. elamoxtli .


This dream shows that you have lost the hopes. We went through a period of gloom and despondency.
If this dream is repeated a lot is advisable to seek medical and spiritual help, for we may be entering a depression.

- If the dream we see BLOOD AND BONES, means that we are going through a period of gloom and pessimism, plus there's something that hurts us or hurts us morally.

- If in our dream just see BONES means that we are going through a period of gloom and pessimism.

- If you dream that a GHOST appears to us and then we will ask for help from someone you know, to do the ghost to leave, but when we returned, we only see blood and bones, means that we are going through a period of pessimism and depression caused by someone who is causing problems and the person you ask for help in our dream, we will not help.
But if when we return, only see a blood and dog bones, tells us that the problems are related with a friend or with marriage (either ours or for example, because our parents are having marital problems), and person to ask for help in our dream, we will not help.

- If a man dreams he is a KITTEN in his bed, but then realizes it has come out the bones of the spine, means that he do not feel sufficiently supported by their partner.

- If you only see a SKULL means:
• View a skull in our dreams is a warning that there may be problems of affective or sentimental type, so it will be good to reflect and analyze the situation.
• If what we see in our dream is a very clean white skull, means a new way of understanding things.


Breaking a bone:
- If you dream that you broke a bone, it means that we have suffered or will suffer loss of money as well as damage to our pride.