In this case the first thing is to see the meaning of what is burned, and if it has a bad meaning, it means that we will end up with a problem, but if what is burned has a good meaning it means bad luck. On the other hand, if someone makes us a burn, then it means that there is someone who is making us look bad to others. - If we dream that someone burns our CLOTHES, it means that that person wants us to be unattractive, either because of jealousy or another reason. - If you're married and we dream we BURN TO A WHITE DOG, means that our marriage is in danger and significance of the other things we see in dreams can help us know the reason for this danger. - If you're married and we dream we BURN A DOG, BUT THEN SHUT IT OFF, it means that our marriage is in danger, but soon we can break this danger, but require a little effort. - If we dream that someone burns us the FACE, it means that someone wants to make us look bad to others. But if we dream that we burn the face of someone we know, it means that we are making that person look bad. - If you dream of BURNING GLASS, whether it melts or not, means that sometimes to avoid danger, you need both the bright side of things, like the dark side, which means that sometimes we must be firm despite it appears that we are ill, for example, when someone scolds (no violence) to his son because he did something wrong, you might even feel bad about it, but it is necessary, or when we pointed out a serious crime, because we know that anyone can go to prison, but this is better than these people keep hurting others. - If we dream that someone burns our HAIR, it means that someone is putting us in gossip or putting ideas in our heads, that is, making us believe things that are not. - To dream that our HOUSE IS ON FIRE, means that there is a grave danger for us. - If we BURN INCENSE, the dream augurs good fortune. - To dream that BURNS A MARKET, and we are in, it means risk of loss, and if there are victims, the dream tells us that the risk is higher. - If we see a MARKET IS BURNING, BUT WE´RE OUT OF IT, means that our opponents are losing the opportunity to beat us. - If in our dream we see a RABBIT ON FIRE, burn it or dream, represents a difficult delivery, difficulties in having children, infertility or difficulties in sexual relationships, depending on our current situation. - If we dream that we are IN THE KITCHEN AND BURNED A RAT, means that we end up with an issue that gnaws at us from inside and not let us move forward. - If we dream that SOMEONE WHO WE KNOW IS BURNING, it means that this person is in danger or that he may soon be seen in fights and discussions.
RELATED MEANINGS.Firefighter:- See them in operation announces great hardship. - With the fire and finish off indicates that our concerns.
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