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I J K L Incense:Represents the union of heaven and earth, are also burning incense as an offering and said: "My prayer is raised to be raised to heaven as this incense."
Inquisition, modern: Is carried out by Protestantism and at present has been to hurt any one nation that refuses to openly admit the entry of Christian sects in its territory, as are the Muslim countries.
Below we can see two images, we see in the first former U.S. president George Bush with Franklin Graham, who carries a bible in his hand. Franklin Graham is a preacher, equivalent to a Protestant pope, already assured his followers that Islam is an evil religion, and helped carry out a plot against Islam with the help of Bush. Here we see an Arab city bombed and then a Muslim man being humiliated.
It's like we can see some of the consequences of Protestantism that constantly cause wars between the countries at the same time that extends through force of arms and science of manipulation. Iron: It represents the strength and protection.
JJade:Represents the union of heaven and earth.
KKennedy, assassination of John F.Today there is still no official version of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and the reason, as always happens in these cases, is because there is a Truth that politicians do not want to be known. The truth is that the United States, although it is a predominantly Anglo-Saxon country, is strongly influenced by the Khazar Jews (the descendants of a Turkish tribe that returned to Judaism for political reasons and who, taking advantage of the time when the Church prohibited His faithful give loans, they created the first modern banks, and later the order of the Illuminati). The point is that the Khazarians, being owners of the main transnational banks, have great economic power, through which they have subdued the United States, which did not go unnoticed by the then president: John F. Kennedy, who attempted put a stop to the Khazarians. But they reacted immediately, planning and carrying out Kennedy's assassination, taking advantage of their strong influence in the media and the economy, to cover up the fact, especially in a capitalist country where everything moves through of money.
Khazars (Zionists): After the Illuminati order was formed, their first objective was to seize the territories of Palestine, their supposed ancestral lands, a plan they carried out through gradual immigration, until the Khazarian-Jewish population reached a number important. Later, with the help of England and the United States, they took over a large part of Palestine, founding the state of Israel. On the other hand, the Illuminati have invented as many sects as possible, their idea is to displace the Catholic Church, to later move the headquarters of Christianity to Israel.
LLeaf insect:If in reality we see a dead leaf insect at the entrance to our house, it means that there is someone who has already discovered us, or who has already realized our intentions. Light: It represents the Divine will and can symbolized by a candle.
Light of Truth: