Wake up with bruises.

There are occasions when we wake up with some bruises or scratches, but we must always rule out the obvious, such as that during sleep we might have done them to ourselves, although there are cases where it is impossible because they are in places our hands cannot reach, which is when it may be the result of a spiritual attack. Nowadays, there are dishonest people who often perform rituals at midnight or at three in the morning to harm a person. There are rituals so powerful,

that they can cause us to wake up during the night, which is when our guardian angel wakes us up to prevent our energy from being stolen. However, sometimes we make the mistake of going back to sleep immediately, and if the attack is very strong, it can cause us to fall ill shortly after, exacerbate some dental problem, or in extreme cases, wake up with some bruises, which happens because the spirit sent to disturb us had so much energy that it broke some blood vessels, causing bruises or scratches to appear. This is generally because witches manage to obtain parts of the corpse of some criminal who died during confrontations or was tortured and murdered, with still a lot of vital energy left in their bodies, which is increased through complex rituals, especially those performed by groups like spiritualists and a rite that has become famous in recent years, called "Palo Mayombe," which mixes Santeria with Satanism. And although unfortunately these things are not punished by the law, they can be stopped with psychic weapons so that these entities cannot cause harm.