When we see in our dream, just one corpse, tell us the end of something such as a business, a project, a love, a friendship; depending on the other signs that accompany our dream.
- If in our dream we see a BLOODY CORPSE AND WRAPPED WITHIN THE TRUNK of a car (especially if it is a nightmare) tells us we need a change in our lives, whether in economic, family, work, business or work. - If we dream of a DESCOMPOSED CORPSE (Like when it already starts to smell bad), it means that something was spoiled, for example: A relationship that was ruined by some cause; but if we leave that place, then, it means that we will get rid of spoiling something (A love, a business...). - If we see a corpse WITH OPEN EYES and noticed that they are COMPLETELY BLACK (All black, without the white part to have normal eyes), the dream tells us that something can go wrong by due to be calling or requesting the help of evil spirits, for example: Playing with the Ouija board, through rituals... - If we dream of the ghost of a bride, and in the same dream we see that someone digs up the body of a MAN AND A BRIDE, it represents the ghost or memory of a past relationship that is affecting us in some way in the present. - If in the dream we see a corpse in a RIVER, it represents something that ended in our life (A love, business...). But if we get it in our car, and suddenly it revives, it represents someone from the past who could return to our lives (A former love, a former friend...). - If we see a corpse in the STREET, COVERED WITH A SHEET, the dream tells us that we mistrust or insecurity in a matter or business, and also tells us that there is a danger to us or our families. - If in the dream we see a TINY POOL WITH WATER in the kitchen and we notice that there is a corpse in the background, it means that there is a danger that one of our projects ends very badly, which advises us to analyze things well before moving on (Abandon that project or correct what we are doing wrong, depending on what is best for us to do). - If WE ARE THE CORPSE, it means our desire to end a situation that bothers us.
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