This sign represents our external and material existence.
- If we see that a shopping center is BURNED, WITHOUT WE BEING INSIDE IT, it means that our opponents are losing the opportunity to beat us.
- Dreaming that we are in a mall and CLOSE IT BEFORE WE ACHIVE EXIT, means we have a difficult problem in our work or profession and we feel trapped with no way out.
- The CORRIDOR or hallway inside the mall symbolizes the paths of our lives.
- Be or enter in an EMPTY MALL, means that there is a looming threat, as well as despair.
- See FAR a mall without seeing details and no closer, says approaching a time of material hardship.
- NOT FIND IN mall, what we want and feel overwhelmed by the crowd, it means it is not yet the right time to throw life actively, before we meditate and reflect.
- Feel OVERWHELMED can also reveal our shyness and withdrawal.
-The PEOPLE we see in the mall are those who are close to us in real life.
- Their STALLS OR SHOPS tell us that in this life we must pay a price for everything we have and possess.
- Enter to the mall WITHOUT BUYING ANYTHING, means the need to find the most appropriate way to carry out our projects. Also enter without buying anything can mean a simple desire for promiscuity that usually appears when our lives lack warmth or communication.
Buy:- To dream that you wish to buy a red shirt with the logo of a horse, tells us to work harder to achieve win a major battle, at least in the dream buy the shirt, as then it means that you have the means and courage to win the battle.
- PEOPLE WHO SEE IN MARKET, are those closest to us in real life.
- In the market RUNNERS symbolize the paths of our lives.
- Their STALLS, they tell us that in this life we must pay a price for what we have and possess.
- FEELING OVERWHELMED can also reveal our shyness and withdrawal.
- SEE A MARKET FROM AFAR, without details and without approach, says approaching a time of material shortages.
- ENTERING THE MARKET WITHOUT BUYING ANYTHING, it means the need to find the best route appropriate for the realization of our projects.
Also enter without purchase can mean a simple desire for promiscuity that often appears when our lives lack warmth or communication.
- NOT FIND IN THE MARKET, WHAT YOU WANT, and feel overwhelmed by the crowd, it means that is not yet the right time to propel us to the life, we must first meditate and reflect.
- BE, OR ENTRY INTO A EMPTY MARKET, means that there is a looming threat, as well as despair.
- If we dream is BURNING A MARKET AND YOU ARE IN, mean risk of loss, and if there are victims, the dream tells us that the risk is higher.
- IF YOU SEE A MARKET THAT BURNED, BUT YOU WILL NOT BE IN THAT PALCE, it means that your opponents are losing the opportunity to beat you.