PIN (Personal Identification Key)
If we dream that we change the pin number of our cell phone, it means that we fear the impossibility of a
relationship or that someone sabotages or interferes in our relationship with someone.
To dream of the game of pinball, it means that everything depends on our ability to do things.
- It means that we will suffer some small wounds in self-love, without major gravity.
- To dream that someone pinches our nipples, and it hurts, means that we will suffer some wounds in our pride, but they will be of little importance and relate to love.
Pine tree:
- If we see BIRDES NESTING in it, it means success and fortune.
- The PINE CONE symbolizes exaltation and success.
- CLIMBING a pine means that we will be successful in our projects; if we FALL from: The opposite; if we see it CUT, it warns us of possible dangers in our projects; if it is DETERIORATED is that we should pay more attention to what we do, if it is leafy it is that everything is going well.
- If we see a DOWNED pine, it means that something is wrong with our projects.
- If in our dream we see ourselves at the top of a MOUNTAIN and there we see a tree, it means that our projects are good and we will see them realized.
- If we see black or NOCTURNAL BIRDS in it, it means that someone wants to harm us.
Pineapple represents good luck in love or the possibility of entering into a long-term relationship.
- If we dream that we take PINEAPPLE JUICE and its taste is very acid, it represents probable anguish, for example: Because someone cheats us or because we canīt obtain what we expected, which advises us to be prudent, to avoid that situation.
It is associated with the sensuality and the love it starts.
- To dream of a apinny means work and protection in our work.
- If we see it dirty, announces discussions and difficulties at work.
- If we dream that we fight with pinocho or with someone who has a long nose like pinocho when he told lies, and we hold him by the nose,
it means that it is important to defend our interests and make others see someone's lies; as for example, the lies of one of our enemies.
- If a child dreams of breaking a birthday piņata, it means that he will soon receive many gifts.
- If we are smoking a pipe reveals a peaceful life full of wellness.
- If the pipe breaks this well will be marred by problems with friendships and breaks.
Piracy (Make illegal copies):
If in the dream we are making illegal copies, it means that we must respect social norms more.
To dream about a piranha represent a tax collector or a usurer, depending on our current situation.
Seeing a pirate in our dream means that we should be wary of those who insist on being our friends.
- If in the dream we see ourselves as pirates, it means that we have security in ourselves, and therefore we will succeed.
- If in our dream we see a monster with a pirate hat and it terrifies us, it means that we must put aside our guilt complexes and make sure everything goes the way it should, and distrust those who insist on being our friends.
If we do the pirouette well, it means that we will overcome a difficult situation or that we will overcome a difficult test. But if we can not do it well, then it means failure or loss of money.
- If we dream of a flower and we can clearly see its pistils, especially if the flower is pink or red, it means luck in love.

Here we see a pink flower, in which we can clearly see its pistils.
Pistol, Handgun:
- This sign indicates that a plot against us is brewing.
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- If the engine works well, it predicts success and good fortune.
- An engine that stops, means delays in our affairs or projects.
- If it works badly, it breaks, it is missing, it hurts, it means difficulties and failure.
- If we have an accident with an engine, it means problems and failure.
Pitaya, Pitahaya, Dragon fruit:
A pitaya represents sensuality and pleasure.
But if we dream that in trying to remove the skin of a pitaya (Of those with thorns), we prick ourselves with one of its thorns, it means that we have possibilities of having sensuality and pleasure, but we must be careful, since something could go wrong
A dog of the pit bull race in the positive sense represents courage and protection; in the negative sense, it represents the possibility of ending a love or a friendship.
- If in our dream we see a pit bull and feel FEAR, because we think that it can attack us, but it happens that it does not do anything to us, it means that we are afraid that a commitment, courtship, society, or alliance will break, this dream He advises us to analyze things well, since the most probable thing is that there is no danger.
- To dream that a dog of the Pitbull breed TRIES TO BIT us, means that a commitment is in danger, or that we can not get to see fulfilled our desires to marry who we love.
- If it BITES US, it means the same as the previous one, only that the danger is even greater.
- If we dream that a pitbull BITES US BUT the strangest thing is that we did not bleed and then tie it down, it means that there was the danger of not getting to fulfill our desires to marry who we love but we have managed to control the problem without having arrived to cause serious damage.
- If in our dream we see a pit bull does NOT ATTACK us, besides that in the dream we do not see things that have a negative meaning, it means that we are well protected, or that we have the courage to face the situation.
- If we dream of a pitbull PUPPY, it represents a possibility to get married, or to have a good friend, but at the same time, the dream tells us that there may be a difficulty in the future.
If we dream this feeling toward someone, it represents the good affection and friendship that others feel for us.
Pizza, Pizza shop:
Represents abundance and options.
- Eat a meatball pizza with very good flavor, it means promising events, in addition to abundance of options.
- Dreaming about a pizza deliver our pizza promises even before thirty minutes, for example, before 25 minutes, we said that we will have plenty and good choices, but we must learn to be patient.
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