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.. .. Wa .. We-Wh .. Wi .. Wo-Wz

Dreams: Wo-Wz

Woke up:
- Dream to we woke up, announces luck and success.

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If in our dream JUST SEE A WOLF, this is a warning, telling us to be careful with some of our dishonest-friends or of our adversaries who act unfairly and treacherous manner.
- Dreaming of a BAD WOLF THAT BECOMES GOOD told that someone close to us, in the past was disloyal and treacherous, but seems to have changed their way of being, the dream advises us not rely too.
- If we dream that a wolf BITES us, represents a dishonest person who is planning to betray or hurt us in any way.
- To dream of a BLACK WOLF, announces betrayal, malice, lust, and or misfortunes. This dream advises us to beware of untrustworthy people.
- To dream that a wolf DEVOURS US means that there is a serious danger to us, because of a close person, who is a hypocritical and treacherous.
- If a woman dreams that a wolf DEVOURING ONE OF HER BROTHERS and then she chases to eat her, it means that there is a person who tries to take advantage of her and also advised to take into account their previous experiences.

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This sign can be interpreted in several ways, because if a woman dreams of a woman must be interpreted as the revelation of her own personality, so, what happens to the woman or the meaning of what happens to the woman applies to herself.
And if man dreams of a woman can have different meanings, but there are times when it is interpreted in the same way no matter who dream.
Another important point is that if the woman we see in dreams is like someone we know, then represent precisely that person to we known.
In addition to the above cases, if we distinguish a special feature on the woman we see in dreams, it is advisable to consult the specific meaning, for example, in the case of a doctor, we see: "Doctor-woman", for which below we have written related meanings, which can be very useful.

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View one of these animals in our dream, it means that our projects may get to see endangered.

- If our dream is that we simply try to woo someone, it means someone leave us and ridicule.

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- If we dream in a wooden house, and the wood is in good condition, it means we will have good luck.

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Wood Board:
This sign represents the raw material. In general, seeing wood in good condition means good luck; but if we see it in bad condition, it means bad luck.

Wood filler:
- If we dream that we are repairing a piece of furniture or something, with wood filler and the work is bad, it means that there is something that if we try to repair it, we will only ruin it. But if we do it well in the dream, then it means that there is something we could fix and it would also be very good (Either a thing or a matter).

- If we dream that we are bitten by a Woodcock, it represents a rival, or a gossipy and conflictive person, who is causing us or can cause us harm.

This dream tells us that we will make great efforts, but they are very likely to be ineffective, and insufficient.

- If we are walking through a forest and feel good, it means we have good decision-making and we are sure of ourselves.
- If we are in a woods and we know where we are, and a bright sun, means that soon we will know the cause of our fears and overcome them succeed.
- If we are lost in the woods, or feel fear for whatever reason, means that we still do not own ourselves.
- If we are lost in a snowy forest, means that we feel overwhelmed by the difficulties and or loneliness. This dream advises us not lose heart and pray for the morning and evening to the difficulties go.
- If we see a forest from afar and the view is nice, means that soon we will know the cause of our fears and overcome them succeed.

A full woodshed means that we have good resources, but if we see it empty, it represents difficulties and deficiencies or we need to work harder to reach the necessary resources.

This dream augurs happiness and tranquility, at least in the dream we burning the wool, because then it means bad luck in money matters.

Wool ball:
A wool ball means that we will have prosperity and harmony without having to make great sacrifices. It can also mean that we have the ability to improve our economic situation.

Wool cap:
It means that whoever carries the wool cap tries to hide his intentions or his real personality.
- If in our dream we see our girlfriend(boyfriend) with wool cap, it means that he(she) is hiding something, or that something has not told us.
- If in our dream we see our girlfriend(boyfriend) wearing a sweatshirt hooded, and we noticed that wears his cap, means that she(he) is hiding something, but if not wearing his cap, then, means she(he) not is hiding anything.

Woollen yarn:
- To dream of yellow woollen yarn means prosperity.
- To dream of a sphere made of woollen yarn, it means we will have prosperity and harmony without having to make big sacrifices. It may also mean that we are able to improve our economic situation.

Words can have different meanings depending on whether we say or hear them, but if we remember the words exactly, then, we must seek its meaning in this dream dictionary (For example if we say the word God, then we must seek its meaning, which in this case is peace in the soul or too safe.) plus we can be helpful to consult the related meanings that we show below.
- If we or someone tells us BAD WORDS means that we must be cautious in the way of avoiding the emotional climate that we could be harmed.
- If we dream a CHILD SAYING BAD WORDS, tells us to be very careful with our enemies and avoid any discussion, because we could be harmed or be victims of a trap.
- If we dream that we are talking on the phone, but DEMON CHANGE OUR WORDS means that we feel guilty about something we said, or something that we should not say.
- If we HEAR THE WORDS OF OTHERS, means that we take into account the valuable advice, which will bring us good luck.
- If in our dream we see written words, but noticed that are INCOMPLETE, for example, env (envy), then, relates to the whole word, in this case means someone has we envy; if such were: happin (happiness), means we will soon have happiness.

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View workers, it means something important in our lives, we must pay attention, and if we work, the dream means that there is something that is very important to the job or his meaning, we must special attention in our lives.
- If you dream people working at sea, means that soon we will face our passions or our instincts.
- If you dream people working in the field, this is a warning to be more thoughtful and not get carried away by our instincts.

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by letter.

See: Above

- To dream that we travel to a MAGICAL WORLD, means that we desire a little Divine help in order to reach a higher spiritual level or to be able to change our destiny.
- To dream that it is the END OF THE WORLD, or that someone says it is the end of the world, means that something in us is over, such as our beliefs, faith, pride, way of seeing things, etc., which in In most cases it is good, although sometimes it can be bad. But the important thing is to seek the Truth of things, for example: What drives away evil and brings good is good; and what he says is good but does not help us to turn away the bad is not good.

World Champion:
- Dreaming that we are the champion of a sport, it means that we have the ability to succeed.

If our dream is unpleasant, means corruption, dirt, degradation, or weakness.
But if the dream is not unpleasant and is about a caterpillar symbolizes the transition from a state or elevation lower to higher.
- If we see a caterpillar becoming a butterfly always portends satisfaction, prosperity, positive changes, and elevation.
- If we dream to pick up a blue caterpillar , means we will soon achieve a higher state of consciousness (New knowledge and greater perception).
- If the worm appears in a corruption thing, indicate hidden corruption.
- If in the dream we see worms crawling of our bodies or coming out of our bodies, it means that someone is taking advantage of us and our concerns.
But if dreamed a white worm, leaves our body, then there is a business, we must manage it wisely.

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To dream of a worn thing, it means that we have bad luck, and there are people who try to slander us. The meaning of the worn thing can give us more details about, that is bad luck and slander.

It means that something is wrong in our affairs, which advises us to analyze the situation well.
- If in the dream we see our MOTHER worried, it means that something is not right, so we must analyze things well. It may also mean that we are doing something that is not quite right.
- If we dream that we are concerned because we have to go as a PARTY, it means that something is not right; It may also mean that we are concerned about an issue and that something is not right. But if we go to the party, then it means that everything will be fine or that we get rid of a difficulty.

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The injuries mean our fear, illness or an accident. In other cases we warn us that we can suffer a wound to our pride.

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Wounded (Wounded person):
- If in our dream we spoke with a man whom we see with some injuries, then one of our rivals or adversaries is hurt in his pride for our cause.
- If you dream of traveling in a vehicle, then someone crashes into us, and we die or are seriously injured, it means that we run the risk of attacks planned by dishonest people.

It symbolizes the ephemeral, the short duration of which symbolizes the dream.

Means the failure of our next projects.

Wrestling/Wrestling fighters:
- If in our dream we see wrestling and both contestants are BLOODY, it means that we have had bitter and strong confrontations with our enemies.
- If we dream that we simply fight in the style of the GRECO ROMAN FIGHT, and especially if no one wins, it means internal conflicts.

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Wrestling holds:
- If we dream that someone makes us a wrestling brace and we canīt move, it means that we are immobile to a certain situation, that is, we do not know what to do in that situation; But if we surrender, then, it means a probable failure.

To dream that we have a face full of wrinkles indicates our fear of aging.
- If we dream that someone we know (of the opposite sex) tells us: "Because you haven't called me"; but also, we notice that she/he has a wrinkle on the NECK, it means that she/he or someone who has something in common with her/him, thinks that we no longer like her/him, for the reason that she/he does not look as young as before.

- It means that we have good news that relate to what we wrote in our dream.
- Dreaming about writing a book, tells us that we need to express ourselves, and if we remember what the book, then, means that we must express something that is related to the theme of the book or the meaning of that word, in which case we seek their meaning in this dictionary.

- If we dream that we are writers, the dream tells us that we need to express ourselves more, and the meaning of the other things we see in dreams can give us more details.

If in the dream we see written paper, and be mindful what he said, it means we have a concern about what is written. But if we do not remember exactly what he said, then simply it means we have many concerns.
- To dream that we wrote a BOOK, tells us that we need to express ourselves, and if we remember the theme of the book, then, means that we must express something that relates to the theme of the book or the meaning of that word, in which case we look up its meaning in this dictionary.

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This dream presages emotional loneliness, or unlucky in our activities.
- If we dream that we are in a cafe drinking a juice, but a moment later, by mistake, we take the juice that is to someone else and it tastes is acid, it means is better than no mistake because we could end up in a distressing situation, for example: In the sense that it is better to avoid provoking people that we know are very conflicting, or avoid getting into risky situations.
- If we dream that the bus takes the wrong turn, it means that to achieve what we want, we must follow a different path (do things in a different way or follow a different strategy).
It can also mean that at some point we begin to stray from our ideals and principles. And whether it means the first or the second depends on our current situation.


.. .. Wa .. We-Wh .. Wi .. Wo-Wz