Dreaming of a pimple is a sign that we have done something wrong. This sign comes from classic tales, where evil characters are often depicted as unpleasant beings, with pimples and deformities; hence, pimples are associated with evil, and the meaning of the location of the pimple can give us more details. But if it is about acne, it means that there is something that is making us look bad, or that could make us look bad in front of others.
- If we dream that we try to BATHE to remove a pimple, but we cannot do it or the pimple does not go away, it means that we still feel guilty about something we said/did, or that it will not be so easy to make others forget what we did. - If we dream that we get a pimple on the area BETWEEN THE NOSE AND MOUTH, especially if it is black, it tells us that we should not say rude things or things that could hurt others.
- If we see ourselves with pimples on the FOOT/LEG, it means that we are not committing well (either to a person or a cause), so we must make more effort. - If we dream that we have pimples on our HANDS, it means that we recently did something dishonest/inconsiderate. - If we dream that we get a pimple and it also HURTS, it means that even though our pride is hurt, we should not act inappropriately or dishonestly. - If we dream that we have a pimple on our LIPS, it means that we should act with more discretion. - If we dream that many pimples start to appear on our NOSE, it tells us that we should not be dishonest. - Dreaming that we POP A PIMPLE (any type of pimple), means that we have a negative emotion that we need to acknowledge before we explode (emotionally).
- If we dream that we pull out a pimple and notice that it even had ROOTS, it means that we have definitively ended a problem (from the root). - If we dream that we have pimples on our TONGUE, it means that we should be careful with what we say or how we say it, as it could lead to problems or misunderstandings. ----- IF IT IS ABOUT ACNE, it means the following:
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