Numbers in dreams.

The universe was created with a precise numerical sequence, starting with two (the principle of Yin and Yang), and even if we observe the universe, we will see that it is dual: day and night, light and darkness, man and woman, etc. Continuing with three, as there are three cosmic spheres (this world, Heaven, and the Underworld), three seasons; past, present, and future, etc. Then comes five, as everything is ordered and revolves around a central point toward four cardinal directions. Hence, in dreams, these are the most important numbers. In this line of thought, the number two means that we must Defend our interests, even if it seems that we are being bad, or that we must seek the right balance, so that we are neither too bad for anyone to like us nor too good for others to take advantage of us, but rather something reasonable. The number three is related to the past, present, and future, especially in the sense that we must take into account our experiences, analyze the current situation, and based on that, understand or decipher what comes next, which will allow us to face the future in good conditions. As for the number five, it is the most favorable number since it primarily represents the Creator of all that exists, so dreaming of the number five means that we will have very good fortune.