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. elamoxtli .


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Unfinished business:

When someone leaves this world, there are times when it is difficult to follow your way for something that does not let go, for example, when we cry too much about the death of a relative or friend, so that causes them to worry, making it difficult to leave power, so that mourn too does not help, but on the contrary, they complicate things.
Another case is when someone is too worried about a pending case that he left in this world, and that makes them hard to leave, which often leads to constant dreams or paranormal phenomena, so that in these cases, it is also important to pray for them and try to convince them to follow their path (Trying to speak in front of his picture) so they can leave without worries and as Angels can help us in better shape.
The last case is when someone dies suddenly and traumatically, as n sometimes that causes certain energy that traps them between the two astral planes during certain periods of time, causing constant paranormal phenomena they repeat their last days generated life over and over again, when it is important to pray in that place to free his soul from the astral plane.

Witchcraft is a practice that some people with the intention of hurting or harming others, and they do it by invocations to the Beings that inhabit subworlds and evil gods, witchcraft are using all sorts of techniques to achieve its purposes, even combined with cunning invocations, such as using pheromones, drugs, suggestion, negative telepathy... Many people think that witchcraft does not exist, and although most are charlatans who claim to practice it, the truth is that is so real and the impact it could have a drug or as real as the exorcisms carried out by members of the Church , so it is important not to rely too much, because in this world there is a constant struggle between good and evil, witchcraft and the worst we see this in the Masonic lodges, in governments, courts, and even mixed with subliminal language in the advertising.

Here is a picture of a manual of exorcism.