (Virgin of Guadalupe) and consider that the devil does not exist, maximum, evil spirits that we can close the door with a little help from the True God and our guardian angels.

- If in the dream we see the FIGURINE of a demon, it represents an inclination towards evil, or the desire to do something bad even though we know it is wrong.

- Dreaming with the LEADER OF A SATANIC CULT it means we're leaning too much towards guilt. But if we dream we killed him, then, means that we will be free of that guilt.

- If in the dream we see a demon and we tell him that WE ARE NOT AFRAID because God cares for us, what he does, that the demon leaves, means that there is someone who was trying to convince us to do something bad or that we were leaning to the dark side, but we are smart and strong enough to keep our balance and not get pillaged by dishonest people.

- If we dream of a NUN-DEMON or a demon dressed as a nun (monk), it means that there is a person who appears to be very good and modest, but in reality is a hypocrite who tries to pretend what he is not. He can also represent a puritan person (Someone who exaggerates moral standards) who wants to impose his ideas on us by force.

- To dream that someone SAYS: "THE DEVIL IS IN YOU" or "YOU ARE THE DEVIL", represents a person who wants to make us feel guilty about something or wants to make us see as guilty of something very bad. But actually the bad person is her and not us.

- To dream that our ENEMIES WOULD SELL HIS SOUL to the devil, means that feel anger and frustration.

- If in our dream we see a demon FACE TO FACE and it makes us fear or anxiety, says it's important to face our fears and or a our adversaries, getting rid of any fears that may arise.

- If we dream that a demon FOLLOW us, means that there is something wrong we did this tormenting us, this is a guilt complex that does not leave us in peace, but if we wake up screaming or crying, it may be evil spirits who visit us in our dream, especially if soon we get sick or difficulties. This dream advises us light a blue candle to our Divine Lady (Virgin of Guadalupe), in addition to not show fear and be courageous, since courage and confidence in our Divine Lady makes badly weakened.

- DREAMING WITH GOD AND A DEVIL represents the struggle between good and evil (It may even be an internal struggle), or that we have not achieved the right balance between good and evil, for example: If in the past we did something bad to someone, we can compensate by helping someone who is in a difficult situation, this is, the feel guilty or apologize is useless, the fact is: First, stop doing what does not is good, and Second: Try to compensate somehow.

- Dreaming of a HERMAPHRODITE DEMON, tells us that we are repressed sexual excess, which advises us not allow it, because that can causing a problem of sexual identity.

- Dreaming demons KILL THE DEMONS OR KILL THE DEMON CALLED ZATAN, means that we face a difficult task.

- If you dream of devils or demons, and it is a NIGHTMARE that causes us too much anxiety, it may be evil spirits who visit us in our dream, especially if soon we get sick or difficulties. This dream advises us light a blue candle to our Divine Lady (Virgin of Guadalupe), in addition to not show fear and be courageous, since courage and confidence in our Divine Lady makes badly weakened.

- If we dream of a demon with PIERCINGS, it means that there is a person with a bad attitude, in whom we should not trust.

- To dream that you have DEMONIC POWERS, means we have a talented special spiritual things, but have no experience, so sometimes do not understand and we can even come to think that a bad thing.

- If in the dream we SEE A DEVIL OR HEAR THAT WORD, mean guilt.

- If we dream SOMEONE SELLS HIS SOUL TO A DEVIL, means that one of our enemies feel anger and frustration.

- If in our dream we see STRANGE THINGS START TO HAPPEND and someone says the devil is out there, it means that something is not right in our current situation, or in our affairs, and our guilt complexes not helping us at all. This dream we are advised to act safely and determination.

- If the devil or demon is TEMPTER, means that we fear to we cannot control our destructive impulses.

- If the devil is TERRIFYING means that we must leave behind our childhood fears and guilt complexes.

- If you dream that the devil we THREAT means it is very likely that someone tries to take advantage of our guilt complexes.

- If in the dream we TRAPPED A DEMON in a glass bottle, it represents the possibility of neutralizing the evil.

- To dream that we try to embrace our WIFE/HUSBAND BUT A DEVIL PULL US, meaning we feel guilty about something we did to our wife/husband or for something we've been trying to do.

- Dreaming with the LEADER OF SATANIC CULT, means we are leaning too far towards guilt. But if you dream kill, then, means that getting rid of that feeling of guilt.


In most cases, to dream of hell, means we are too carried away by evil or by our passions, in which case we advised to seek the right balance, for example: Drinking alcoholic beverages is not bad, evil is consumed in excess; Using our knowledge of martial arts to defend is not bad, evil would be that despite our aggressor and had given up, we continued the beating.
- If in our dream we see the hell or a completely dark cave, means we should not get carried away by our passions, and is a board that tells us to be more thoughtful in our actions.
- If you dream that we went down to hell or to a cave completely dark and deep, but then we leave this place, is a good sign that promises us new knowledge and a long life

FREE CONSULTATION: nelamoxtli@outlook.com


Book of Truth.