In this case we must look for the meaning of that we collect, for example: If we collect coins it means good fortune, since finding coins means that.
Collect (Gather objects as hobby):
- To dream that we collect something means that we are being too proud to ask for help. This dream advises us to seek help
to solve our problems.
- If we dream that one of our sisters or brothers is collecting something, means the same as the previous.
- To dream that we are driving and suddenly someone almost hits us, but we AVOID it, means that we were neglecting, but then,
we take the necessary precautions and time to achieve success in our projects.
- If you dream to travel in a vehicle, then someone collide with us, and stay DIE OR SERIOUSLY INJURED, it means that
we run the risk of attacks planned by dishonest people.
See more
Cologne perfume:
The cologne is always associated with all religious rites.
The cologne and the perfume evokes situations or people and reveals the soul of the person who gives it off, whether it belongs to another person or to ourselves.
- The soft and pleasant colognes tell us about good people and feelings.
- The unpleasant colognes tell us about unpleasant and primitive people or about of bad actions and bad feelings.
See more
Colored Pencils:
- In this case the meaning depends on the color of the pen and the qualities of that particular color:
- If it is BLUE, it means that we will have good luck in our projects.
- If GOLDEN means that we act wisely.
See more
- Beige:
This color tells us to make sure everything is well and to leave nothing unturned.
- Black:
It means uncertainty and lack of light, is the opposite of blue and dawn. It may also mean that something is wrong, or that something
is not clear enough
See more
Color blindness:
This dream advises us to think carefully before making any decision.
Coloring book:
- To dream of a coloring book means that we will succeed in our projects.
This dream is related to our adversaries and enemies.
- Seeing ourselves in a coliseum, tells us that our success depends on our wisdom and sacrifice.
- If the fighter or competitor we support wins, it means success, but failure means you lose.
- If no one wins, it means that the future is uncertain.
- To dream that we are in the locker room of a coliseum means that we are willing to change our appearance to confront our enemies.
- If we are in a coliseum and we can´t find the exit, tells us that we are caught in a difficult situation and dream advises us to face the situation may seem difficult.
This is a sign of support.
- To dream about a falling column, the dream augurs difficulties.
- If we see two columns, means that in our relationship, there is much support.
- If we see two columns fall, it means difficulties in our family and if we see many columns fall, it means difficulties in the community.
- If we see a big and good looking column, the dream tells us that we have security and stability.
- If we see a cracked column, tells us that we will have a very little help to face our problems.
It tells us that we will be powerless over the difficulties that arose.
- To dream that tomorrow will begin a new grade in school and we go to sleep, but when we woke up, someone tells us that we were several years in a coma, means that we wish we had not left school or at least having benefited more (like we wasted several years and we would not have taken advantage of), and we feel that our knowledge is not sufficient to cope.
Comb, hair:
A comb it can mean concern for our appearance, what is bad for us, as long as we do not exaggerate in it.
- If we dream of a comb lice, it represents a means to get rid of or control very annoying people.
- If in the dream we are combing our hair, depending on how hard or easy it is, how our affairs will be soon.
Comb to decorate the hair:
It means concern for our appearance.
- If we see women with hair combs, it means that if we put a little more attention to our appearance, our luck will be even better.
- If we win, it means that in waking life will defeat our adversaries.
- If we lose the fight, it means that it is likely that in our waking life we lose the battle against our opponents.
- If no one wins, then it means that the future is still uncertain.
- If in our dream we see a fight and both fighters are bloodied, means that we have had heavy clashes with our enemies.
Combination (From: Combination Lock):
- If we dream that we have a portfolio with combination means that we want a change, but in order to achieve the dream advises us to save and look to do things the best way, that is, in a way that we have tried before works.
- If we dream we try to open our safe, but somehow someone changes the combination, means that we face a difficult challenge and tricky and dishonest people.
Comedian, famous:
To dream about a famous comedian, represent a nice person, but also tells us that he(she) does not feel sufficiently recognized or appreciated.
- See a comet, portends terrible calamities.
If we dream that a very beautiful woman or an angel comforts us, it means that an angel has visited us in dreams to tell us that everything will be fine so we should not worry too much.
- Be comforted by someone, indicates that receive the friendship and support from someone.
- Comforting someone indicates a great need for comfort during a difficult period.
- A comical situation means we appear indifferent.
- If we see ourselves as a comical person, indicates that someone took mocking attitudes to our interests.
- This dream means that there is a danger that someone will make fun of us and we suffer the evil of our relationships.
- To dream of a comic book store, it means that there is a danger that someone will make fun of us and we suffer the evil of our relationships.
Command/Be in command:
If in our dream we see ourselves in command, it means that some people around us will try to take advantage of our excess of kindness or lack of authority.
In this case, the meaning depends on what we are celebrating.
- If in our dream we see things related to the day of love and friendship means good luck in love.
- If in our dream we see an offering of Day of the Dead, and in it we see four or five lit candles, tells us that our projects are reliable also tells us we are doing things right, which will bring good fortune and help of our guardian angels.
Commemorative coins:
- If in our dream we see commemorative coins, or someone gives us commemorative coins; especially if they are gold; tells us a date when we celebrate something is coming and it can bring us good luck.
Commemorative plaque:
- If we dream of a commemorative plaque, it means that in our social environment others appreciate us, and it augurs us good luck in our projects.
In this case the meaning depends on the type of comment, for example: If it is a commentary on technology, means good luck in our projects, because that's what it means to dream about technology; if there is a way to comment on gossip, tells us that there may be disputes and slanders in our family, because that is the meaning of dreaming of gossip, that is, the meaning depends on the type of comment.
Committee, sport:
- If in our dream we see the logo of secretary of sport, sport federation or sports commission, means that everything depends on our wisdom and sacrifice.
It means that there is a danger that our hopes fail to perform.
- If in our dream we see a COMMUNIST INSIGNIA, or COMMUNIST OR MARXIST POLITICAL PROPAGANDA, means there is danger that our hopes fail to perform.
- If we dream that we are MEMBERS OF A POLITICAL COMMUNIST PARTY means adversities. But in our dream we avoid being members of a communist party, tells us that we make good use of the advice that give us.
- If in our dream we see a GROUP OF PROTESTERS AGAINST US WITH COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA means there are people who sympathize with communism, they tried to prevent us achieve our good intentions. This dream advises us to be strong in character and find the most effective means to achieve our goals.
- If we dream we see a group of PROTESTERS AGAINST US WITH COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA, WHO SEEM TO HAVE MENTAL RETARDATION, tells us that there are people who sympathize with communism to try to prevent us achieve our good intentions, besides that there is risk that we see ourselves as fools. What advises us to be strong in character, and seek the most effective means to achieve our goals.
Community service:
- If we dream that we do community service as a penalty for having committed a crime, it represents a probable negative change.
- If in our dream we see the name of your company or business, the dream has to do precisely with it and is related to the meaning
of the other things we see in the dream.
- Dreaming about our company or business is going from bad to worse, it means the opposite, that is, improving. But if we dream that is growing then by all
means go wrong, so we'll have to make an extra effort to avoid losing.
- To dream that someone compares one thing with another, it means that someone tried to examine or inquire us.
In this case the meaning depends on the meaning of things to see inside the compartment and the other things we see in the dream.
Compass Rose:
- If in our dream we see a compass rose that instead of marking north and south, marks towards figures of hearts (Heart to the north and another heart to the south), it means that we are undecided or disoriented in the matters of love.
To dream that something is compatible, it means the opposite, for example:
- If we dream that the horoscope or zodiac says we are consistent with our girlfriend(boyfriend) or partner, it means the opposite, that is, it tells us that we are incompatible (For example, too different or that we can´t understand). But if the dream tells us that we are incompatible, then, means that we are compatible.
- If we dream that someone give us money as compensation means money difficulties; but if we dream that someone gives us something to indemnify,
the meaning is the same thing that has to give us as compensation.
But at the same time in both previous cases, this dream advises us to avoid unnecessary discussions, which relate: In the first case with money matters and in the second case with the meaning of what he give us as compensation.
Competition/Game show:
-- If we dream that we are in a competition that involves making something, for example, for making cakes, means the following:
• If we win, it means we're doing well.
• If win someone else tells us to change strategy.
It warns us that we will have difficulties that can damage our economy or our relationships, appreciation or love.
When we see in our dream with lighter skin means we have things easy, but if we are with darker skin, then, means that
we have things difficult.
- If we dream that we have a clearer complexion means that we will succeed easily.
- If in our dream we see a woman of white complexion, it means that we will succeed easily; but if we dream that is very
thin, then, it means we have guaranteed success but we must not neglect our health.
- If a woman (Especially if he is very young), dreams that his brother has a brunette daughter (Whether your brother is
white complexion and the girl is brunette or his brother is brunette and the girl is more brunette), means that if
not careful will end up pregnant and in a difficult situation.
- If we dream that someone tells us a compliment, it means that we want to be flattered.
- If in the dream we say a compliment to someone, it means that there is a person who wants us to praise him.
If we see ourselves as composers, means that we are at risk of misunderstandings with friends.
It means good luck in the professional and the familiar.
- To dream that we heal someone with a compress means that our concerns will end soon, and we will have a new
opportunity to succeed in our projects.
This sign is related to the means we have to carry out our work, or to run a business, since computers are a very important tool, so that
a computer in good condition tells us that we will succeed in our work But if we see it in poor condition, then, means the opposite.
See more
See: "Worry"
This dream can mean joy, love, friendship or consideration, in any way, it portends good luck.
- If in our dream we see a concoction of witchcraft and remember that it contained, has the same meaning as it is given in witchcraft.
For example: If that was a concoction for us to have bad luck in love, it means that there is someone who wants you to have bad luck in love and to try to use anything to achieve it, from gossip to witchcraft.
It tells us that we will have the means to prepare our future under the conditions we desire.
If we dream that we hug someone to give our condolences, it is a warning that tells us that our life is in danger, so it is advisable to be careful, even it is convenient to light a red candle.
- To dream of a condom, it means that we must put aside our fears and insecurity.
- If we dream we had sex with someone but, as we use a condom, we do not get infected with AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases; speaks of a girlfriend(boyfriend) or suitor with whom we are acting with insecurity and mistrust and the dream explains us that she(he) has no venereal disease or any problem, so we must act with more confidence and trust.
In this case, if we are confessing, means it is better not to reveal confidences to others, because it can be harmful.
If in our dream we see someone confess, it means that in real life, we can avail ourselves of some information to resolve a delicate situation.
See more
It tells us that our attitude toward others is not as good as it should be.
It means that someone will reveal secrets to us, but if we use that information can be harmful.
- If we dream someone troubled or hear the word conflict, the dream tells us that soon there may be discussions.
If we dream that very beautiful woman or an angel comforts us, it means an angel has visited us in dreams to tell us that everything will be fine so we should not worry too much.
If we dream of something confusing or not well distinguish something in our dream, it means that something is wrong, we must
revise our current situation.
- If a woman dreams that her sister has a son (Or her sister has another son) with some congenital defects or with some
characteristic that she does not like it, it means she are worried or she can get, if she reaches pregnant soon, because it is
possible that her child will have probably some congenital problem or any characteristic to she do not like.
This dream suggests
that she wait for a better time or at least go to a doctor to make sure there is no risk; in the second case it may be a minor
concern, for example: That the dreamer concerned that the likely father, is not good looking enough, and that the baby can
become more like him than her.
- If we dream that someone congratulate us for failing a test, it means that it is good to learn to ask for help in
time and not when we fail or we meet in a complicated situation.
It tells them that hope can’t be realized.
Connecting anything and everything works fine, is to ensure we can contact someone or something.
- If in our dream we connect a device and does not work well, it means that we have difficulties to get in
contact with someone or something, or that we have difficulties to join two things.
- If we dream that we can’t connect our computer to the internet either by ethernet cable, or other similar
cable, tells us that we have difficulties to contact friends or partners, or to contact someone who can help us in some of our work.
But if we dream that we can’t connect our computer to the Internet, but we insisted and in the end we did it, it means that despite the difficulties soon managed to contact members, or people who can help us in some of our work.
- To dream that we consider something means that we must consider something important such as our experiences, or just be careful because otherwise we will suffer the consequences.
- To dream of a constellation, means that soon we will receive some Divine help.
- To dream we see a constellation of red stars means the same as above.
It means that we are being too greedy, or we want to dominate others.
Constitution: (Law book)
- If in our dream we see a constitution means that we must study more about laws or consult a lawyer.
- It means that events will be favorable to us.
- To dream that we build a house on top of a mountain, augurs favorable events, and tells us that we will attain a higher spiritual level.
It represents our future, if the construction does not look good, it's because we're in trouble.
- To dream about a small construction, tells us that we must do more.
- If the building falls, it is because you have to plan everything again because something may be wrong.
- If the construction see in bad condition, means we need to strive for the best.
- If is a very big construction, tells us that our projects are large, and we'll see performed.
- If we dream that we are in a building materials store, this is a tip that tells us to start planning our future, for which we must begin to analyze the situation well.
- If in our dream we consult something with whoever means that it is important to defend our interests, putting aside our fears.
- If in our dream we talk to a stranger, who during the conversation gives us a tip, and if that advice relates directly to our current situation (Especially when we follow the instructions to have a prophetic dream / See: Types of Dreams) is because it is an angel that is giving us advice, which should take into account.
- If a professional gives us advice that relates directly to our current situation, means the same as above.
- If in our dream we see a Pythia, who tell us about our future, and we also see coins present, it is a prophetic dream where the witch is an angel who is giving us an important message about what can happen in the future.
Contact lenses:
- If it's the contact lenses that are used to make our eyes look different in color, it means we want to please the opposite sex more.
- If we dream of contact lenses to be able to see better and in our daytime life we do not use that type of contact lenses, it means that our vision of things is deformed.
- Colored contact lenses that look very fake, means that who wears them tries to look better, but there is something that is not understanding well.
Container, food:
- If the container is filled with a liquid, it means there will be joy and prosperity.
- If it is empty or breaks, it warns us of a nearby danger.
Also consult: "Tupperware"
- To dream that we see one place contaminated by radiation, tells us that we must change our
- Also see: "Garbage".
- If in our dreams we are, contemplating a holy or sacred image, the dream augurs success and good luck in our projects.
- If in our dream we are looking portraits with nostalgia, means that we're running in the past, so the dream tells us to look to the future.
- If we are contemplating our portrait, means that as we appear in, is how we like to
- If in the dream we look closely at the eyes of someone, it means that we fear others or someone knows something about us that has been hidden.
It means approaching disappointments and setbacks.
- If in our dream we see a contortionist, it means that someone is twisting the truth of things, which advises us not to believe everything they say.
- To dream that we are a contortionist means that we are untruthfully or we are trying to twist a situation.
This sign tells us that we must respect more social norms.
- To sign a contract in dreams portends disappointments and difficulties.
- If we dream that we refuse to sign a contract or someone refuses, says it is very likely that soon someone asks us to sign a contract, but we read very well, and if not suit us, it is better not sign it.
- If in the dream, we see our computer monitor, but noticed adjust buttons, color, brightness, contrast, et cetera., are on the left side and also on the screen we see an ad that says that we use sunglasses, tells us that there is something we are doing wrong and can damage our view, this dream advises us to do things in a more easy and practical way so that our view is not affected (less physical work and more smart work).
Control (Self-control):
- If in our dream we see someone who loses control of himself, means that bad deeds are made against us.
- If in our dream we lose control of ourselves, means that live hectic periods in which the events, we may be unfavorable.
Announces the end of the concerns and the beginning of a new stage in which the chances of success are better.
This dream, tells us that we want to escape our problems and responsibilities, which tells us we are still immature.
Conversation/ Talk :
- If in our dream we chat or talk with someone, we can find the meaning of those words, to understand the meaning
of the dream, for example if we say the word God, then we must seek its meaning, which in this case is peace in
the soul or too much security.
- If it is a prophetic dream, as when we follow the instructions to have a prophetic dream (See: Types of Dreams),
and then we dream conversation with a stranger, it may be an angel who is giving us a tip, by what we should pay
attention to what he says.
- If we dream that we are talking about something with someone, and that NO CHANGE OF TOPIC or he(she) does not
change the subject, means that it is time to change the subject (which should stop insisting on a certain matter).
- But if CHANGE OF SUBJECT immediately or the other person changes the subject immediately, means that we
should not insist on a certain topic that is important to clarify or resolve.
Convertible car:
- To dream of a convertible car, means that something is changing on us.
It represents a negative change.
- If in our dream we are convincing someone, it means that something concerns us, and is associated with what is said in the dream. The same means if someone convinces us.
- If in the dream someone tries to convince us of something but fails, tells us that we will not have to worry about.
- If we dream that we shot to one of our enemies or someone who looks like one of our enemies and kill him, but a moment later start giving convulsions to him and becomes a crocodile and tries to devour us, means that if we try to harm that enemy is likely to he defend and cause us serious harm, as it is a dangerous enemy.
- To dream that our mother has convulsions, means something important related to our current situation is not right.
- To dream that we have convulsions, means that our affairs are not going well.
- Seeing a black dog convulsed, means that a friend or relative to already departed this world is in limbo, which advises us to pray in the morning, to help to he find the way to Heaven.
- To dream of an expert cook, it means that we will have an increase in our assets plus good health, it may also mean that we have the capacity and ability to choose the way we want in life, because we have learned from our experiences, which gives us the ability to be able to execute a good destination.
This sign augurs economic deprivation and constraints.
- To dream about a BAG WITH COOKIES, means that although we seem to have the situation under control, there is a risk of economic loss.
- Dreaming a BOX OF COOKIES, it's a bad sign that augurs money difficulties, mainly because of bad feelings all around us. This dream
advises us to get an amulet, such as a keychain in the shape of a sword, two swords or place in an "X" in our living room or bedroom,
which will help us to fight evil and out money difficulties.
See more
It represents everything about our food.
- If the kitchen is well stocked with utensils indicates the means at our disposal.
- If you lack the most essential is that we are ill prepared for the future.
See more
Cooking pot:
See a pot warming up, means that soon we will receive good news, but if the pot is empty means we lack security.
- If in our dream we see many pots, it can mean family problems.
- Dreaming of a full pot means good things and is related to the meaning of what we see in the pot, for example: If we see a pot full of rice pudding, it tells us that relief will soon come to our sorrows, in addition to abundance , fertility, health, and prosperity. But if the pot is almost empty, it means that we have little chance of reaching the end of our sorrows.
Cooler, camp:
It represents a matter or business that has been stopped.
It can also mean that someone is trying to resort to anything to prevent us to do something (It comes from: "Keep things frozen").
To dream that we cooperate with something good means we have good intentions.
If in the dream just see a cop, means the following: If we are young, it means we need someone to help us navigate our lives or tell us good
advice on an issue that is important. But if our waking life we are mature, then, means that we must be more careful when choosing our friends.
- To dream that we ARE A COP means that we are being too strict with someone.
- Dreaming a cop ARREST A FRIEND means that we are not happy.
- Dreaming about a cop CHASING US UNFAIRLY it means that something is being hard to get us, plus we felt a little guilty;
which advises us to be firm and defend our interests may seem that we are being too severe.
- Dreaming about a cop CHASING US BUT we managed to escape, means that we soon succeed despite the difficulties that
may arise.
- If we dream that CORRUPT POLICE STOP US or that we are victims of a corrupt police; means that recently suffered an injustice at the hands
of law or arbitrary authority.
See more
It means that we will be lucky, at least in our dream we copy to cheat, because then tells us that we must respect more
social norms to avoid an embarrassing situation.
- If one of the things to we most remember from the dream, is copyright, means that it is important to defend our interests putting aside our fears.
- If a man dreams that his girlfriend coquettish with someone else, it means he feels unjustified jealousy.
Coral flame tree:
- To dream of seed of a coral flame tree (Red beans), means that we are able to achieve success in general.
- If we see a coral flame tree, green and full of flowers, it means that we have a good protection, but if we see dry,
means there is danger and we do not have any protection.
This dream tells us that our current problems, we can solve with a little effort.
- If in the dream we see a number six made of cork, it means that the excessive
consumption of alcoholic beverages is harming our health or accelerating our aging.
- Dream about corn means that in the future we will have prosperity and good things.
- To dream that we make bread with corn dough, means that we are doing things well, which will bring us prosperity.
- If we dream that one coin has the image of a corn on it, means the same as above.
Corn Flakes:
- If the most notorious of our dream is a bowl of cornflakes, it is advice that tells us that we should try to have a balanced diet and eat
more healthy foods. Since this can bring many benefits.
Corn mushroom/Huitlacoche:
- If we dream corn mushroom, means it is likely that we will have some difficulties to have a serious relationship
with someone or with a certain type of person (by ideology, way of thinking.....). It can also mean that things are
not as good as they seem.
- If in the dream we see someone we know sitting in a corner (Apart in a corner), it means that this person feels that we are forgetting about her(him).
- If we sleep at bay, it means we feel that we are in a difficult situation, which can be justified or not, but either way, this dream advise us analyze the situation well.
When we see in our dream, just one corpse, tell us the end of something such as a business, a project, a love, a friendship; depending on
the other signs that accompany our dream.
See more
- If we are cornered in the dream, it means that we feel that we are in a difficult situation, which can be
justified or not, but either way, this dream advises us analyze the situation well.
- If in our dream someone corrects us, (For example: Someone who corrects our spelling mistakes), it means that we need to correct something that has to do with an important issue.
- If in our dream we correct something wrong, means that soon managed to do something that we could not do before.
Correction fluid:
To dream of Correction fluid, warns us that we should study better the situation to ensure that our projects are met.
It may also mean that there is something we wish to correct, to achieve what we want, but we must analyze and plan things well, not worse.
- If a man dreams that he is in the corridor of a cinema or a theater and that he sees a beautiful woman there, it means that there is someone who he likes, but his shyness is ruining everything, which advises him to be safer of himself.
- If we dream that the corridor is BURNED because we left something on, or because of any carelessness on our part, it means that if we do not take enough precautions, our projects and expectations can go to ruin.
- If it is CLEAR and pleasant augurs success in our projects.
- If the corridor is DARK and nasty, it means: Difficulties to achieve the expected results.
- If in the dream we see ourselves in a corridor, where all the DOORS are white and closed, it means that if we are too puritanical (that we exaggerate moral and social norms), we will not be able to achieve our goals.
- If we find ourselves lost in a corridor that looks like a LABYRINTH, it means that we will need a lot of cunning and vision of the facts to get out of a difficult situation.
Dreaming about something corrosive, it means that soon we will likely suffer a hoax.
- If you dream that a corrupt cop stops us, or that we are victims of a corrupt cop, It means that recently we suffered an injustice at the hands of the law or arbitrary authority.
- If a man dreams that in his bed, there is a corset with bra, it means there is a woman who is trying to dominate or control too.
Cosmetic cream:
- If in the dream we get facial cream on our face, it means that we are good people and we have good intentions. But if we see someone we know putting facial cream on his(her) face, then the dream tells us that this person is good and has good intentions.
See: "Makeup"
- To dream that we wear a costume reveals the intention of hiding our feelings, emotions and desires to deceive others.
- If in the dream we see someone we know wearing a costume it means that we should not trust them because they want to cheat.
- Dreaming that we have a satisfied customer tells us that all is well.
- If in our daily living we have a business or company and we dream today we will have many costumers, it means the opposite, That is, the next day the dream, we have no customers. But if we dream that we will not have customers, then, tells us that we will have many costumers.
Cot (From: Light bed):
Mean little interest in sexual theme.
- See Cotton, tells us that begins a delicate time.
- If in the dream we see a chair and noticed this cotton padding, means that our current situation is becoming delicate, so that in future we should act or proceed with very prudent in what we do or think to do.
Cougar, Puma:
The cougar is associated with war, but also with courage to face a difficult situation.
See more
See "Advice"
- If we dream that we are on the canvas, and the referee starts counting and we could not get
up, means failure, but if we get up before the countdown ends, means we have even chances to win.
- If we are counting money, means fear of failure to secure our projects.
- If you dream you count the bills of a bundle, and noticed that there is less money than they should have, is a tip that tells
us well to check our accounts and money matters, since it is likely that someone we're stealing or someone is trying to scam us.
This dream predicts changes in our lives.
- If we see IN A COUNTRY FAR AWAY AND WE STAY THERE, it means that our thoughts are unstable.
- If we see thath we RETURN FROM A FOREIGN COUNTRY OR THAT WE ARE GOING TOWARDS THAT PLACE, and we see ourselves observing what happens during the trip, it presages us changes in our life, but if the trip begins and ends:
- IF THE TRIP BEGINS AND ENDS OR SUDDENLY YOU SEE IN A FUN SITE, it means that we want a change in our life, as long as the dream is accompanied by a feeling of joy; if on the contrary the feeling is of sadness, it means that we fear that something changes in our life.
- If we see that OTHER PEOPLE TRAVEL TO A FAR COUNTRY, the dream augurs us that our adversaries will give up.
- To dream that we ARE IN A STRANGE COUNTRY, THAT DOES NOT EXIST IN REALITY means that there is something that is not right, in our current situation and that we must correct.
- If in our dream we see OUR COUPLE, the message is related to her(him), in this case, the important thing is to consult the meaning of the other things we see in the dream, to understand the full meaning.
- If in our dream we FEEL IN LOVE OF SOMEONE, it means success in love, the same if a person falls in love with us.
- If in the dream, we KISS OUR COUPLE, it means good fortune.
- If in our dream we KISS ANYONE WHO IS NOT OUR COUPLE, it means: Infidelity.
- If in the dream WE SEE A COUPLE of lovers (As long as they are not kissing), it means that soon we will succeed. But IF WE DREAM THAT WE ARE IN FRONT OF A COUPLE OF LOVERS, WHO ARE KISSING, it means that we are too involved in someone else's life (usually a relative or a friend), which means that we need to give some space to that someone.
Coupons, discount:
- If in our dream we see coupons of 10%, 20%... in buying something,
It represents an opportunity that we must seize.
- If we dream that in our wallet or purse there is a coupon (Discount coupons), but is wrapped in cellophane or inside a
clear plastic bag, means we have an obstacle to seize a good opportunity to save, for example: Because of a bad
Coupon, winning:
- To dream that we have a winning coupon or we won a lottery, it means probable losses.
If we see ourselves walking aimlessly, it means that we do not know which way to go in life. It can also mean that we have not been
able to adapt to our environment.
If in our dream we see a court, jury or anything related to Justice, it means that we are concerned about something related to our current situation.
- If we dream of a judge it means we need a little help to solve a problem.
- If they are judging us, it means that we feel uncertain about a trial.
- If we dream as judges or juries, that tells us that we are uncertain about a decision and it advises us to act with confidence and analyze the situation well.
- If we dream of a lawyer in court being kind to us, it means we will have good luck.
Court decision:
- If in our dream we see that we are being judged regardless of the resolution of the trial, it means that we believe we are in a random situation.
- If in our dream we see a court sentence, it means that we are concerned about a legal issue.
Cour expert/Special master:
- If we dream that we lost a claim because someone bribes an special master, it means that we recently suffered an injustice at the hands of an arbitrary authority. But it can also mean that you can´t always trust the authorities, so it is best to avoid resorting to claims as much as possible.
This dream tells us that our relationships with others will be good.
- If in our dream we see a field of basketball or another sport, means that we must
prepare for important events. But if what appears in our dream is a game of
basketball or other sports, then, we see: Basketball...
- If we dream that we ARE IN A COURTYARD/PATIO, it means that we are being frank about a certain situation.
- If we dream of the DOOR OF A COURTYARD, and it is open, it means that the state of our mind is receptive;
but if the door is closed, it means that they do not allow us to participate in a certain situation.
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If we see it, as it is today it means that we will hear from him(her) or warn us of an upcoming surprise.
- If we see them as children, (See meaning of child).
- If he has passed away, the dream tells us about something future that depends on the other signs of the dream: For example, if he is happy, the dream announces something good, if he is angry or worried, the dream warns us of a danger.
If it is a prophetic dream (See: Magic-psychic dreams) it is our cousin who visits us in our dream to give us an important message about the future, in that case the same dream can show us the future event as It can happen, even in detail, so we must be aware of these details to know how to act in due course.
Cover of the book:
- To dream of a book with a leather cover, means that soon we can get lucky in money, but as long as we study and prepare more.
- If in our dream we see covers of books without their sheets, it means that in order to find new knowledge on a particular subject, we must investigate and do experiments, since in this case reading more books will not be enough, so we must support it with research (analyze, observe, make experiments, and keep notes of any new discovery we make).
Cover page:
- If we dream that we look at the image of a cover, it means we have an interest in what we see in that image. In this case it is convenient to consult the meaning of that we see on the cover, although sometimes the interest is related exactly to what we see in the image.
- If we dream that we read the cover of a book it can mean two things:
a) If what we read is the subject of the book, for example, if it says accounting, the dream tells us that we should study more on that subject or consult a specialist in that subject.
b) If what we read on the cover is not exactly the subject of the book, it is a finding or discovery that relates to what it says.
Cover up:
This dream warns us of the danger of certain relationships that commit us to act suspicious and unlawful.
To dream that we contract covid, means that we have something very bad, but not a disease, but something else, such as a bad attitude.
It can also mean that there is something that worries us.
Is associated with the earth, goodness, patience, fertility, and in some cases to motherhood. So if we see a cow may mean that we lack some of the above.
- View fat cows and in good condition, means prosperity and good fortune.
- See a dead cow, it means bad luck.
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This dream tells us that soon we will face: malignant and hostile attitudes against us.
It means that we are protected from dangers or any kind of problem.
- Seeing a coyote tells us that we can meet or just scammers that we have economic problems, we must be prepared for any issue that is presented in this regard.
- Dreaming with a feathered coyote (coyote with feathers instead of hair) or a talisman that has to do with the coyotes, tells us that we are protected from harm.
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Coyote stone:
- To dream of this talisman, means that although our adversaries are planning to harm us, they can´t do it, because we are well protected.
- If we dream that we revive a friend or family member who has already left this world with the CPR technique, it means we miss him and wish he were still alive.
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