. elamoxtli . . |
A - BAccuracy and Truth:Is anything that we can verify, either through reason or through our experiences, for example: the good things brings good and evil brings evil things. Truth can also see the order and movement of the universe, because God created the universe. Astral projection and lucid dream: It is very common to confuse astral projection with lucid dreaming, since in both cases we realize that we are dreaming. The difference is that in a lucid dream, we know we are dreaming and we can take complete control of the dream, such as bringing in whoever we want, going wherever we want, etc., that is, it is like being a god in a virtual world, so to speak. Whereas in astral projection, while we realize we are dreaming, we cannot control what happens, since it is like an exploration trip, either in this world but in spirit, in a parallel dimension, or in another astral plane. How to carry out an astral projection: In the dreams section, we already talked about lucid dreaming, but many of our friends want to know how to carry out astral projection, so here we show you a very effective technique:
The first thing is the precautions we must take, otherwise, some problem may arise: Ideally, do it during the day, preferably on a Saturday or Sunday, when people do not go to school or work, so we do not have to deal with external noise. The next thing is to have a glass of clean water next to the bed, as this helps us return without problems (it must be fresh water, so if we want to try again the next day, we must throw the water away and refill the glass), along with wearing red and black sleepwear, either pajamas in those colors or if we prefer to sleep only in underwear, it should be black and red, as this gives us special protection during astral projection. Another important point is that upon waking, we may feel a shadow attached to us, as it sometimes happens that some entity sticks to us during the return. When that happens, we must take a bath with salt water (a handful of coarse/sea salt in a bucket of water, mix well, and bathe with it, finally rinsing with clean water to remove salt residues). This will cleanse our chakra of any malignant entity that may have wanted to pass into our plane. We must start with a prayer, to ask for permission while requesting the necessary protection:
Oh my God
• Then go to sleep later than usual and arrange to wake up in the early morning. At that moment, lie on your back, preferably with a high pillow, so that your body is slightly inclined upwards, and at that moment concentrate on your soul, try to lift your hand, but not the physical one but the soul one, and then get up completely at the instant you fall asleep again. At first, you may feel breathless, sometimes it feels like dying, but you must endure it to be able to pass (the key is to be able to fall asleep again at the precise moment in less than a second and above all, ignore any sensation or fear, at this point we must be somewhat fearless). This last point indicates that we have jumped from the lucid dream to astral projection. Once in the astral, several things can happen, from seeing ourselves in our room, in which case we can leave it and start exploring, in other cases we can talk to our guardian angel, and there are occasions when we can move to another dimension. As for Heaven, we are not allowed to enter, but there is a waiting room that looks like a beach where we are allowed to talk with friends or family who have left this world before us.