. elamoxtli .


Dreaming of a snake is generally a phallic symbol (it represents a man, fertility, motherhood, virility, or sensuality, depending on who dreams it).
If it bites us, it is related to a gossipy (venomous) and untrustworthy person who may cause us problems, although it can also mean that there is a danger of us being carried away by our base instincts (in terms of sexuality).

- If it appears ANGRY, it means that something is not right in our life.

- If it is found ON THE BED (in the case of women), it indicates an upcoming pregnancy.

- If we dream that a VIPER BITES US, it means that a gossipy person is causing us harm.

- If we dream that a snake CHASES US, it represents a dangerous person whom we have not managed to control.

- If a woman dreams of a snake among a lot of CLOTHES or among her clothes, it means a desire for the opposite sex to notice her more, but at the same time, it tells her to be careful, as there is a gossipy person who could take advantage of it to speak ill of her.

- If a woman dreams that her bedroom is very COLD, but suddenly a snake climbs onto her bed and instead of attacking, it warms her, it means that lately, she has been very alone (without a partner or boyfriend), but soon someone will come into her life.

- Regarding the COLOR OF THE SNAKE, it means the following: if it is YELLOW, it means that someone has been speaking ill of us out of jealousy or envy.

- If we dream that a snake bites or stings our DOG, it represents someone who wants to turn us against a friend or our love through gossip; but if in the dream we notice that the snake is not venomous, it means that they will not cause us much harm.

- Dreaming that a snake EATS ANOTHER snake represents an idea or feeling that has overcome another (for example, when something makes us change our mind about a certain matter). It can also mean that one rival has overcome another (like when a woman likes someone, but suddenly meets another prospect and forgets the previous one).

- If in our daily life we think of taking our car to a certain mechanic, and we dream that there is a snake in our ENGINE, it means that there is a danger, which advises us to look for a better mechanic (but if the snake is green, then it gives us more details, as it is telling us that this mechanic is a novice who does not know how to do things well).

- If in the dream we see the EYE OF A SNAKE OR VIPER, it tells us that we should observe more how things are in this world or in a certain environment, (for example: in several countries, the Amparo Trial serves to sue corrupt judges and officials, but although it can be effective, this type of lawsuit seeks to force the authority to correct something or do what it should. But generally, it does not sanction them, except in extreme cases, so in that case, we should ask that the authority be forced to do what it should and not focus on sanctioning them; to succeed, because although it would be fair to also sanction them, in some cases it is better to adapt a little to the system).

- If a woman dreams that a snake COILS AROUND HER FEET, it means that there is a man who will try to conquer her, and who does not care about anything, for example, someone who does not care if she is married or not.

- Dreaming that a horrible snake IS OUR FRIEND is advice telling us to stay away from bad friendships, for example: friends who may seem pleasant, but in reality, they are a bad influence and can get us into a lot of trouble.

- If a woman dreams that her boyfriend GIVES her a snake to play with, it means that her boyfriend desires to have sexual relations with her.

- Dreaming that we CRUSH THE HEAD of a venomous snake means that there is a person who wanted to involve us in gossip, but in the end, we managed to make them see reason, or persuade them in some way, to give up their bad intentions.

  • If we dream that a snake attacks us, but even though we CUT OFF ITS HEAD, it means that we will manage to control a problem or defeat an enemy.
    But if we dream that we cut off its head, and instead of dying, MORE HEADS GROW, then it represents a gossipy and insidious person who is very difficult to defeat; so we have to analyze them very well to find their weak point.

- Dreaming that we kill a snake that wanted to bite us, and that upon dying it INFLATES represents a gossipy and insidious person who could not achieve their purposes and everything backfired on them.

- If a woman dreams of a coiled snake that seems very INTERESTING, it means that there is someone she likes, and it is only a matter of patience before he tries to court her.

- If we dream that we KILL a venomous snake, it means that we have ended a rumor or that we have managed to clear up a misunderstanding.
But if a woman has this dream, it can mean the above, although it can also mean that she has managed to end a love that was not good for her (with a toxic person).

- If we dream of MANY SNAKES/VIPERS, it indicates that we will soon have prosperity and good fortune.

- If a woman dreams that a snake enters through her NAVEL, and it is an unpleasant dream, it represents fear of sexual relationships.

- If in our dream we see a RATTLESNAKE , it has the same meanings as a normal snake, unless the dream focuses on its rattle, for example: if we dream of a rattlesnake making its rattle sound, it means that there is a nearby danger. It can also be a warning telling us to avoid getting close to conflictive people, as otherwise, we may end up in a lot of trouble.

- If in the dream we see a famous actress with a live snake AS A SCARF, that is, wearing it around her neck, as if it were a piece of clothing, it represents a slippery girl (a promiscuous woman who likes to seduce men).

- If our dream has a negative context and we also see a SEA SNAKE, it represents our dislike and/or negative emotions towards a gossipy and insidious person.

- Its SKIN is associated with evolutionary changes, and it can also indicate that we have reached a high level of knowledge.
And the same applies if we see it SHEDDING ITS SKIN.

- If a woman dreams of a SHINY AND OILY snake staring at her, it means that she should know that there is someone who likes her and feels sensual desires towards her.

- If in our dream we see someone we know, and we notice that they are wearing SHOES made of snake skin, (of any color except black), it means that this person is well protected.
But if they are black, then it tells us that this is a gossipy person with bad habits.

  • If a woman dreams that there is a black snake IN HER SHOE, it means that she has a commitment to a toxic person (an aggressive, negative, harmful person).

- If we dream that someone THROWS a black snake at us, it means that there is someone who wants to get us into trouble through gossip and rumors.

- If a man dreams of TWO SNAKES FIGHTING, but a moment later they start masturbating him, it means that someone took his wife/girlfriend, and now he is very lonely and sad.
On the other hand, if a woman sees in her dream two snakes fighting, and then they turn into two men fighting, it means that there are two men fighting over her.

- If we dream that a snake WHIPS US WITH ITS TAIL, it means that there is a person trying to humiliate us through gossip or rumors.


- If in our dream we see an animal, meaning, the animal will see.
- An animal skin hanging on the wall of a room, means we want to have a better social position and get rid of something that causes us stress.

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- Means that we have found the right path, because the snake represents the earth (this world) and the feathers represent Heaven, ie, this sign represents the union of Heaven and Earth.
- Dreaming of a coin bearing the sign of Quetzalcoatl, it means that you have found the truth about something you wanted to know, and if the coin with the sign of Quetzalcoatl is silver mean you should not worry too much about the problems, because you have a special protection.

FREE CONSULTATION: nelamoxtli@outlook.com


Book of Truth.