- Dreaming about a book of ALGEBRA tells us that we must consider our positive experience as we can help you succeed (at least we are studying the matter of algebra or algebra we use in our work, in which case it may mean we should study more about algebra and take account of our experiences).- View a BOOKCASE OR SHELVES EMPTY, it means we are wasting too much time on entertainment that interfere with our training or our projects.
- To dream that you see COINS IN THE LEAVES OF A BOOK we know, tells us to study or read but this book, as this can help us in the future.
- Dreaming of a COLORING BOOK, means that we will succeed in our projects.
- To dream of a book with COMMUNIST SIGNS, tells us that we will have some difficulties caused by someone who joined the communist party, or a communist group, and tells us that sometimes these people act in a hostile manner towards those who do not accept their ideas . What encouraged us to defend our interests, and be careful.
- If you dream of a CULT BOOK, it means that we will have some difficulties caused by someone who joined a cult, because sometimes these people act in a hostile manner towards those who do not accept their beliefs.
- Dreaming of a DUSTY BOOK ON THE TABLE OR LYING ON THE FLOOR, means the existence of a project that we're not done, but it is important to do so.
- Sometimes it may happen that we see in our dream a place to FIND A BOOK THAT DID NOT KNOW, but we also see the name of the book or the author's name, then, can be a message that tells us to seek that particular book, then we see the real dream, because in that book knowledge is important that we know.
- Dream a FLY IN AN OPEN BOOK, tells us that we are exploring ways to harm others, which is not right.
- If you dream of the book a NOVEL, we must pay attention to the plot of the novel as something that is told in it relates to our current situation.
- Dream a book about ODIN, tells us that we have acquired new knowledge, but it is important to discuss them more like how to apply, so no mistakes.
- To dream of an OLD BOOK tells us to remember some knowledge and skills that we have a little forgotten.
- Dream to OPEN A BOOK AND WE SEE INSERTED AN ADS (such as magazines), tells us that we had an important finding that relates to what we read or see in the ad (which in some cases is literally and in others it is advisable to consult the meaning of what we see in, in this same dictionary), yet advised us to study more on this subject in order to make the best of it.
- Dreaming of a PARAPSYCHOLOGY BOOK advises us to study more on that topic. And if the book also has the silver paste, the study tells us more about this issue, we can bring good luck in our projects and special protection.
- If in our dream we see a SILVER BOOK in a drawer, it means we will have good luck in our projects and special protection.
- Dreaming of a very THICK BOOK, tells us that there is an issue we have not studied or discussed enough. It may also mean that there is a book that we have not read enough, which advises us to study more this book, as is found in the knowledge that we can be very useful.
- THROW A BOOK, tells us that we unconsciously act can bring us problems, this dream has advised more study and analyze the situation well.
- Dreaming about WRITING A BOOK, tells us that we need to express ourselves, and if we remember what the book, then, means that we must express something that is related to the theme of the book or the meaning of that word, in which case we find the meaning in this dictionary.
If you dream of a book of laws, means we should study more on the subject or consult a lawyer.
Agenda:- Display an agenda in our dream, says that for household things go well we reject an appointment.
- To dream of a new agenda in which we have not written anything, tells us that our new project or business will be successful.
If we sleep or read a bible, means confusion, so it is a call for reflection.
- If in our dream we see a bibliography or data of a book that did not know, may be a message that tells us to find that particular book, as in this book may have important knowledge that we know.
- If you dream to open a random book (any book) and we distinguish images or words on the page it was opened, we seek the meaning of those words or images to understand the meaning of the dream.
If we see a bookcase or shelves empty, it means we are wasting too much time on entertainment that interfere with our training or our projects. If we see a bookcase full of books, it means that we must study and prepare more, and if we see a particular book, such as a history book tells us that we should study more about that particular topic.
- To dream of a bookstore, it means that we should study more or look to see a specialist to solve the problems we have or we can come to have soon.
- If our dream see a bookstore, where we found a book that we knew and we see its title and or the name of its author, then, can be a message that tells us to find that particular book and in that Instead, since the knowledge is important that we know.
Also see: "Books."
- If we dream we see the image of a page, mean that we are interested in what we see in this picture or drawing. In this case, you should consult the meaning of what we see on the cover, but sometimes the interest is related exactly to what we see in the image.
- If we dream we read the cover of a book can mean two things:
1. If what we read is the subject of the book, for example, says accounting, the dream tells us to study more about the subject or consult a specialist in this topic.
2. If what we read on the cover is not exactly the theme of the book is about, this is a finding or discovery that relates to what he says
- See a book tells us to leave the past behind.
- If we are opening a blank notebook and this means we want to erase the past.
- If you dream of an open notebook and white, and many cockroaches, going on means that we are to prevent recurrence old gossip and old suspicions.
- If you see a book and feel sad, it means that our past has been very good, but if we feel happy, it means that our past has been good.
- If you dream that tore sheets to a notebook, it means that we got rid of some difficulty, I had to do with something of the past.
- If the library is empty, warns us that we still lack sufficient knowledge to undertake what we propose.
- If the dream full of books we guarantee success in our work.
This dream tells us that we had a finding, or we want to know more about someone in our environment.
- If what we read is a letter, warning us that we will receive news soon.
- If what we read is a period, tells us that we want a business or a matter is closed or perform favorably.
- If a book known, this is a finding or discovery which is associated with what the book says.
- If it's a notebook or notebook, it is a discovery related to what it says there.
- If we dream that we read a book cover, can mean two things:
• If what we read is the subject of the book, for example, says accounting, the dream tells us to study more about the subject or consult a specialist in this topic.
• If what we read on the cover is not exactly the theme of the book is about, this is a finding or discovery that relates to what he says.