

The crystal and the glass, represents the spirit, intellect, wisdom, and divination.

- If we dream we walked BAREFOOT ON GLASS PIECES, tells us that we must be careful what we do or we're planning to do, as it can reach or cause us pain and diseases.

- Dreaming BUILD, WALLS OF GLASS or crystal in our house or we build a house with glass walls, tells us that we are putting ourselves barriers, what is impeding us achieve our objectives, this dream advises us analyze things well and have very clear our goals.

- If we see BILLS MONEY IN A GLASS CUBE or clear plastic, tells us that, although we have some extra expenses or unforeseen, we will not have economic difficulties.

- If we dream we are CAUGHT BETWEEN TWO GLASS BARRIERS it means that someone is doing witchcraft to prevent we achieve our goals, and advises us to be firms in our decisions even though they might think that we are being bad or too severe.

- If you dream that a glass or crystal BREAKS, means a danger, and is related to the meaning of the other things we see in the dream or the meaning of the thing glass that breaks.

- If we dream a CRUCIFIX IN A GLASS CUBE, (or in a plastic transparent cube) means that we are protected from suffering.

- If you dream you are TRAPPED IN A GLASS CUBE, means that someone is doing witchcraft to prevent we achieve our goals, and advises us to be firms in our decisions even though they might think that we are being bad or too severe.

- Dreaming of a DARK CRYSTAL, that our ideas are not clear. But if we dream we see the windowpanes of the house in to live someone we know and these are dark, or are dirty, the meaning applied to that person, for example, may mean that the person has ideas unclear.

- If in our dream we see a GLASS DOOR tells us we have special parapsychological skills or we're starting to develop parapsychological abilities, what we can be very useful.

- If you dream of a DRINKING-GLASS BREAKING means that there is a risk that our projects are end badly.

- If you dream that EMBED US PIECES OF GLASS or crystal, means sorrows and difficulties.

- Dreaming about us we HURT FOOT WITH A PIECE OF CRYSTAL OR GLASS, means pain and disease, at least in the same dream that we get it out and we mend since then, means that we get rid of pains and diseases.

- Dreaming with DOLLHOUSE GLASS (glass walls, glass floors .....) means that we have a difficult relationship with a relative who is doing witchcraft us, or is manipulating us, so let us not be free.

- A GLASS SPHERE represents spiritual harmony and wisdom, but if it is a CRYSTALL BALL (the one used by spiritualists), then, relates to our future.

Show all dream meanings of a Glass Sphere and Crystal Ball.

- Dreaming with a GLASS TABLE is broken it means that there is a danger of family discord.

- If we dream we travel in a vehicle with TINTED WINDOWS means we are trying to hide something, but if we see someone we know traveling in a vehicle with tinted windows means that person is trying to hide something.

- If in the dream we see the bathroom WINDOW of our house, and noticed that EVEN GLASSES ARE OPAQUE is hard to see a little inward, means that in future we should be more careful about important information, for example: When you talked with someone for a long time, it may happen that while we try to be discreet, the conversation is so long that we run the risk that we leave something, this is that inadvertently say something or part of something that is better to keep in secret.

Opaque glass

- If in our dream we see a WINDOW BREAKING means that there is a risk that our projects are end badly.

- If the most notorious to our dream is the WINDSHIELD, the meaning is related to the vision of our current situation, so that if we remember that the windshield was perfectly clean, it is because we have a good view of the situation, but if it was dirty or damaged, it is because there is something that we are not realizing.

Show all dream meanings of a windshield.


- BREAK GLASSES, predict economic damage.
- If glasses, are colorless, the COLOR will tell us more about this vision, for example, if the glasses are red relates to our vision about love, if the glasses are orange, refers to our ambitions.
- In the case of CONTACT LENSES, means:
• If it comes to contact lenses that are used to make our eyes look a different color, it means that we want to please the opposite sex, more.
• If it comes to contact lenses to see better, and in our waking life we do not use that type of contact lenses, means that our vision of things is distorted.
- If we dream we wearing sunglasses and a black LEATHER JACKET tells us that we are hiding reprehensible conduct.
- LOSE GLASSES, warns us about our lack of care for others.

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