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.. .. Ma .. Me .. Mi .. Mo .. Mu-Mz ..

Dreams: Me

If in our dream we see a green and flowery meadow, on a sunny day, it means that we will have prosperity and tranquility.

If we dream of a petty person, it is a warning that there will be things or people who oppose our good objectives.

- If in the dream someone tells us that something means a certain thing, it means exactly the opposite, unless whoever told us is a pythoness, since then it would be interpreted literally.

To dream that we have measles or that someone has measles, means that we are worried about difficult problems, but with a little Divine help, everything will work out.

- Measuring with someone else, is a warning of probable conflicts that we do not want, so the dream tells us that we must analyze the situation well.
- If we see another person measuring something, it is a warning that we will be observed and criticized, and if in our dream are several people who take the measures means that we will be observed and criticized by several people.

Measures, security:
- If in our dream we see a bill that seems real, but it is false and we realize that although it is false has the holograms in addition to the other security measures that usually have high denomination bills, it means that we will not have problems of money because We have taken sufficient security measures, it can also mean that if we take the necessary security measures, we will not have money problems.

- Dreaming with raw meant or almost raw meant, means suffering and disappointment.
- If the meat is cooked, it means happiness perspective.
- If we are eating meat, means that we will be slighted.
- If we eat raw meat, augurs sufferings and disappointments, which advises us analyze the situation well so avoid it.
- If the meat is in poor condition, means failure, and bad luck.

Meat, cold/sausage:
-- According to the tone:
• If it is white, it means: joy.
• Black: penalties.
• Green Justice.
• Red: passion.
-- If we meats like sausage, stuffed with garbage or sawdust, means that things do not go as we wish and partly because of ill-intentioned and bad feelings around us.

- A mechanism that works well, predicts success and good fortune.
- A mechanism that stops, means delays in our affairs or projects.
- If it malfunctions, it breaks, misses, damages, means difficulties and failure.
- If we have an accident with an engine, it means trouble and failure.

- If the medal is a reward for winning a competition, ie a recognition, we said that we appreciate our social environment, which is a sign that all is well.
- If it's a medal for jewelry, either gold, silver, platinum or fantasy, it means prison.
- If in our dream we see a medal (of jewelry, either gold, silver, platinum, or fantasy) rotates, it means that we are saved from going to prison, it can mean that we got rid of a difficult problem.
- To dream of a medal jewelry of any material that has the image of a frog, it means that there is a danger of ending up in prison because of someone who has ill will and who will do anything to harm us, including witchcraft.
- If medals with religious images, tells us that enjoy peace and harmony, except in the case of a crucifix, because then it means confusion, and or penalties.

Medical examination:
- If we dream that someone we know is done a medical examination and the doctor tell him that he is sick, it means that he is healthy. But if the doctor tells him that is healthy, it means that he suffers from an illness.
- If we dream that someone we know is done a medical examination and the doctor tells him that he is not sick of AIDS means that he suffering from a venereal disease. But if the doctor tells him that he has not sick of AIDS means that he is healthy and not suffering from any venereal disease.

The medicine is associated with aid to our health or our souls.
- If medications are for someone else, it's because that someone is in need of our help.
- If someone you know (a) asks us to give you a medicine, means that person needs a consolation for us. But if, for example, a woman who does not know, ask us to aspirin, means that a female person needs the comfort of us, since in that case the dream is giving us a clue who it is.

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Medieval Mace:
- If in the dream we simply see a medieval mace, it represents difficulties with people around us.
- If we dream that we hit someone with a medieval mace means that we have the possibility of causing problems and difficulties to people around us.
But if we hit someone with a medieval mace that has two balls with spikes, then it means that we must defend our interests even if it seems that we are being bad or too severe.

- If in the dream we see a mediocre, advises us to strive harder to achieve or preserve the things that interest us.

- It means the same as the previous one.

- This dream tells us that a time of questioning and doubts is approaching.
- If we dream that we are inside our house and we see a Guru meditating on the side of the entrance door, which is closed; It means that a time of interrogation and doubts approaches, although we will have some Divine help.

- If we dream that we consult a medium, and she(he) tells us of our situation, that she(he) tells us, is that can happen in the future.
- If in our dream we consult a medium, what we see in his crystal ball is that can happen. It can also be related to the meaning of the images that we see in the crystal ball.
- If in our dream we consult with a medium, but notice that his crystal ball is covered with a cloth or something similar, it means that our future is uncertain.
- If in our dream we consult with a medium, and notice that his crystal ball is covered with a cloth or something similar, but suddenly breaks the fabric and overhead the crystal ball, means that we have control of our destiny.

This dream means that there may be some problem that can cause us to change our social position.

Medusa (Greek Mythology):
- If in our dream we see Medusa, it represents a person to be handled with care or someone who is better to keep away.

If a meerkat is present in our dream, it means that we are waiting, in the sense that we are too worried about what may happen, or what others may think of us.

- If we dream that the parents of the person we like to come to our house and say they want to meet us, means that the person we love, want to know us.

This dream tells us that there are aspects of ourselves that we must accept.

It warns us of a danger to us or to someone very close.

- If in our dream we see a door of melamine or imitation wood, which is closed, it means that we still have to do a lot, so that we can achieve our objectives, which we can only achieve with work, constancy, being firm in our purposes, be dedicated, as well as being patient, otherwise we risk embarrassment or humiliation.

It means sadness and nostalgia of past times.

Melasma (Spots on the skin):
- If we dream that our face is full of melasma, it means that we should take better care of our health and/or the way others see us.

- To dream of a melody that comes from somewhere, means desire to improve our situation or even, to change our own life.
Also consult: "Music".

- To dream of a melon, means that soon we will have good health (When in real life we are sick).
- If we do not suffer any illness in real life, it means that soon we can get sick.
- But if a man dreams of two good-looking melons, it represents intimacy and love.

Meloui (From: The Arabic meal):
- If we dream of melouis and look good, it tells us that it is important to learn to adapt to someone or a certain situation, in order to achieve promising things and good possibilities.

- If in our dream we see that an iceberg melts, it means financial recovery, or we will return with our partner, depending on our current situation.

Memela (Large corn tortilla):
- If it is pleasant to eat indicates promising events and if it is bitter anguish and loneliness.
- If it is sour, it means annoyance and anguish, unless the cake is for someone else than this one in our dream, since in that case it means that that person will be the one that suffers of annoyances and anxieties.

- If in our dream we see a memory or something that happened to us in the past, it can mean that we are forgetting something important, then, the dream can show us something of the past or what happened in the past, that we did not remember but that it is important to have in mind.
Sometimes it may be that when we remember something in our dream, it means that we must keep in mind what happened on that occasion, so that we do not repeat the same error.
- If we dream an unpleasant memory (Something that we no longer remembered) and especially if it causes us anxiety, it means the same as the previous one, but in this case the dream tells us, that the message is a little more important.

Menestrón (Meal):
The menestrón represents happiness in the family (The symbol is associated with the dedication that someone puts when elaborating a good meal for his family).

To dream of menstruation, it augurs good luck and good fortune.
- If in our dream we see a closed door, and notice that in the DOOR KNOB HAS MENSTRUATION BLOOD, the dream tells us of an adversary who is trying to make everything go wrong (Someone who wants us to close all the doors) ; But if in the dream we open it represents the possibility of overcoming it. It can also mean that someone is doing witchcraft (regardless of whether it works or not).

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Mentally retarded:
This dream warns us that if we behave like fools, we can compromise the realization of useful and valuable things.

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If we dream of an expensive dish/meal or that someone tells us to choose the most expensive dish on the menu, it tells us that good things cost more work, but they are worth it.

If in our dream we hear a cat mew, it is a warning that we can suffer soon: a betrayal or a deception, so we must be prepared.

It warns us of indecorouse things that can harm us.

- To dream that we are in a supermarket where everything is very expensive (Because they are branded and of high quality), but we also notice that the merchandises do not have a price tag, it means that there are things that require a great effort but without However they are invaluable, for example: A university career, a work of art .....)

This dream predicts businesses that will be difficult to deal with.

The sirens or mermaids, represent the problems that we can bring uncontrolled desires. Also represent an impossible love.

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Represents adaptation and the unpredictable. It has the power to purify and fix.

Mercury/Hermes (god of the roads and messenger of the gods):
To dream about Mercury means that soon we will make a trip or that soon we will have to make a trip.
- If we dream something allusive to Mercury (Like a poster, photo...) but we see it worn, it tells us about an unproductive trip, but if it is in good condition, then it tells us about a trip that can be very useful .

If we dream of meringue it means that there are some promises that we have made recently, but which are unreliable and can cause us serious disappointments.

- fighting within a mesh means that we feel trapped and helpless in a difficult situation by a sentimental bond or by habit from which we wish to leave.
- If we do not leave it indicates that we have resigned ourselves.
- If we see ourselves with a fishing net trying to catch fish, it means that we try to retain good memories, it can also mean our desire to delve into ourselves to try to be better people.
- If the mesh is broken leaving everything we had caught, it means that we are afraid of losing what we had achieved.
- If we see ourselves repair a mesh, it means that we want to repair or prevent an error, imprudence, lack, or action that could be a danger to an affection.

If we dream that we have a mess, it means that there may be obstacles in our projects, but if we strive, we can overcome them.

- To dream that we send a message to the ALIENS, means that we have difficulty adapting to our environment and we need a little help.
- To dream that the EX BOYFRIEND (Ex girlfriend) of our girlfriend(boyfriend), leaves a message to her(him), means that there is a danger that she(he) returns with his(her) ex.

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Represents the strength, it can also mean that we should force someone to do his duty.
Unless we see things wrapped in foil, and then means that what is involved with can help us get what we want.
- Dreaming iron tells us to force someone to do his duty.
- It may also mean that we are being a little inflexible or severe, depending on our current situation.

Metal detector:
- If in our dream we see a metal detector to those used in airports and protected places, to see if anyone carries weapons, means suspicions or concerns nearby .

by letter.

Metal paste:
- If we dream that we are repairing a car or something, with metal paste and the work is bad, it means that there is something that if we try to repair it, we will only ruin it. But if we fix it well, then, it means that there is something we could fix and it would also look great (Whether it's a thing or matter).

- If in our dream someone tells us a metaphor or that we see in the dream is like a metaphor of that is happening to us in our daytime life, it means that we should pay attention to that metaphor, since in it is the answer to our concerns or an important matter.
For example: If in the dream we see ourselves driving a vehicle and the asphalt is wet so our vehicle skids and we collide; it is a kind of comparison with what is happening to us in our daytime life, so that in this case the angel is telling us that in our daytime we are entering dangerous terrain, just like driving a car on asphalt wet, because if we are not careful with what we do, a disaster can occur.

This dream warns us of a probable change. Here it will be important to see the meaning of the other things that appear in the dream to understand what the change refers to.

- This is a bad sign, which tells us that our living conditions are in danger.

-- The meaning of dreaming of a weather report depends on what the report says, for example:
• If it says that there is a storm or a cloudy sky, it warns us that difficulties may soon come. And if it says that the sky looks clear, then it means that the difficulties will clear up.
• If it says that there is light rain: it means success. But if it says that there is intense rain, then, it means difficulties.
• If the weather report says that a warm and clear day is expected, it tells us that we will not have difficulties in our main project.
• If it says that there will be cold it means that we need help from others, in addition to maintaining and reinforcing the union of the family.
-- If we dream of papers that say they have the word meteorological or we see something related to the weather but without knowing that the weather will be, it means that our future is uncertain.

- To dream of a meter of water, gas, light, weight, etc., means that our help will be necessary to clarify a confusing matter.
- If we dream that the meter is missing (For example: Electric meter or light), for any reason, but as long as there is no lack of electricity or that it is measuring, it will be difficult to clarify a confusing matter.


.. .. Ma .. Me .. Mi .. Mo .. Mu-Mz ..