The Interpretation of Dreams II.

Normally, to interpret a dream, we look for the meaning of each thing we see in it, and then we form an idea based on all those signs. For example: if we see a Rolls Royce, being a luxury vehicle, it means that others see us with respect. But if the car is pink, and considering that pink represents the beginning of love, it means that someone is interested in us (someone who likes us, a friend, or someone we have started dating). Thus, by combining both signs, it implies that the person who likes us sees us as someone respectable, as a very good opportunity. In other cases, it’s about understanding the metaphor. That is, if we look for the meaning of each thing and try to form an idea but can't find a coherent one, then we turn to the metaphor. For example: if we dream that our girlfriend (or boyfriend) is being beaten in public, looking up "girlfriend" and "beating" doesn’t make much sense because it would suggest: temporary problems with our girlfriend. However, there is clearly a metaphor, especially because if a man sees his girlfriend being beaten, it is his moral and social obligation to intervene. But since it's a metaphor or comparison, we don't interpret it literally. Instead, we look for what it means, which in this case would be that we must defend the girlfriend (or boyfriend), but not from someone physically beating her, but metaphorically. For example, if someone is speaking badly of her, we must defend her (not with violence, but with good arguments).