. elamoxtli .


Malignant nightmares caused by witchcraft are usually the ones that wake us up at three in the morning and leave us feeling tired the next day.

Normally, nightmares can be caused by various reasons, such as watching horror movies before bed, guilt complexes, disturbing memories, difficult situations we haven't been able to control, or psychological issues. But there is a type of nightmare that, although rare, does exist, and these are malicious nightmares. As we have seen in previous sections, through dreams we can visit different cosmic realms and even see our loved ones who have departed from this world.
But sometimes our dreams may not be pleasant, due to causes such as using malicious talismans, invoking beings from the underworlds, constantly having bad feelings, and thinking about how to harm others, or even because someone is casting a spell on us. This is when a malicious spirit may visit us in our dreams or take us to an underworld (a hell).

These types of nightmares are very unpleasant, can sometimes recur frequently, and in extreme cases, can even cause us illnesses.
In these types of nightmares, it is common to feel paralysis or even to feel that there is someone lying next to us.
To end them, the first thing is not to be afraid, because we must remember that malicious spirits become stronger when we fear them.
Secondly, there are things that can help us, such as saying a prayer before sleeping or burning an incense stick.
But if the case is extreme and we still continue to have malicious nightmares, we can do the following:

a) If we have malicious talismans and objects like a ouija board or a pentagram, we can burn them and then throw the remains in the trash.

In some cases, there are those who have been doing witchcraft or invocations constantly, which complicates things. In those cases, it is most common to wake up in the middle of the night or at three in the morning, as these are the most common hours for such rituals to be carried out. Sometimes, it is even possible to see some element of the ritual in the nightmare, such as blood, earth, etc.

To counteract it, the first thing is that if we wake up at those hours, it is very important not to go back to sleep immediately, but to wait a while until the enemy finishes the ritual. Otherwise, the next day we could experience tiredness, depression, among other things. It is also important to do a thorough cleaning of our house, getting rid of all the malicious objects, and finally painting or changing the wallpaper, as the case may be.

b) Get a dog, and if possible, let it sleep in our room, but only if it is well trained, as dirt will not benefit us.

c) Besides having an image of our Divine Lady (Virgin of Guadalupe) in our bedroom, it is also good to have photographs of our guardian angels, such as our grandparents who have already departed from this world but loved us dearly in life.

d) Before going to sleep, we should say a prayer in front of an image of our Divine Lady and ask her to protect us. Then we do the same with the photographs of our guardian angels, to whom we can talk as we did when they lived with us, so that they recognize us immediately and help us more. Even if we had a dog that has already departed from this world, we should also ask it to protect us, as they become our guardian dog angels, whose mission is to protect us in our dreams. Additionally, we can also ask for the help of the archangels.
In addition, we can help ourselves with a psychic weapon, such as a Swiss knife under the pillow or a protection mirror beside the bed.

e) Another useful thing is to follow the instructions for having a prophetic dream or any of the others that are in the first section of the: “Dream Dictionary”.

FREE CONSULTATION: nelamoxtli@outlook.com