Shoes are related to the commitment and freedom.
- If you dream about ALLIGATOR LEATHER SHOES, means we have the strength and determination to achieve our goals.
- If our dream just sees BABY SHOES, it means that there is a possibility that we meet under one of our opponents or someone who is abusing our trust.
- If we are BAREFOOT or without shoes is a warning that we may be subject to the other.
- To dream that we walk BAREFOOT IN THE STREET, BUT THEN WE PUT SOME OLD-SHOES means that we probably will soon regain our freedom or control of our lives, but our situation will be difficult, so we need to plan things well.
- If you see a BOX containing crocodile-leather shoes means we have the strength and determination to achieve our goals.
- If a shoe BREAKS us presages the loss of our freedom.
- If you dream about CROCODILE LEATHER SHOES, means we have the strength and determination to achieve our goals.
- If we dream that we fall DUST OR DROPPED, in our left shoe, it represents the probable end of our marriage/courtship. But if we dream that someone dusts us in our left shoe, then it means that our courtship/marriage is likely to end soon because of a certain person.
- If we dream that our EX GIRLFRIEND(EX BOYFRIEND) has a bad neck, and blood in the shoe, it means that she(he), continues to suffer for us.
- If in our dream we see someone that we know using EXOTIC-LEATHER shoes, means the following:
- If he(she) wears a CAYMAN leather shoes, means the same as the following:
- If he(she) wearing a CROCODILE leather shoes means having the strength and determination to achieve their purposes.
- If he (she) wears a MONITOR LIZARD-leather shoes tells us that he(she) is a sexy-person and attractive to the opposite sex.
- If we see someone we know and noticed wearing an OSTRICH leather shoes tells us that he(she) is a coward.
- If he(she) wear a SHARK leather shoes, means that this is a person having the strength and determination to achieve their proposed.
- If he(she) wear a SNAKE-leather shoes, and are of any color except black, tells us that this person is well protected. But if it is black, then, tells us that this is a gossipy person and have bad habits.
- If he(she) wear a TRUTLE leather shoes, tells us that this is a person who is well protected.
- If WE WEAR EXOTIC LEATHER SHOES in the dream, the meaning of the above applies to ourselves.
- If we dream that someone GIVES US A SHOES, it means that there is a person who wants to separate us from our partner/girlfriend.
- If in our dream we see a GLASS SHOE of the opposite sex, means probable marriage, but if it breaks, it means the risk of rupture with someone we love.
- If we are to KID shoes, warns us that we are being immature.
- If we see A NEW SHOES in good aspect, it augurs us a positive change.
- To dream that we wear OLD SHOES means that our situation is difficult.
• If we dream we are GETTING MARRIED with our wife(husband), and we notice that our shoes are old and worn, it means that the relationship with our wife(husband) is difficult. This dream advises us to make an effort to improve things.
• To dream that we walk barefoot on the street, but then we PUT AN OLD SHOES, it means that it is likely that we will soon recover our freedom or control of our life, but our situation will be difficult, so we must plan things well.
- If the dream we see ONE (ONLY ONE) of our shoes on the floor of our bedroom, it means that we desire to get married. But if the floor is of wood or hurt, then, means that in addition to having desires to marry, soon we will be able to do it with someone special.
- If in the dream we see one (Only one) of our shoes in the floor of our BEDROOM means that we desire to get married. But if the floor is wood, then, means that in addition to desire to marry, soon we will be able to do it with someone special.
- If we dream of BREAKING a shoe, it represents the danger of breaking with our love.
- If in our dream we see one GLASS-SHOE of the opposite sex means likely marriage, but if it breaks, it means risk of breakup with someone we love.
- If a man has a girlfriend who is divorced and has a female-child, and in his dream sees a FEMALE-CHILD shoe, means that his girlfriend wants him to propose marriage and try to insinuate that does. In this case sleep well advised to analyze things before moving forward.
- If a woman has a boyfriend who is also divorced and has a male-child, and in the dream see the shoe of a MALE-CHILD, means that her boyfriend will propose marriage. In this case the dream well advised to analyze the situation before making any decisions.
- If we dream a one shoe of the opposite sex, and we KICKED THAT SHOE, it means that someone wants or wanted to propose marriage, but we rejecting, or we're somehow rejecting.
- If we see a one shoe or high-heeled IN A MARKET (only one, and that is the opposite sex) of someone we know, represents the possibility of marrying with that person.
But if we see a shoe or high-heeled on the market, but the shoe is of second-hand (without knowing who is), tells us that we are possibility to marry a divorced person.
- If in the dream we see a shoe from one of our NEPHEWS OR NIECE (Somebody of the opposite sex), means it is likely to receive a surprise that relates to a marriage proposal.
- If we dream that we REMOVED A SHOE, but then we put back again, has to do with our couple, and means fights but in the end reconciliation.
- See a one WHITE SHOE of the opposite sex means we will receive a marriage proposal or at least a hint.
- If in our dream we see a very SMALL shoe, and someone tells us that that shoe is the size of our heart, it means that there is someone who likes us, but feels offended or sad because he knows or thinks that we do not like her(him) (How to say that we have no place in our hearts for her(him) ).
- To dream that we WEAR SHOES, BUT WITHOUT SOCKS, means that crave a change in our activities.
- Seeing the shoes of our SON(DAUGHTER) means that we have a responsibility towards him (her), it can also be in the sense that we must first think about his well-being.
- If we dream that someone is STEALING OUR SHOES, means that someone is trying to force us to do His will, whether manipulating us, by deception, trying to confuse us, through witchcraft, or make any means, that can help to carry out its purposes.
- To dream that bring a STONE INA THE SHOE represents someone who does not let us progress or is a constant annoyance.
- If you see a shoe in a STORE-WINDOW, is a sign of possibilities available to us, depending on the type of shoe you see.
- If we TIGHTEN THE SHOE dreams is a warning that we must adapt to a new situation.
- If in the dream we see someone we like and we notice that he is wearing very UGLY SHOES, it means that person does not suit us (It represents a probable ugly and unpleasant relationship).
- To dream that we WEAR SHOS OF THE OPPOSITE SEX means that someone is trying to discredit our name and personality.
- See a WHITE SHOE of the opposite sex, it means that we will receive a marriage proposal or at least a hint.
This sign is associated with the commitment and freedom.
- Dream to bring boots made of crocodile skin, tells us that we have the strength and determination to defeat our adversaries.
- If we are no boots or sandals, is a warning that we may be subject to the other.
- If we are to children's boots, tell us we're being immature.
- If you see a boot on a counter, is a sign of possibilities within our reach, depending on the type of shoe to see.
- If we tighten the boots dreams in a warning that we must adapt to a new situation.

Crocodile-leather boots
This dream portends some difficulties in our business
If our dream distinguish such as heels, this is additional information about a woman, and if we distinguish the wearer, then the meaning applies to that person.
- If you are a shoe in black for women and the heels are needle, is a woman of bad habits.
- If there are platform shoes (any color), means the same as above.
- If you are normal heeled shoes, we see: "Slippers."
- If it is low-heeled white sneakers, a woman is honest and good.
- If it's shoes or low heeled shoes but needle, this is a woman who is sometimes good and sometimes bad.
High-heeled/High heels:
Dream about high-heeled, means:
- If a man dreams of a white high-heeled, means you will receive a marriage proposal or at least a hint.
- If a man dreams of a woman wearing silver high-heeled and are dressed in pink, it means that there is a woman who wants to be her lover or girlfriend.
- If a man sees an acquaintance who is wearing black and sensual high-heeled, it means she has bad habits, and is a tip for not engaging with that person.
- If a man in his dream is the leg of a lady who is wearing gray high-heeled and socks that do not match or do not look good, then there is a woman who wants to be her lover or girlfriend, but also dream says it would be a depressing and boring dating.
- If a woman dreams about crocodile-leather high-heeled, then you have strength and determination to achieve all their goals.
Here we see a crocodile high-heeled.
See more
- Dreaming about huarache, means poverty.
- This sign is associated with the commitment and freedom.
- See us barefoot, is a warning, that we may be subject to the other.
- If we are to children's sandals, tell us we're being immature.
- If you see a sandal in a cupboard, is a sign of possibilities within our reach, depending on the type of shoe to see.
- If we tighten the sandals dreams in a warning that we must adapt to a new situation.
- Dreaming about a beautiful woman you are wearing sandals, predicts a likely marriage.
- If a man dreams of a beautiful woman he wears sandals means the same as above, and by the looks of the shoes says the following:
1. If the shoes are in good condition and are white, it means that the marriage may be a single woman without children.
2. If sandals are patched, meaning a likely marriage to a woman with children.
3. If you are black, meaning a likely marriage to a wealthy woman.
4. If the sandals are gold or silver, it means a probable marriage to a beautiful woman and good manners.
5. If the shoes are green, a likely marriage to a beautiful woman, and good fortune.
Shoe polish:
- Announces a success differently than we thought or believed.
Shoes store:
- If we dream that we are in a shoe store and stole a pair of shoes, it means we are struggling to achieve our freedom, but also is a board that tells us we should not give up and settle, but keep trying to achieve what want.
- If you see a shoe in the window of a shoe, is a sign of possibilities within our reach, depending on the type of shoe to see.
Sport shoes/ Tennis:
- Dreaming with a pair of new tennis or that we tested a new, means that you need to buy a new pair of sneakers.
- If we are without footwear, is a warning that we may be subject to the other.
- If we are to children's tennis, tell us we're being immature.
- If we tighten the tennis dream is a warning that we must adapt to a new situation.
- If we break a tennis portends the loss of our freedom.
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