Dreams about angels.

Dreaming about angels means that our problems will end soon, but we must also consider dreams that are messages from our guardian angels, who are all those relatives and people who loved us in life and who become our guardian angels, although sometimes, it can also be an ancestor who takes care of our entire family, but generally they are not unknown people, since if someone is the guardian angel of our family, we will still keep some photograph or some stories will still be told about him/her in the family, which is the sign that he/she is still present among us.

Another important point is that if we find out as much as possible about those loved ones who left before us, about their tastes, customs, stories, important events in their lives, we will see that some things related to that, can appear in our dreams, for example: I have a girlfriend who left this world a few years ago, and she really liked avocados, so when an avocado appears in a dream, I know that the message is from her, so in every dream inspired by an angel, they always leave some sign that tells us exactly who the message is from. Something similar happens with archangels and Good Spirits, for example: if we dream of a fairy, a dragonfly, a unicorn, among others, it is a message from the queen of the fairies (prophetess Mab), on the other hand, if in the dream we see something related to cats, it is generally a message from the prophetess Bast. So each Good Spirit has some very particular signs that usually appear in our dream and that are like its signature.