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.. .. Wa .. We-Wh .. Wi .. Wo-Wz ..

Dreams: We-Wh

Seeing ourselves weak in our dreams, tells us that our commercial interests are much worse than we imagined.

This dream tells us that our commercial interests are much worse than we imagined.

This dream reveals the ambition of wealth, in most cases it warns us that economic difficulties are coming.

Weapons, ninja:
- If in our dream we see kunais (Stars and darts), it means problems in our family relationships.
- If in our dream we see a kunai stuck in a drawer, it means that to avoid future problems in our family relationships, we must be firm in our determinations, even if we seem to be being bad or too severe.
- If in our dream we simply see a ninja saber, it tells us that we will succeed soon, thanks to our courage, it can also mean economic prosperity.
- If we dream of a ninja saber that is heavy and therefore difficult to take, it warns us that we should not promise that we can�t fulfill.

This dream portends disappointment in relationships.
- To dream that a weasel crosses our path means we are in danger of suffering because of false testimony or because of a theft.

- CLEAR AND SUNNY Day: It means we will not have difficulties in our main project, but only if this does not go against the other signs that appear in the dream.
- To dream that we can CONTROL THE WEATHER, mean we have the ability to control the situation.
- The COLD means we need help from others, in addition to maintaining and strengthening the family bond.
- If this DARK: It warns us that our future may be uncertain, that is, not very clear, so we try harder if we want to achieve our goals.
- If HEAVY RAINFALL THAT HAS FIXED: means difficulties.
- If there is LIGHT RAIN: It means success.
- If the SKY IS CLEAR, it means that the difficulties to be dispelled.
- If there STORM or LOOKS CLOUDY SKY, tells us that they may soon come difficulties.
- The WARM weather means that we are protected, for example, that we will help soon.

Weather Report:
-- The meaning of dreaming about a weather report depends on what the report says, for example:
• If the report says that it will be COLD, it means that we need help from others, in addition to maintaining and strengthening the union of the family.
• If the report says there is LIGHT RAIN: it means success. But if it says that there is heavy rain, then it means difficulties.
• If the report says there is a STORM OR CLOUDY SKY, let us know that difficulties may soon come. And if it says that the sky looks clear, then it means that the difficulties will clear.
• If the report says that a WARM AND CLEAR DAY is expected, it warns us that we will not have difficulties in our main project, but as long as it does not go against the other signs that appear in the dream.
-- If we dream of papers that say the word weather report or see something related to the weather but without knowing what the weather will be, it means that our future is uncertain

Web page/Website:
- To dream that we find something useful in a web page, means that we are relieved to have found something that can be very useful to us.

- Dreaming with a webcam says sometimes we act with suspicion, this dream is related to our work, and advises us to be more sure of ourselves.

-- To dream that INVITE US TO A WEDDING, it means that a friend has died, you can also treats of the death of a friend we have not seen in a long time.
And so it mean, if we dream that we are invited or attended the wedding of a relative.
• If we are single, it means positive changes in our lives.
• If we are married: Marital troubles, and the same means, if we are getting married with our wife.

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- If we dream that we fall asleep while we listen to the weeping of a baby, it means that the frustration we feel, for a goal that we have not managed to do is making us neglect and trust.
- Also consult: "Cry".

Weight bar:
If in our dream we see a bar without weights or their disks, tells us we need to do more exercise to be attractive and be healthy. It can also refer to a project or matter to which we need to put more weight, that is, add something to make it a little better.

Weights (From a weighing scales):
It means that our help will be necessary to clarify a confusing issue.

Weights (From: Weights to exercise):
To dream that we train or receive weight training, it means that we must prepare ourselves for an important event. But if in the dream we see ourselves as bodybuilders, that is, we see ourselves with big muscles, it means that we should not abuse others.

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This dream promises us happy and lasting affective relationships.

Well, water:
- To dream that we throw a coin into a well, it means that it is very likely that a wish will be fulfilled soon, but if we throw the coin and it is heard that the well is empty, then it means that it will be very difficult for a certain wish to be fulfilled.

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- If we dream to do a work well-done or someone tells us we've done well a work, means that we are on track to achieve our goals, that is, we are doing things right.

- If in our dream we see a werewolf, predicts problems in our activities because of a treacherous and dishonest person.
- If we dream that a werewolf try to eat us, tells us that there is a grave danger from someone treacherous and dishonest. Advises us to not trust everyone.
- Dreaming about a werewolf lurks some people, it means fear and anxiety about what might cause us a treacherous and dishonest person who have failed to control, or by a situation that we have not been able to control.
- If in the dream see a werewolf but more noticeable is that is gray, predicts depression and problems from a treacherous and dishonest person.

If in our dreams we see ourselves orientated towards the west, it means a warning that it is not okay to resign ourselves to a bad destiny, because we are the ones who must choose destiny, since we are free.

The wet or wet to see something in our dream, usually related to problems and difficulties, at least it was wet fence, for example: That dry, and then tells us that there will be no difficulties or that if there is to be, will overcome easily.

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Wet dreams:
Wet dreams are common in men during early adolescence, and often have to do with sexual desires but is within normal unless those were too frequent or too disruptive, since then, tells us that there may be a problem.
- If a man dreams of having sex with his mother, and it is a wet dream, it means that this too attached to his mother, which advised him to be more independent, and try to relate more with girls her age.

Wetback(Illegal immigrant):
- If we dream that we want to go to the United States as wetback, it means that we are looking for better living conditions, but we may run into some obstacles.
- If we dream that we want to go to the United States as wetback, but it is difficult, it means that we are looking for better living conditions, but we will have to face some obstacles.

-- To dream that we hunt a whale or participate in hunting, augurs wealth.
-- If it is an orca whale, means the following:
• Orca is a good and bad, usually it's a tip that tells us to find the right balance between good and evil, or that we must be firm even though they might that we are being bad, for so to avoid further danger.
• Dreaming an orca whale attacking seals, tells us that there is a danger of losing our virginity in a way that may harm us, so we advises caution while doing what we do not want to do.

by letter.

WhatsApp, Messenger:
- If someone we know sends us a WhatsApp, but WE DO NOT WANT TO ANSWER IT, means that we are upset with that person. But if we dream that it is the other person who does not want to answer a WhatsApp, then it means that it is the other person who is annoying with us.
- If we dream that someone we like sends us a EMOJI smiley face or a heart for WhatsApp, it means that we also like it.

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- If we dream that someone tries to convince us to do something bad and manages to convince us, it means that we are being irresponsible in a certain matter. But if they fail to convince us, then it means that we are doing things right.

By its circular shape it symbolizes that is perfect, it can also represent security and protection.
By its movement it is the symbol of the Divine order, since everything revolves around a center.

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Wheel of fortune (The ride):
- If we dream of a wheel of fortune, it represents the ups and downs of our life, so if we are up it represents a good run, but if we see ourselves down or there are negative feelings it represents a bad run.

- If we dream that we are in a wheelchair, it means that we can find ourselves in difficulties.
- If in our dream we see a friend/relative who has already left this world, convalescing in a wheelchair, it means that he/she needs our help to get to Heaven, as it is through our prayers.
- If in the dream we see the person we like in a wheelchair, it represents an impossible love, or at least with very few possibilities.

It is a symbol of power and irrational dominance.
- If we use it warns us that we have committed an unfair action.
- If someone gives us lashes is that because we can see ourselves humiliated.

Spiral movements represent time, if a whirlpool begins to spin faster, it means an evolution that will be very difficult to control, because it is driven by forces that are superior to us. - A whirlwind is a warning that we have made a love relationship that is accelerating and threatens to lead us to disaster.
- If we see a whirlwind that spreads a lot of clothes, it represents problems related to witchcraft, whether someone is stealing clothes to make us witchcraft or someone tries to make others believe that we steal some garment to make someone witchcraft.

- If in our dream someone we know whispers something in our ear and then hides, it means that we should not trust that person.

If in our sleep we hear whistlers, or that someone makes a lot of noise, it means the warning of a nearby danger.

It represents peace and tranquility, for example: To dream about white colored objects blameless means reciprocated trust.
- If in our dream we see objects white, but dirty, means that we can be betrayed.
- If in our dream we all white, means that we are too good or too slack, which advises us to find the right balance, for example, defend our interests, our posture, be stricter, and so on.

This dream augurs well, and means that our business and resources will be prosperous.

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.. .. Wa .. We-Wh .. Wi .. Wo-Wz ..