Cosmic Directions.
Guardian Angels II.

Another thing we must consider is that at some point, we will also have to be the guardian angel of a family member, and when we leave this world, depending on our merits, we can go to Heaven or to our next reincarnation. The point is that if we have done enough good deeds, we can go to Heaven, and even if we have done some good deeds but not enough, with the help of the prayers of our family and friends, we can reach Heaven. The point is that once there, we will be assigned the mission of being the guardian angel of the people we loved in life and who still remember us. This mission will last as long as they remember us, so if our grandchildren or great-grandchildren continue to remember us, we can continue to support them. In some cases, there are those who are remembered by their families for generations, and they become the guardian angels of the family. This is why it is important not to forget those who have passed away, especially by keeping a photograph or something that belonged to them, as this is a link to this world that helps them stay close to us.