Cosmic Directions.
The guardian angels.

We all have guardian angels, and they are usually our friends and family members who have passed away before us, such as one of our grandparents, who held us in great esteem during their lifetime, so that when they reach Heaven, their first mission is to become the guardian angel of those they loved in life. But there are also three types of guardian angels, starting with the family guardian angel, who could be a great-grandparent or an ancestor who watches over all the descendants, followed by our personal guardian angels, which include all our friends and family members who loved us in life,

and ending with our pets, such as dogs, cats, and horses, who, being very close to us, can also become our guardian angels. And in the case of dogs, they even help us when we leave this world, which is why in ancient religions, there is usually a canine present, whether it is the Red Dog of the Celts, the Coyolnahual of the Toltecs, the Yellow Dog of the Aztecs, Cerberus, and so on. There are even many stories about this, as an ancient one used to say, in the form of a metaphor (since in religions, metaphor is something that cannot be missing, especially to narrate very complex things): it says that when we leave this world, we must cross a river of blood, but if we were good to dogs, then there is a yellow dog that helps us cross to the other side.