. elamoxtli .


Dreaming about glass or crystal is related to transparency, so if it is clear, it is because we are not hiding anything; otherwise, it means there is something we are trying to hide.

- If we dream that a glass BREAKS OR IS DAMAGED, it represents danger. But if someone damages our glass, then it means that someone wants to harm us.

- If in the dream we see someone we know driving a GLASS CAR, it means that they are a sincere person or that they are too frank.

  • Dreaming that the glass on the DRIVER'S SIDE of our car breaks means that someone has ill will toward us, so it is important to pay attention to everything that happens.

- If we dream of a CRUCIFIX INSIDE A GLASS CUBE or transparent plastic, it means that we are protected from suffering.

  • If we see MONEY IN BILLS INSIDE A GLASS CUBE or transparent plastic, it tells us that, even if we have some unexpected expenses, we will not have financial difficulties.

- Dreaming of DARK GLASS means that our ideas are not clear. But if we dream that we see the windows of the house where someone we know lives and they are dark or dirty, the meaning applies to that person, for example, it may mean that that person has unclear ideas.

- Dreaming of a DOLLHOUSE MADE OF GLASS (glass walls, glass floors...) means that we have a difficult relationship with a relative who is doing witchcraft on us or manipulating us, so that we are not free.

- If in our dream we see a GLASS DOOR, it tells us that we have special parapsychological abilities or that we are beginning to develop parapsychological abilities, which can be very useful to us.

- If we dream of a CRYSTAL FAIRY, it tells us that if we want to see our wishes fulfilled, we must not stop trusting our good judgment.

- Dreaming of glass or windows FOGGED BY RAIN foretells betrayal and deception.

- If we dream of a GLASS THAT BREAKS, it means that there is a risk that our projects will end badly.

- If we dream that we live in a GLASS HOUSE with our partner, it means there are no secrets between us (it is a transparent relationship without secrets or deception).

- If in our dream we see unusual things inside a GLASS JAR, it means that thing, or what it represents, is neutralized. But if we see a witchcraft potion inside the jar, it means that someone is trying to manipulate us or do witchcraft on us.

- If in the dream we see our boss's OFFICE, but notice that it is entirely made of glass, it means that some problems may arise at work, but we have enough vision of the facts, or even psychic abilities, to know what is happening and fix the issue.

- If in the dream we see the bathroom window of our house and notice that, EVEN THOUGH THE GLASS IS OPAQUE, we can see a little inside, it means that in the future we must be more careful with important information, for example: when we talk to someone for a long time, it may happen that even if we try to be discreet, the conversation is so long that we run the risk of letting something slip, that is, by carelessness saying something that is better kept secret.

- If in the dream we see PIECES OF GLASS, it represents a long period of difficulties. However, if we see ourselves sweeping the glass, it means that we will easily get rid of the problem. But if we see ourselves removing the glass with a vacuum cleaner, then it indicates that there is something we need to fix to avoid a long period of difficulties. On the other hand, if we GET HURT by pieces of glass, it means that problems or sorrows are approaching. And the context, along with the details of the dream, can give us more information about what the difficulty consists of.

- If in our dream we see a pile of dry dirt, but then we approach and dig up a GLASS PLATE, it means that someone is doing witchcraft on us (a witchcraft burial), with the purpose of causing us financial problems.

- If we dream that we travel in a VEHICLE WITH POLARIZED GLASS, it means that we are trying to hide something, but if we see someone we know traveling in a vehicle with polarized glass, it means that person is trying to hide something. It can also mean that there is something we are not seeing well, that is, something we have not fully understood.

- If we dream that our house has WINDOWS WITH REFLECTIVE GLASS (the kind that looks like a mirror from the outside, but from the inside you can see everything outside), it means that we do not want others to know something about us, although we do want to know everything about others. It can also mean that we are acting with distrust.

- If in our dream we see a GLASS SHOE, of the opposite sex, it means a probable marriage, and it can also represent true love. But if it breaks, it means the risk of breaking up with someone we love.

  • If a man dreams of a PLATFORM HIGH HEEL MADE OF GLASS, it represents a probable unfortunate commitment, that is, it represents someone with whom we could formalize a relationship or even marry, but who in the long run would disappoint us. But if he sees someone who resembles a woman he knows or has something in common with her, and notices that she is wearing platform shoes made of glass, it means that if he were to formalize a relationship with that person, in the long run she would disappoint him.

- A CRYSTAL SPHERE represents spiritual harmony and wisdom, but if it is a crystal ball (the kind used by spiritualists), then it is related to our future.

- If we dream that we climb a GLASS STAIRS, it means that everything is going well thanks to the fact that we have a good vision of the facts. But if we dream that we are going down it, then it means that despite having a good vision of the facts, we must be very careful, because any carelessness can make us fail.

- Dreaming of a GLASS TABLE that breaks means that there is a danger of family discord.

- If in the dream we see TARNISHED GLASS, it means that someone is using some dishonest tactic to sabotage us in some way, so that we cannot fix our affairs.

- If in the dream we see TEMPERED GLASS, it means that we are well protected. But if we see it break, then it means that we should not be too confident, as we are not well enough protected.

- If we dream that we are TRAPPED INSIDE A GLASS CUBE, it means the same as the following.

  • If we dream that we are TRAPPED BETWEEN TWO GLASS BARRIERS, it means that someone is doing witchcraft on us to prevent us from achieving our goals. This advises us to be firm in our decisions, even if it seems like we are being mean, and to get an amulet to protect us from any spell.

- Dreaming that we BUILD GLASS WALLS means that we are putting up barriers ourselves, which is preventing us from achieving our goals; this dream advises us to analyze things well and have our goals clear.

- If through a WINDOW we see something we like, in addition to being a sunny view, it means that our desires will come true in the near future.

- If what we remember most about the dream is the WINDSHIELD (the front glass of the car), it is related to the vision of our current situation, so if we remember that the windshield was perfectly clean, it is because we have a good vision of the situation, but if it was dirty/damaged, it is because there is something we are not noticing.


- BREAK GLASSES, predict economic damage.
- If glasses, are colorless, the COLOR will tell us more about this vision, for example, if the glasses are red relates to our vision about love, if the glasses are orange, refers to our ambitions.
- In the case of CONTACT LENSES, means:
• If it comes to contact lenses that are used to make our eyes look a different color, it means that we want to please the opposite sex, more.
• If it comes to contact lenses to see better, and in our waking life we do not use that type of contact lenses, means that our vision of things is distorted.
- If we dream we wearing sunglasses and a black LEATHER JACKET tells us that we are hiding reprehensible conduct.
- LOSE GLASSES, warns us about our lack of care for others.

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Book of Truth.