The meaning of dreaming about an animal, in most cases, will be that of the type of animal in question, and it has to do with its qualities, or with the meaning that was given to it in ancient religions.
But if we do not remember the type of animal; then, the dream refers to someone who is acting like an animal (in an uncivilized, aggressive manner, or who is being led more by their instincts than by their rational side).
- If we dream that an ANIMAL EATS ANOTHER ANIMAL, it means that an idea has surpassed another, or that a certain person has surpassed/damaged another, depending on the meaning of the animals, for example: dreaming that we see a snake that causes us fear, but that a moment later a Komodo dragon arrives and eats it, means that there is someone who prefers not to harm us, because they fear losing (since the snake represents a dangerous animal, but the Komodo dragon represents someone even more dangerous).
The exception is, that an animal eats another animal of its same species, in which case it tells us about interested people, and the meaning of the animal gives us the details.
- If in the dream WE FEED AN ANIMAL, it means that we are feeding or increasing in ourselves, something that is related to the quality or defect
that represents the animal in question. But if the animal in question does not represent a characteristic, but someone, then it means that we are helping that
someone in some way.
- If we dream of ANIMAL CRACKERS (crackers in the shape of different animals), it means that if we act impulsively and unintelligently, soon we will have money problems.
- If in the dream we see animal crackers at the bottom of a drum/WATER TANK, it means that if we do not control our instincts, soon we will have many money problems.
- If we dream that we EAT AN ANIMAL while it is still ALIVE, it means that there is a person who thinks that we are stripping them of something that is theirs.
- If in the dream, an animal ENTERS OUR HOUSE we must look for the meaning of the type of animal in question, since it means the same, except the following exceptions:
- If we see ANTS ENTERING OUR HOUSE, it tells us that there are people who have bad will towards us.
It can also mean a multitude of small annoyances.
- Dreaming that a BLACK FROG ENTERS OUR HOUSE, means that there is a danger because of someone who is trying to witchcraft us.
- Dreaming that a SKUNK OR MOFETA ENTERS OUR HOUSE, means that we are in serious danger. But if we dream that a female skunk
enters and gives birth in our house, it means that the danger is even greater.
- Dreaming that we open the front door of our house and by doing so a WHITE DOG enters, means probable marriage.
- If in our dream we see animals DISMEMBERED, it means that there is someone who has bad will towards us and who will try to resort to any means
to try to harm us, from gossip to witchcraft.
- If in our dream we see the EXCREMENT OF AN ANIMAL, its meaning is related to good luck in money matters and it has something to do with the meaning of the animal. Except for some exceptions, such as the excrement of a dog, cat, and
other terrestrial-carnivores, which commonly
means that there is someone who wants to distance us from someone or something.
- Dreaming of BIRD excrement (a bird that can fly), tells us that soon we will be able to
stop depending economically on someone.
- If in the dream we see CAT excrement, it means that there is someone who wants to separate us from someone or move us away from a place.
- If we see a BAG FULL of cat excrement, it tells us that we do not have the situation under control, and it relates to
someone who tries to separate us from someone or something.
- Dreaming of cat excrement in our BED, means that there is someone who wants to distance us from our partner, or from someone we like.
- If we dream that by ACCIDENT WE STEP ON cat excrement or excrement of a predator, it means that someone is
invading our territory, for example: a break-in, or someone who is trying to steal our business
in some way.
- If it is about CHICKEN excrement, it means that we will have good luck in money matters, but there may be some gossip.
- Dreaming of COW excrement, means good luck economically.
- If in our dream we see DOG excrement, at the entrance of a place or around something, it means that there is a person who wants to separate us
from someone or move us away from a place.
But if we see DRY DOG EXCREMENT, it refers to that we are repressing our feelings, which in most cases is due to an unjustified guilt complex;
this dream advises us to stop repressing our feelings.
- If we see dog excrement around an AVOCADO, it means that there is a person who wants to distance us from someone
who appreciates us (the excrement around means that someone wants to separate us from a person or from a place, and the
avocado represents someone who appreciates us).
- If in our dream we eat DIARRHEA DOG EXCREMENT, it means that we are repressing our feelings,
which most of the occasions is due to an unjustified guilt complex. This dream advises us to stop
repressing our feelings. And the same means if we dream that we eat dog excrement and NOTICE THAT IT IS
- If we see dog excrement at the ENTRANCE OF A GARDEN, it tells us that there is someone who wants to distance us from our partner
or suitor.
- If we see DRY DOG EXCREMENT at the entrance of our garden, it means that someone is trying to distance us from
our partner or suitor, in addition to that we are repressing our feelings due to a guilt complex.
- If it is about HORSE excrement, it means good luck in battle (in a fight, competition, litigation, rivalry, etc.) and in economic matters.
- If it is about RABBIT excrement, it means promiscuity and good luck in
money. This dream advises us to be cautious in sex matters.
- Dreaming of RAT excrement, means that it is likely that we will have good luck economically,
but at the same time there is the danger of making new enemies.
- If in the dream we see SHEEP excrement, it means very good luck in money matters.
- If we dream that someone GIVES US AN ANIMAL that has a bad meaning (for example: a mouse, since a mouse means that there is something eating us up inside) but then it dies, it means that we have gotten rid of a problem.
- If it is about INSECTS, the ideal is to look for the meaning of that particular insect. But if we do not remember exactly the type of insect, it means the following: this dream reveals that in real life we are accumulating resentment and fear against others.
- If we see KILLING AN ANIMAL, it is because we hope that some painful or annoying thing for us will disappear.
- If we dream that WE KILL AN ANIMAL THAT HAS A BAD MEANING, it tells us that we will get rid of what the animal means, for example: if in
the dream a crocodile attacks us and we kill it, it means that we will manage to avoid a theft or a betrayal (since dreaming that a crocodile attacks us, presages that
they intend to strip us of what belongs to us through deceit or force).
- If we dream about a LABORATORY animal, it means that someone is studying us in order to find our weaknesses, or how to manipulate us.
- If in the dream we simply see the SKIN OF AN ANIMAL, it means that we will have good luck economically.
- AN ANIMAL SKIN HANGING ON THE WALL OF A ROOM, means that we wish to have a better social position and get rid of something that causes us tension.
- If we see ourselves WEARING GARMENTS MADE OF EXOTIC FURS, the meaning is related to the qualities or defects of the animal and the meaning of the garment,
for example: if it is about shoes, it tells us that we possess the quality or defect of the animal; if it is about a belt, it tells us that we are managing the situation
well thanks to that quality or that we are not managing the situation well thanks to that defect.
And the following examples are the most common:
- If it is ostrich skin, it tells us that we lack courage and bravery.
- If it is crocodile skin, it tells us that we have courage and determination.
- If it is snake skin, it tells us that we have the strength and ability to face envy and bad intentions.
But if it is black, it refers to that we are being too gossipy, or that we have bad habits and in any case it advises us
to change our attitude.
- If it is shark skin, it means the same as the previous one.
- If it is turtle skin, it tells us that we are well protected.
- If we dream about an attractive person of the opposite sex, but notice that they have ANIMAL LEGS, it represents someone who likes us, but who is a jealous person, so if they notice, for example, that we have not completely broken up with our ex, they will immediately move away.
- Dreaming about the ANIMAL PROTECTION SOCIETY, tells us that it is likely that we are being negligent with one of our pets, or that we are mistreating it.
- If we dream that we have SEX with an animal, it reveals low instincts that remain repressed.
- If in our dream we SPIT AT AN ANIMAL, that has a bad meaning, it means that we will get rid of what that animal means.
But if we spit at an animal that has a good meaning, then it means that we are not achieving that good thing that the animal means (in both previous cases, it will be very useful to start by consulting the meaning of the particular animal that we see in the dream).
- If we dream that it SMELLS LIKE DEAD ANIMAL, it means that something is not right, or that there is something that is bothering us.
- If we are about to sleep, or suddenly WAKE UP AND SEE AN ANIMAL TRYING TO SUCK OUR BREATH, that is, it tries to absorb our vital energy, it is about a morph, that is a spirit that takes the form of an animal and that tries to feed on our fears (we must bear in mind that, for example: if it becomes, a dog or a cat, it does not mean that dogs and cats are bad, but only that it took that form to try to confuse us), it is generally about a spirit that manifests itself through an ectoplasmic image, and it is not common at all.
Some parapsychologists think that it is about telepathic hallucinations, but in any case, the truth is, that it is
caused with the help of someone from this world, and an effective way to counteract it is to place a psychic weapon under the pillow.
- Dreaming about an animal that had its TAIL cut off or fell off, means that it will be difficult for us to finish a delicate problem, and it relates
to the meaning of the type of animal, for example, if it is a monitor lizard, it relates to sensuality and/or the partner.
- If we dream that we TURN into an animal, see below (related meanings).
Becoming an animal:
- To dream that SOMEONE YOU KNOW BECOMES AN ANIMAL, (If it is not an eagle, feathered serpent or macaw) means that people will
be envious to try to end that friendship, which advises us not ignore gossip.
- If you dream that YOU BECOME AN ANIMAL, (If it is not an eagle, feathered serpent or macaw) the dream tells
us we're becoming less civilized or we're starting to experience a lack of limits . It can also mean:
Repressed sexual impulses, in which case the dream has therefore advised to stop repressing, since otherwise
we get into trouble or even lose self-control.
Although sometimes it means that we are adopting or assuming the symbolism of that animal, so it is also advisable to
consult the meaning of the particular animal.
- If we dream that we BECOME AN EAGLE, FEATHERED SERPENT OR MACAW means that we have reached a higher spiritual level.
But if he becomes one of these animals is another person, means that that person has reached a higher spiritual level.
- If a man dreams about a CAT WHO BECOMES A WOMAN, it means that someone tried to end their relationships.
View our dreams a hybrid means the merger of two ideas, for example, if our dream we see a white animal that is part horse and part dog, we must first look up the meaning of a white horse and a dog (a white horse means that our desires will be made and a dog represents loyalty primarily) and then we must combine the meanings, in this case:
- If you see a white horse that looks like a dog, that is, a hybrid of horse and dog, means that we will see our wishes carried out because of our loyalty.
- Another example is: Show a hybrid butterfly half white and half spider, it means that we are being reckless or careless and that we lack knowledge to avoid traps and deceit, (in this case we combine the meanings of a white butterfly and a spider.) This dream advises us to better analyze the situation and find a way to learn more things that might be useful.
- If you dream we feel, that the body of your pet watching us, it means that things could go wrong if we trust and stop striving, which advises us not to trust us and strive as much as possible.
- Dreaming of a pet's body, warning us of the likely end of something, such as a business, project, love, friendship..... depending on the meaning of the other things we see in sleep.
- Dreaming of your pet's body, warning us of the end of something, such as a business, project, love, friendship..... depending on the meaning of the other things we see in sleep.
- Where once we had a pet cat whom we appreciated, and I left this world, and we dream and when he was with us means that we have visited in dreams to give us an important message that relates to the meaning of Other things to see right there (Remember that our pets also have souls.)
In this case it is also advisable to consult: "Cat" and "Dog", as appropriate.
This dream allows us to see lower instincts, which remain suppressed.
Dream that we are in a zoo, symbolizes loss of freedom and that our skills and talents are going unnoticed, so we feel caged.
It may also represent chaos and confusion, and advises us to arrange a situation in our life.
• Farm animals.
• Pets.
• Animals in general.
• Fantastic animals.
• Prehistoric animals.
Represents our instincts.
- To dream pursued by a bear, and achievements, it means that there is grave danger that our enemies destroy us. If we escape, it means that we will avoid the danger successfully.
- View a female bear, means an infantile fixation to the image of our mother, and means that we want to be pampered and encouraged.
- Dreaming about a teddy bear, means we need a talisman to help us protect ourselves from those around us.
- Dreaming with a Teddy bear, means the same as above.
Symbolizes success in the job.
- See bees in the wild, it means: good fortune in general.
- If you dream that we stung by a bee, is a warning that there may be a danger to our reputation.
- If you look angry bees, or they attack us, it means: Problems with our partners or laziness at work, which can lead to ruin.
- If you dream of giant bees that attack us, this is a warning, telling us that we must overcome the laziness and begin to work harder, as there is a serious danger of ending up broke.
- Killing bees indicates that the ruin is inevitable and is upcoming.
- If we see from flower to flower, means a love that started.
- If we are destroying a beehive, it means that we are being antisocial, or that we fail to adapt to our environment.
- To dream of a queen bee with many eyes, represents God, and tells us that we have a little divine help to resolve a difficulty.
- If in our dream we see migrating birds, he says we want a change or independence.
- If you see birds flying into the sky, we are told to be patient.
- If we see a caged bird and its wing or leg broken, malfunctioning or shaking, it means we need to seek more freedom of the soul.
- Watch birds fly with difficulty and then fall upon our heads, we say that we should not complicate things and look so simple solutions.
- If we are fighting owls and other nocturnal birds, it means our fight against destructive tendencies.
It is also important to see whether this is a special bird, like an eagle, canary, dove, hummingbirds, etc., because that would be appropriate to look at the meaning of the type of bird.
- If we are sick and dream of a cicada, it means a relapse. If we are not sick, it means economic problems.
- Seeing a coyote tells us that we can meet or just scammers that we have economic problems, we must be prepared for any issue that is presented in this regard.
- Dreaming with a feathered coyote (coyote with feathers instead of hair) or a talisman that has to do with the coyotes, tells us that we are protected from harm.
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To see a deer in our dream, tells us to be alert to any situation that may arise.
It is a sign of divinity, the eagle is the bird that flies high and has a sharp vision.
- If you identify with her or see her at the top of a tree, means that we will succeed and triumph.
- If the eagle makes you feel scared, it means that something is wrong in your life.
- If the eagle attacks you, you do not you take layers of true love, and if you see someone attacking you would want as a couple, it means that love does not suit you and will not be realized.
- If you see an eagle fly overhead, means success, but if this stationary or falls, you do not succeed in your projects.
- If the eagle is chasing you or harming you, warns you of danger.
- If you see a caged eagle, you are warned of a probable humiliation.
- If you see a flying eagle carrying a prey, is a warning that we must be careful with our adversaries.
This dream represents the prosperity, memory, strength and longevity.
- If in our dream we are riding an elephant, it means that we will succeed, with the help of influential people.
- If real life we become sick, it means you will heal soon and it will have a long life.
This dream may mean that poor fitness are consenting to us, such as malice toward others. It can also mean a bad omen, akin to a person close to us that may be detrimental to our projects. But if our dream we catch the fox and killed him, it means that we will succeed despite the difficulties.
Guinea pig:
Dream of a guinea pig, tells us that we are being too passive and indifferent, which can serve us harm.
This dream shows that in real life we are building up resentment, and fear against others.
- When we see our home invaded by insects reveals our fear of lawsuits and complaints of the others.
- If we are attacked, the dream tells us we should not underestimate people we thought were inferior.
- If insects are becoming gigantic and we round up are leaders feared and despised at the same time.
- If we realize the inconvenience of insects but no feelings of rejection, or revulsion or concerns reflect small losses that accompany a task that has been tedious.
Represents the light, and the path to success. This dream tells us that we do well and that bring good times.
Symbolize the infernal spirits or their representatives among us. Octopus dream is a bad omen.
- It may be a deep desire and need to get rid of someone trying to monopolize unbearable.
- Or it may indicate that we are able to pass whatever just to get our purposes.
Dreaming about this bird, tells us that we must be honest with ourselves and recognize the evidence of what happens in our lives.
- If you dream of an owl, it means that we can become victims of gossip and hearsay.
- If we kill an owl dream, signifies that gossip and hearsay does not affect us.
- If we kill or harm an owl, it means that we are doing gossip about others.
- If you hear an owl singing bird or any other night is an omen of death.
- This sign represents the ability to bear children, such as the possibility of having children soon. It is also a sign of pleasure, makes us see our sexual desires, but at the same time do not realize that we must be careful with lust.
- If in our dream we see a rabbit on fire, burn it or dream, represents a difficult delivery, difficulties in having children, infertility or difficulties in sexual relationships, depending on our current situation.
Dreaming of a rat tells us there is something that gnaws at us, but when we try to kill, the rat attacking us, we see died, we see it run over, or is accompanied by signs that have to
do with fighting, gossip, bad feelings, etc., represents a very annoying enemy.
- If a rat bites us, tells us that an enemy has caused or will cause us harm. And if we dream that a rat bite us, but then
we kill, the dream told that an enemy has caused us great harm, but we still have the possibility to reverse (For
example: If our enemy steal us something, to return it to us, if said gossip, to clarify things).
- If in our dream we see a black rat represents an evil person who usually make life difficult.
See more
View is a means of good luck and happiness.
- To dream that a skunk or skunk comes into our house means that we are in grave danger. And if you dream of entering a female skunk and stop at our house means that the danger is even greater.
This sign is associated with the fertility of land and maintenance, fertility and motherhood. It is also associated with the life force.
- Your skin is associated with evolutionary changes may also indicate that we have achieved a high level of knowledge.
- While on the bed (in the case of women) indicates a future pregnancy.
- If you dream of many snakes indicates that soon we will have prosperity and good fortune.
- If the snake is angry, it means that something is wrong in our lives.
Means superficiality and frivolity.
Foretells fame and fortune unless they are black warns against immorality.
The tiger is associated with the war, but also the courage to face a difficult situation. It can mean several things:
- If you are an aggressive tiger indicates that we should have an aptitude more peaceful and kind to others.
- If the tiger is not aggressive, it means that we have the courage to face a difficult situation.
- If a tiger is drowned, warns us that we need courage to face difficult situations.
- If the tiger is injured, the same as above.
- To dream that we hunt a whale or participate in hunting, augurs wealth.
- If it is an orca whale, means the following:
1. Orca is a good and bad, usually it's a tip that tells us to find the right balance between good and evil, or that we must be firm even though they might that we are being bad, for so to avoid further danger.
2. Dreaming an orca whale attacking seals, tells us that there is a danger of losing our virginity in a way that may harm us, so we advises caution while doing what we do not want to do.
- If in our dream we see a wolf , it's a warning, telling us that we must be careful with some of our friends, dishonest, or from our opponents who act in a disloyal and treacherous.
- To dream of a wolf evil, says it's important that we be careful with someone close who can act treacherous and disloyal.
- Dream a wolf that devours us, means that there is a serious danger on us, because of someone close, who is also a hypocritical and treacherous.
- Dreaming bad wolf becomes good tells us that someone close to us in the past was disloyal and treacherous and even seems to have changed their way of life, advises us not to sleep too complacent.
The canaries are associated with love.
- If you see a canary or canaries in a cage, means good luck in love.
- View dead canary in a cage, it means to love.
- View a canary escapes from its cage, is a warning, that we lose a love, at least we see that the canary returned to its cage, then it means the danger has passed, but it tells us that we should not entrust too.
- View a canary enters an empty cage, promises us a future love.
- To dream that a black canary flies at our window, represents an impossible love.
- To dream of a tabby cat, has the same meaning as the jaguar.
- If you are a domestic cat, its meaning is associated with a woman in the sense of sensuality.
- If you dream that a cat cuddling us, tells us that there is a woman who will do everything we can to get everything you can. But if we run the cat, it means that this woman was not achieving its purpose.
- If we are afraid our dream that we scratch a cat means fear that our misdeeds are discovered.
- If you dream that we feed a cat, means loving rivalry.
- If you dream that a cat scratches us, it means infidelity or discussions with our partners.
- If a woman dreams that her family has a cat or buy a cat, means that jealous (jealous of couples), and if there are several cats, mean that many women feel jealous.
- If a girl dreams that one family has a cat, or buy a cat, means that jealous (jealous girl) of a woman, and if there are several cats, mean that many women jealous of (in this case usually is a male relative).
- If a woman dreams that someone has a cat in a cage at home, means founded jealousy.
- Dreaming of a black cat means intrigues of a woman in love problems.
- Dreaming of a white cat means: betrayal by a friend.
- If you hear the mewing of a cat, it means betrayal or deception.
- Dreaming of a cat god, or an amulet with the image or picture of a domestic cat, it means that soon we will have a special protection (in some cultures, cats were revered because they helped to end some pests and said that the bad guys away spirits).
Dream of a cat goddess, especially when it comes to Bast, also can mean:
• If a man dreams of Bast, it means he will be lucky in love.
• If a woman dreams of Bast, means fertility and fecundity.
- Dreaming with a kitty , it symbolizes a blossoming friendship or a friendship that is stronger.
Here is kitten.
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This sign represents loyalty, support, guidance, loyalty, and if White can be related to marriage.
- If the dog is FRIENDLY, it means that we are sincere and well.
- If you see a DOG PLEADING, it is a council that tells us we get back on track.
- If you hear a HOWL means that the death of someone close.
- If your EYES ARE AGGRESSION, advises us to be as honest with others as we want them to be with us.
- If you hear his BARK, warns us of danger.
- If you see a dog IN DANGER, it means that a loving relationship may be at risk.
- If a BLACK DOG WILL BITE, meaning that a compromise or probable compromise of marriage is in danger of breaking or wearing out. But if the dog is of a different color means danger of breaking, either in a courtship, engagement, friendship or marriage and the meaning of color can give us more details.
- But if we dream running away of a WHITE DOG, it means that we are free to marry someone who does not suit us, if instead the white dog is not aggressive, meaning you can be near a compromise that we can agree, sometimes may even appear in our sleep that person who could get married. The important thing is that in all cases we pay attention to other signs of sleep for more details of the message.
- If it's a PUPPY, it is a burgeoning friendship or a friendship that is stronger.
- To see a BROWN DOG that looks from a balcony, promises us a new love, marriage prospects.
- If it's a PROPHETIC DREAM (as when we follow the instructions to have a prophetic dream) and we see a dog we've had in the past, but already departed from this world, next to our bed, means that we continuously care, similar to like our guardian angels. For example, can help avoid nightmares harmful, ie, in this case, we keep them in our dreams, because our pets also have souls.
- If you dream of a DOG LYING ON THE FLOOR NEXT TO THE TRASH we see, it means that someone who does not want us to get married, and trying to do anything to avoid it.
- To see a WHITE DOG IN A CRATE, means luck connected with marriage, but if we see a white dog with BROWN IN A DRAWER, it means luck in love with the possibility of getting married.
See more
This dream tells us that we are victims of gossip and gossip of all kinds.
Represents our instinctive and wild forces, both destructive and creative.
- If we see a massive and aggressive bull means that we have a great creative energy and creative.
- If we see a bull chasing us, it means that our instincts are about to explode.
- View a brood of chicks reveals the need or desire or marriage and maternity.
- If the chicks with a hen appears threatening to not allow us to approach them is to appear obstacles and problems of the families that will hinder and delay our desires.
Is associated with the earth, goodness, patience, fertility, and in some cases to motherhood. So if we see a cow may mean that we lack some of the above.
- View fat cows and in good condition, means prosperity and good fortune.
- See a dead cow, it means bad luck.
- See lean or bad, means poverty.
- Seeing a pregnant cow, tell us a next baby in the family or we have an idea on a project that will be beneficial.
- If you dream of a woman who's wearing clothes color of a cow (white spots like the cow) tells us that to succeed we must have patience, or that we lack a bit of goodness and kindness to do so, depending of our current situation.
The pack animals reflect the person's animal.
- If the donkey is strong and healthy are a symbol of success and wealth.
- A weak or sickly donkey predicts losses.
- If we say we are dead broke.
- If you buy a donkey, increasing our means.
- View multiple donkeys portends quarrels with colleagues or subordinates.
- The violence against the donkey are the insults we receive or do it ourselves.
- If the donkey is loaded is a symbol of success and fortune.
- See us as a donkey loaded is that we are victims of our lower personality.
- If the donkey is white indicates joy and optimism.
- If red, passion and anger.
- Gray, sadness and betrayal.
- Black, mournful and pessimistic.
- If the dream in a group or in their pen means backbiting and gossip.
- If the hen is laying eggs announces profits.
- If the hen is hatching eggs and white is forecast many benefits but small.
- If the hen is black announces small problems.
- View a HORSE PENALTY punishing ourselves or a horse, it means that we will suffer false accusations.
- If we FALLING OF A HORSE, means losses or failures.
- If we are GIVING TO A HORSE PASTURE, augurs wealth.
- If the dream we RIDE A HORSE, predicts success.
- If we SELL A HORSE, it means that we may lose some property.
The pack animals reflect the person's animal.
- A strong and healthy mule is a symbol of wealth and success. But if it is weak or sick, it means economic losses.
- If we acquire a mule, increasing our means.
- A dead mule tells us we are in ruin.
- View multiple mules predicts problems with colleagues or subordinates.
- The violence against the mule are the insults we receive or do it ourselves.
- Being chased by a mule, it means: rebellion and treason.
- If the mule is loaded means success and good fortune.
- If we see loaded like a mule is that we are victims of our inferiority complex.
- If we mounted on mules, we are on track. As we intend to achieve.
- If red, passion and anger.
- White means joy and optimism.
- Gray, pessimism or treason.
- Black, misfortune.
Symbolizes vigilance, courage, violence, or inordinate desire.
- To dream of a rooster announces good luck.
- Listening to sing presages the realization of our desires.
- If we are attacked or see it portends domestic disputes fight due to jealousy.
- Kill him, portends bad luck.
- See a flock of sheep dreams, predicts we'll have a great fortune.
- If we have a sheep on his shoulders, it means a significant fortune (money).
- If we are holding a sheep, it means instant money.
- If you listen to a sheep, it means that we will have a major help.
- If you see dead sheep, it means bad news.
- If you see a flock that goes where we are and they put the sheep between his legs, means success, but we will have some difficulties to get it.
- Dreaming of a sheep's wool, promises us happiness and peace, at least in the dream we see mistreating or burning the wool, because then it means bad luck in money matters.
It is a sign that warns us to be good fortune, especially in the family.
- Watch a dragon means an internal struggle against our instincts in order to free our soul. This dream has advised to seek the truth of things beyond what our instincts tell us.
- If we dream that we carry a sword and her fight against a dragon, representing the fight against our own instincts, and if we win the fight means to achieve a higher spiritual level, if we overcome, means that it is probably not what we achieve; if no one wins, it means the future is uncertain, and if we run away and hide, it means that our insecurity is preventing us achieve a higher spiritual level.
- Dreaming godzila, as we see in the picture below, tells us that we must change our ability.
King Kong:
When we see King Kong in our dreams, especially if you fight, it is a reflection of our primitive instincts, especially sexual. What we recommend checking our instincts.
- Dreaming of a Pegasus promises us success and good fortune.
- If we see our dream to fly a pegasus, means success and good fortune. It may also mean that soon we will achieve a higher spiritual level.
- Dream a unicorn, it means an upcoming trip or a new project.
The saber-toothed tiger is associated with the war, but also the courage to face a difficult situation. It can mean several things:
- If you are an aggressive saber-toothed indicates that we should have an aptitude more peaceful and kind to others.
- If the saber tooth is not aggressive, it means that we have the courage to face a difficult situation.
- If it's a saber-toothed drowned, warns us that we need courage to face difficult situations.
- If the saber tooth is injured, the same as above.
- Dreaming of a dinosaur tells us that we must change our ability.