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.. .. Va-Vh .. Vi-Vz

Dreams: Vi-Vz

- Being a victim of beatings, means blips.
- If we receive blows without knowing where they come from, means that after passing some problems, we prosperity.
- If in a dream, they kill us, is something that may end up negatively, if not pay attention to what it tells us the meaning of the other things contained in the dream. For whether we are too old, can mean the approach of death.
- If in our dream we are victims of humiliation, means that the attitude of our families to us, is unfair.

Video Camera:
- To see a video camera in our dream, means that sometimes we act with suspicion, and the same mean if we dream that we are filming a movie.
- Dreaming about a movie filmed in black and white, it means that we fear and distrust. And the same means, if we dream we shot a film with an infrared camera.

Video cassette:
- If in our dream we see a video cassette, tells us that we must do more.

Video game:
To dream of a video game console or that we are playing with it, tells us that we have the ability to manipulate others or to do what we want.
It can also be in the sense that we have the situation under control (Since when playing a video game we always have control in our hands and we can finish or restart the game whenever we want, unless we were playing against another person, in which case it means that success depends on our courage and effort).

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- If in our dream we see someone straight in the eyes, means that we are afraid to reveal something we want to keep hidden.
- If someone sees us staring, it means that there is something hidden that we know.
- If we looked, but we could not see who sees us, means that we feel guilty about something.
- If we dream you have a problem in sight, but we use without glasses, it means that we lack courage and determination to face the difficulties.
- If we are going to an eye doctor, means that we want to find someone who tell of our problems, and help us.
- If in our dream there is something we cannot see well or we see blurry, it means someone who is trying to hide something, or that there is something that we have not understood well, the other things that appear in our dream we can give more details about what we try to hide or do not understand well.
- If in our dream we see something with care, we search for the meaning of something.

- If we dream that we are in the viewpoint of a building, we must pay attention to that we see from the viewpoint, since that we see from there is equivalent to our possibilities. In this case it can be literal, although in some cases we must look for the meaning of what we see from there, in order to understand what our possibilities of reaching something are related to.

If in our dream we see a Viking, tells us that we are in a situation of confrontation.
- If we dream of a VIKING SHIP, the dream tells us that we must prepare for a battle (legal, strategy, sports, competition, etc.) and take all necessary precautions to planning a good strategy.
- If in the dream we are wearing a VIKING HELMET with horns, it means that our girlfriend (boyfriend) or wife (husband) is being unfaithful to us.
- If we dream of a blonde hair Viking wearing a helmet with horns, it represents a friend whose husband (wife) is being unfaithful.
And if it is someone of the opposite sex, it means the above, although it can also represent a friend who likes us and who is also jealous of us.

- To dream of a good-looking village, it means prosperity. But if we see a village in bad conditions, then it means economic difficulties.
- If in the dream we see a village catching fire, it means that there is a danger of loss of money or goods.

VIN (Vehicle Identification Number):
- If in our daytime life we want to buy a certain car and we dream of the nameplate of the worn-out VIN, it means that we should check the VIN and the documentation in general, well, any errors or defects in the documents (Even if it looks like a finger error or errata ), could cause us too many problems or even be used by some dishonest official to slander us.

- Seeing a vine that hangs from above symbolizes a means of ascension.
- If we are suspended from a vine, the dream augurs us that we will soon reach a higher position.
- If we are climbing the liana indicates our desires to climb positions.
- If we are descending or falling, it foretells a decline in position, or the frustration of our hopes.
- If the vine is on the floor, on a piece of furniture or in our hands, it is a warning about the state of our business. The same meaning is whether we acquire or receive a vine.

Vine (Plant):
It announces prosperity and good luck.

Vinyl records:
- If in our dream we see a vinyl record, it means that we must do more.
- If we dream that our sound system can play any format except vinyl records, it means that we still difficult to contact someone or something from the past.

This sign in our dreams, usually related to oppression, however there are some exceptions, such as when it is a false dream, (generally true dreams are messages from angels, while a false dream is a simple product of the subconscious, as when we see horror movies and then have nightmares) Where is merely a reflection of a repressed desire.
- BEING RAPED in our dream, it means that we are oppressed by others or for situations in our lives, which advises us not blame us for things that are beyond our control.
- If we dream that someone violates our DAUGHTER(son) means that someone is treating you badly, or that it will be done soon and can be: Other children, teacher, cousin, uncle, etc., which we are advised to watch for and talk to her (him) to see if you have a problem that we know.
- But if the violation comes to DEPRAVED ACTS, means that someone is holding back too. It may also mean that we have sexual needs that we have failed to satisfy.
- Being raped by an EVIL SPIRIT, means we are suffering because of the oppression of some people or groups, and this is being caused by the reason that there is too much evil around us.
- If a man dreams that some friends violate his GIRLFRIEND, it means your girlfriend feels oppressed by him, it can also be caused by a repressed desire (who has the desire to have sex with her).

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- Violet:
Represents the memory and nostalgia.

- Violet, dark:
Is associated with nobility.

See: Snake

Virgin of Guadalupe:
Si en nuestro sueño vemos a la Virgen de Guadalupe y nos sentimos en paz, generalmente significa que nuestros problemas terminarán pronto y que todo estará bien, aunque también puede significar nuestra devoción hacia Ella. But if in the dream, we have no sense of peace then it means that we have too much confidence in ourselves.
- Dreaming about happens APPARITION of our Divine Lady (Virgin of Guadalupe) and there we are, means that we can choose our future, even to help others. In addition, this dream tells us to trust in our Divine Lady, as we have a good relationship with her.

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- This sign represents the virtue and inclination for good.
- Losing your virginity symbolizes the dark side of things.

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Virtual reality:
If we dream that we are playing a virtual reality videogame, it means that we have the ability to control the situation, thanks to the fact that we have a good vision of the facts.

by letter.

Dreaming that give us a visa to enter to the United States or to any country that is not easy to get (That not to anyone granted a visa or a certain type of visa), means that we have a good chance of achieving positive change.

- If in our dream we are taking vitamins, means we need to further strengthen our will.
- If in our dream we see a bottle of vitamins in a bookstore, it means that we must strengthen our health and our knowledge (Taking care of our health and learn more to avoid a negative change).


- If we dream that we are talking a FOREIGN LANGUAGE is a tip that tells us to expand our knowledge about a languages.
- If LISTEN TO A YOUNG MAN, SAYING THAT HE HAS A FRACTURED ARM, means that one of our enemies suffer difficulties and sorrows.
But if the voice is of someone known, the meaning applies to that person.

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Voltage regulator for computer:
A good looking regulator means that our work is protected and safe. But if we see a regulator in bad conditions, then it means that our work is not well protected nor safe

- If we SEE SOMEONE VOMITING, we mean someone will return what he had taken from us.
- If in our dream WE VOMIT, means that is very possible that someone claiming us for our seemingly dishonest or dishonest actions (depending on our current situation).

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- Dreaming of voodoo (Witchcraft by means of dolls to stick pins them to cause harm to someone) tells us that someone is doing or planning to do witchcraft. It may also mean the continuation of envy, ill will, gossip, and or bad faith.

Votive offering:
- Dreaming of a votive offering or an offering to our Divine Lady (Virgin of Guadalupe) or a good Being in gratitude for a favor received, it means we are doing things right, which we forecast good fortune.


A vulture represents a malicious enemy, who is waiting for an opportunity to harm us or to take advantage of us in some way.
- If the vulture attacks us we cannot expect mercy of these people.
- If we KILL the vulture, it means that we will control our enemies without problems.
- If in the dream the vultures remains alien to us is a warning for us to be very alert.
- If we hear screaming, it means that there is a looming threat.


.. .. Va-Vh .. Vi-Vz