To dream of a video game console or that we are playing with it, tells us that we have the ability to manipulate others or to do what we want. It can also be in the sense that we have the situation under control (Since when playing a video game we always have control in our hands and we can finish or restart the game whenever we want, unless we were playing against another person, in which case it means that success depends on our courage and effort). -- If we dream that we are playing AGE OF EMPIRES OR A GAME OF STRATEGY, it means that with a little intelligence we will be able to control the situation without problems. -- If we dream of a BOOK OF VIDEO GAMES it means that we must study more about how to dominate our environment, for example: Parapsychology, human relations, etc. Unless we are in the video game business, in which case it can mean the above, or that we should study more about video games, depending on our current situation. -- If in our dream we see the BOX OF A VIDEO GAME, but it is empty, it means that we are losing the ability to control the situation. But if he has the video game inside, then it means that we have the situation under control.
-- To dream that WE PLAY A VIDEO GAME WITH A BULLY, and that the cable of our control is tangled or tangled, means that the relationship with our family is complicated and difficult, also, it tells us that there is someone in our family who is manipulating us without us noticing. -- If we dream that we prevent someone from CHEATING us in a video game, it means that we have the situation under control, thanks to the fact that we have not allowed certain person(s) to exceed certain limits. -- If we are no longer children and in our dream we see a CHILD PLAYING A VIDEO GAME, it tells us that we must avoid behaving in an immature way, because that does not look good, besides it is not necessary, since we have the ability to deal with any situation that may arise. -- To dream that our DAD IS PLAYING with a videogame, means that he knows how to control us, or that he is repressing us too much. -- If we dream that they GIVE US a video game console, it means that we are not managing to control the situation.
-- To dream that WE ARE INSIDE A VIDEO GAME, as if we were inside the virtual world, means that someone is manipulating us and the same means if we dream that we are trapped inside a video game. -- If we dream that we LOSE in the game, it means that some difficulties may arise, but we still have control of the situation. Unless we are playing against another person, in which case it means that he/she has the advantage (But if we lose against an unknown person, then, it means that for now our enemies have the advantage). -- To dream that a MONSTER GETS OUT OF THE VIDEO GAME, means that there is someone who has the ability to make us feel guilty. -- To dream that an OGRE GETS OUT OF THE VIDEO GAME, means that someone is manipulating us, or repressing us too much.
-- If in the dream we see an OLD video game console, it means that in order to have the situation under control, there is something from the past that we must not forget.
-- If we dream that WE PLAY A PIRATE VIDEO GAME (illegal copy) it means that we have the ability to manipulate others or to do what we want, but at the same time it tells us that we should be more considerate towards others and respect more social norms. -- If we dream that we are playing PLANTS VS ZOMBIES or any zombie game, it means that in order to keep the situation under control, we must avoid losing contact with our friends, since they could help us in the future. -- If we dream of a VERY POOR QUALITY video game, it means that we are not doing enough (or not well enough) to maintain control of the situation. -- If we dream that we are playing a video game, for example, the Super Mario-Bros. and it happens that WE MANAGED TO WIN AND RESCUE THE PRINCESS, it means that we have the ability to carry out the most important company or project that has been entrusted to us. -- If we dream that we are playing a video game, either using the television or a portable video game, and suddenly it TURNS OFF, it means that a danger is approaching.
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