Recurring Nightmares.

Recurring nightmares are usually caused by a problem that we have not been able to solve, even more so when it is a serious problem, so the best way to combat them is to analyze them thoroughly, in order to find the exact meaning, and in this way be able to attack the problem in our daily life. In this way, when the problem disappears, the nightmares will also disappear. Although there are times when it is not the same nightmare that is repeated, but the theme or the message, which can come through different nightmares, but when analyzing them, we can realize that it is about the same issue, the fact is that we still have to solve the problem so that the nightmares end. Although there is a second case, which are nightmares caused by evil spirits, generally from a traumatic event, so that the evil entity brings to our dreams the memory of that event in order to make our emotions explode, because the more terror the nightmare causes us, the more our emotions explode, radiating energy that can be easily stolen by evil spirits, in which case it is necessary to heal our soul, either by forgiving someone or at least not giving so much importance to the event, so that the evil entities do not have a way to make us explode.