The characteristics and colors of the things we see in our dream will have more meaning as we remember them clearly, for example if we see a car in the dream and remember well that it was a sports car but we do not remember what color it was, then, the meaning to look for is that of a sports car, but if one of the things we remember most is color, it means that color acquires an important meaning, as if our guardian angel told us: “Look at the color, because What I want to tell you has to do with the meaning of that particular color.”
- Beige:
This color tells us to make sure everything is well and to leave nothing unturned.
- Black:
It means uncertainty and lack of light, is the opposite of blue and dawn. It may also mean that something is wrong,
or that something is not clear enough
If in the dream we see a BIRD OF BLACK COLOR IN THE ENTRANCE of our house, it means that we are in danger.
What advises us to be prudent and get a protection amulet.
If in the dream we see people with black EYES, (Unless in the place where we live, the vast majority of people have eyes of that color) means that we fear that someone will discover something that has been hidden; It can also mean that someone has been hiding something from us.
To dream that a FROG OF BLACK COLOR ENTERS OUR HOUSE, means that there is a danger because of someone who is trying to make us witchcraft.
Dreaming of a black HORSE: It means we will receive bad news. But if it is a black thoroughbred horse (with thin, shiny hair), it means that something bad is about to happen, and if we see the thoroughbred black horse
with a flower in the nose, means that there is a possibility that many people die, for example: By a terrorist attack or by
A natural disaster. What he advises us to pray, to help those things do not happen.
If in our dream we see a person known with black painted NAILS, it means that she is a malignant person.
- Black and White:
If we dream in black and white (like a movie in black and white), means we have a fear and is related to the meaning of things we see
in sleep. It can also mean monotony.
- Blue:
The color blue is mainly related to Heaven, good feelings, honesty and honor.
- Brown:
This is associated with the earth, fertility and sensuality.
- Dark violet:
Is associated with nobility.
- Fosphorescent:
(colors that glow in the dark)
Light in the darkness, headed for the Truth.
- Fluorescent:
(very bright colors)
Communication with those who have departed this world.
- Gold: It is a color associated with the Sun and its qualities like
protection, the True, and the Divine union.
- Gray:
represents the indifference and depression.
- Green:
It is the color of life and nature, of justice and also has to do with the natural order. Sometimes it also means hope.
- Magenta:
It is associated with sensuality and love that starts. For example: Dreaming that we wear a magenta shirt, means that we will be lucky and related to a love that starts. In some cases it tells us that a love that begins begins to grow stronger.
- Maroon:
It represents the success and prosperity, also represents the lasting and fortunate.
- Orange:
This is associated with ambition, and is also a shade of red or yellow, so it is also associated to reflection and passion.
- Pink:
This is associated with sensuality and love you begins.
If a woman dreams that she is trying on a pink DRESS, it means good luck with a love that starts, for example, a new boyfriend or suitor or someone she likes.
If we dream of painted NAILS OF PINK COLOR, it means difficulties of money or in our family because of a new love.
If we see ourselves in a pink ROLLS ROYCE that does not want to start, it means that there is someone who sees us as their ideal love, but there is something that is not working or is missing, as it may be, that we do not show enough attention to that person, etcetera.
If we dream of ROSES OF COLOR PINK, it means good luck with a love that initiates, or that we will soon know a new love.
If we dream that we wear a pink color SHIRT, but then we take it off to get a red one, it means that a love that starts will become more intense. On the other hand, if we dream that we are wearing a red shirt and then we take it off to get a pink one, it means that a passionate love will become less intense, with danger of ending completely. And if in the dream we see someone we like or our partner, then the dream relates precisely to that person.
- Purple
Dreaming of a purple triangle represents a possible separation with our partner, accompanied by difficulties
(Since a triangle represents a likely separation and purple difficulties).
- Red:
This color represents protection, marriage, passion, blood, war, fire, and sexuality. Red also tells us that our soul is ready for action.
A red SHIRT that is in good condition means luck in love.
Dreaming of a red HORSE: News related to love.
Dreaming of red FLOWERS: It means a well-matched love.
Dreaming of a red MOON means that we are in danger of having an accident. You can also predict social and/or religious conflicts.
Seeing us with red EYES, means that someone envies us, but if in the dream we see someone we know with red eyes, then it means that someone is envious of that known person.
Dreaming of a red SUN means that difficulties in an issue or a business approach.
If a woman dreams that she is trying on a red DRESS, it means good luck in love; but if in the dream, besides trying on the dress, she notices that it fits very well, it means good luck in love, although it can also be a message that tells her that there is someone she likes.
Dreaming of red colored NAILS, means that if we let ourselves be carried away by passion, we may have difficulties (Since nails are related to difficulties and in this case red is related to passion).
- Red and Black:
If we see this combination of colors in the dream, it means that we are well protected, for example, when we see ourselves dressed in red and black.
It can also mean that we will be successful in a written work, such as an assignment, a report, a contract, etc.
- Silver:
This is associated with the moon, and hence the origin of life and of all things. It also means that soon we will have
special protection.
If in our dream we see ALL WHITE, it means that we are being too good or too condescending, which advises us to find the right balance, for example: Defend our interests, our position, be more strict, less manipulable, and so on.
When we dream of ANIMALS THAT HAVE A BAD MEANING but they are white, it represents hypocritical people and the meaning of the animal can give us more details, for example: If we dream of a white spider, it represents a hypocrite person who is trying to put us a trap and if we see it in our neck, it is because that person wants to set a trap to separate us from our love, work, et cetera.
To dream that we open the door of the entrance of our house and in that moment a white DOG enters, means: Probable marriage.
If in our dream we see someone we know (A woman) with a White color DRESS, it means that she is a reliable person.
If in our dream we see OBJECTS OF WHITE COLOR, but dirty, it means that we can be betrayed.
If we see someone we know wearing a SHIRT, BLOUSE, TROUSER OR SHIRT, white, it means that he is a good person or of good feelings.
If in our dream we see SOMETHING WHITE SIDE OF SOMETHING BLACK, for example: A white animal next to a black animal, means that we must defend our interests or that we must look for the balance, that is, not be neither too good for others to abuse us, nor too bad for anyone to love
Dreaming of a WHITE COLORED HORSE means that we will receive good news. But if in our dream we see a white horse, but dirty; It means that in order to receive good news before we must correct something that is wrong.
- Yellow:
It symbolizes the reflection, knowledge, wisdom, spirit, and also is associated with the sun, motherhood, spiritual and material sustenance and prosperity.
- Flashy colors:
A silk garment of flashy color, means that we try to attract the attention of others. In this case if the silk were, for example, bright red, it means that we want to attract attention with respect to love; if it were bright pink, with regard to sensuality; if it were bright green, with regard to justice, and if it was blue screeching, with regard to good feelings.
Here we see a flashy color.
- Opaque:
If in our dream, one of the most notorious things is that the color of certain things is opaque, it means that we must strive to do things well and it is related to the meaning of opaque color things.
- Peach:
This color represents sensuality.
- Various colors:
If in our dream we see objects or things with many colors, it represents different difficulties and is related to the meaning of the object.
If we see a BED SHEET OF MANY COLORS or several sheets of different colors, means probable difficulties with our partner, which advises
us to avoid any situation that can lead to arguments and problems (Since the sheets are related to our partner).
If we see the CLAY FIGURE OF A TURTLE and we see that its carapace is of many colors, it means that we have an excellent project,
but that nevertheless it does not work well.
If we dream that we CUT PAPERS OF COLORS with scissors, it means that we are trying
to invent a gossip or a lie to get out of a problem.
If in the dream we see a TORTOISE AND WE NOTICE THAT ITS CAPACITY IS OF MANY COLORS, it means that we have a problematic issue that is
not going well.
If we see the CLAY FIGURE OF A TURTLE and we see that its carapace is of many colors, it means that we have an excellent project, but
that nevertheless it does not work well.