- If in our dream we are using a coat, it means that we are hiding our true personality.
- If we see someone wearing a coat, means that person is not reliable, because it is very selfish.
- But if we dream of a fur coat, then it represents prosperity.

-If we see someone we know wearing a fur coat, means that person will soon have prosperity. It may also mean that person can help us so that we have prosperity.
-If you dream of a dirty fur coat, tells us that there is a possibility that we may have prosperity, but something is not right, which advises us to analyze things well.
- This sign tells us how prepared we are to deal with future situations, so if it looks good means that we are well prepared, but if it looks bad means the opposite.
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This sign tells us how prepared we are to deal with future situations, so if it looks good means that we are well prepared, but if it looks bad means the opposite.
- Wear a black sweater, and good looking, means we are well prepared for future situations, but sometimes we abuse others. He advises us to be more considerate towards others.
- Wear a red sweater, tells us that we are ready to have a girlfriend or suitor. And the same mean, if we wear a sweater with roses pattern.
- To dream that you put a sweater on a chair, tells us that we are well prepared to face the current situation.
- If in our dream we see someone we know, or someone who looks like to someone we know, and noticed that is wearing a white sweater, that means the person or the person who looks is good and loyal.
- If in our dream a sweater accidentally breaks, fraying, burns, broken, or disappears, tells us that we are not yet prepared to face the situation.
In this case, the color of the sweater can give us more details, for example, if we break a red sweater, tells us that we are not yet ready for love (either because we do not do something, there is an obstacle, a problem, poor fitness, etc.), if we break a pink sweater, then tells us that we are not yet ready for a new love .....
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