Charms for the day of love.

This February 14th, we will celebrate the day of love, and on February 20th, the day of the cat. Since ancient Egypt, this season was dedicated to the goddess Bast (a goddess with the head of a cat), the goddess of love, which is why it is not surprising that even today, this month is dedicated to love, as well as to kittens, regardless of the fact that the day of love, as we know it today, is a mix of various traditions.
The point is, to have very good luck in love, we must keep this important date in mind
and not forget to celebrate it, and burn a stick of incense to Bast. Additionally, if we already have someone special, it is very good luck to give them something they like, whether it be flowers or something they can use for a long time and preferably, something they really like, so that every time they see it or use it, they will remember us.
As for the most effective love charms, we have: a genuine coyote fang set in silver, but since these are not always easy to obtain, we can get a print of the Coyolnahual; another very effective charm is a figurine of an Egyptian cat; there is also the love box, which consists of a wooden box, which we must line with the leather of a brown or red shoe, preferably one that has brought us good luck in love in the past, then fill it with sugar, and burn a stick of incense to prepare it. We can even get all three to ensure our good luck in love.