Cosmic Directions.
The Christmas Tree.

The tradition of the Christmas tree comes from the ancient Celts and Vikings, for whom, like most cultures, the tree represents the cosmic pillar that connects different astral planes: this world, the underworld, and Heaven. For the Vikings, it is the tree Yggdrasil; for the Celts, the Duir; for Catholicism, the Tree of Life; for the Mayans, the Maya Ceiba or Ya'axché, and so on. Thus, the Christmas tree symbolizes the essential principles present throughout history, as well as the Creator Spirit, which is timeless and omnipresent.

The spheres represent divine gifts: wisdom, piety, strength, understanding, knowledge, and counsel, each symbolized by a different color. It is also customary to decorate the tree with sweets as an offering to the angels, represented by the gnomes that accompany Santa Claus. Although many people are bothered by elements they believe are unrelated to Catholicism, the truth is that the Christmas tree reminds us of the importance of family unity and the unity of nations. The Creator is not exclusive to any one nation but is someone who has always been present throughout all times, regardless of whether He is called God, Allah, Brahma, The Great Spirit, Racna, etc. It's like saying "red" and "rojo" the only difference is the language, but it refers to the same Being.