

The face represents the way we see others, or how others see us, (like when someone says that a certain person is double-face, which suggests that the person shown in a certain way to others but which is actually quite the opposite). Even if the dream focuses on a particular part of the face, then the meaning can vary.

- Dreaming we have pimples or ACNE means that we feel out of place or uncomfortable with the way others see us.

- If you dream that a DOG BITES OUR FACE, represents a person who tried to do this to them to be able to separate us from our spouse or a friendship, but also tells us that whether that person is because it has failed to understand the whole.

- Dreaming with a BLOODY face, says it is likely that we will have a change of personality.

- If we see one of our CHILDREN, BUT WE SEE IT WITH A DIFFERENTE FACE (we know that is he(she) but noticed that his face is different) means we are not knowing how to understand their emotions and problems.

- If in the dream we see someone we know in front of us with a plastic bag COVERING HIS FACE, it means that, that person is lying to us or simply does not want to show himself as he really is. But if he has his face covered with a transparent plastic bag, then it means that despite his efforts he has not managed to hide anything from us.

- If we see someone we know with a DEFORMED face, it means that person is concerned about what others think about him.

  • A DEFORMATION ON THE MOUTH warns of a possible disease of the mouth.
  • To dream that we see a photograph of ourselves, but of CHILDREN, AND WITH DEFORMED FACE, means that we are worried that others will see us in a bad way if they learn something about our past.

- If in the dream we see someone we know, and we notice that he (she) has a DISTORTED or pixelated FACE like when someone's face is distorted in a video, it means that he (she) is a hypocritical person or that he (she) is hiding something (already either about himself or about a certain subject).

- To dream that WE WANT TO MOVE OUR FACE, BUT IT DOESN'T ANSWER US means that we are not making others see us as we want.

- If we dream of a DOG WITH A WOUNDED FACE, it represents a friend/love, who feels hurt in his pride because he thinks that we damaged his reputation or that we spoke ill of her (him).

- To dream that someone we know sends us an EMOJI WITH A SMILING-FACE, on Facebook, means that we like that person; if he sends us a heart it means that he likes us or that he loves us.

  • If we receive a message from someone we like (on our cell phone) and a moment later a message arrives from someone else with a SAD FACE EMOTICON, it means that they like us too, but if we reciprocate, someone else also likes us you will feel very sad and disappointed.

- If in our dream we see a DEMON, FACE TO FACE and it makes us fear or anxiety, says it is important to face our fears and our adversaries or, getting rid of any fears that may arise.

- If in the dream we see a FACELESS person (with head but no face) represents a person whom we have failed to understand, or who wish to know more. Alternatively it can also represent someone who has not been given to know.

- If our dream focuses on the FOREHEAD, means:

  • If we see someone with a different forehead which is in reality, let us see their true character.
  • If we are with a high forehead, means that we are intelligent and reliable, if another person and recognize, it is he(she) who is intelligent and trustworthy.
  • A sloping forehead, it means that someone is perfidious and wants rid.
  • If it is a blotchy forehead, means it is a treacherous person.
  • Dreaming to discuss with someone who has very sloping forehead, augurs discussions and demands someone who wants rid treacherous. This dream advises us not lose sight of that person and that this is one of our mains enemies.

-If we see our face with the HEAD UPSIDE DOWN it means that we have many prejudices.

- To dream that we kiss the PERSON WE LIKE, BUT WE DON'T SEE HIS FACE, means that we haven't been able to understand that person, but he still likes us.

- If a married woman dreams that she is MARRYING ANOTHER PERSON, BUT CANNOT SEE HER FACE, it means that she is dissatisfied with her partner and/or would like to be married to another person. But if, in addition, she dreams that at that moment her husband arrives and tells her that he cannot marry because she is married to him (her), it means that she would like to be married to someone else, but she has a guilt complex that it is not allowed.

- If we dream that we are in bed, and suddenly WE SEE A FACE WITH MASK (only the face with the mask), it means that there is a person who is doing witchcraft to us or who is trying to harm us in some way, but does not want to let us know who he is.

- See our face with a MOUTH BIGGER THAN IT IS means that we speak more than necessary.

- To dream that you see someone who looks like someone we know and noticed it has a NOSE too large, it means the person it seems, is dishonest and unreliable.

- If in our dream we see someone we know, but we see his face OBSCURED, so we cannot see his face, tells us that we have failed to understand that person.

- If in the dream we see the face of someone we know (ONLY THE FACE) AND THAT DOESN'T SAY SOMETHING, it means that there is something that person wants to tell us, but prefers to put up with it to avoid conflicts, or because he fears that we will do something to him.

- If in our dream we notice that the SKIN OF THE FACE IS PEELING, it means that it is important that we take more care of our image before others (so that they do not think badly of us).

- If in our dream we see our girlfriend with a ROTTEN FACE, it means that our concept about her (him) is changing drastically or that it will soon change drastically.

- If we dream that someone SCRATCHES OUR FACE, it means that there is someone who wants to damage our reputation.
But if a woman dreams that a cat scratches her face, then it is something more specific, since it means arguments with her partner because of a woman who is damaging her reputation (is getting her into gossip) with the intention of take away her boyfriend

- If in the dream we SEE WITH CARE THE EYES OF SOMEONE, it means fear, others, or someone knows something about us that has been hidden.

- If you dream we SEE WITH CARE THE FACE OF SEVERAL PEOPLE means there is something we need to understand better, or that we are to understand others better.

- If in the dream we see SOMEONE WHO ALREADY DIED, but faceless, means that person visits us in our dream to try to apologize or tell us that we have not fully understood some things that happened when I lived and do not want to keep grudge.

- The SWOLLEN face refers to selfishness.

- If in the dream we WASH our face means we crave a relationship or a business.

- Dreaming of a WOMAN WITH PIMPLES OR ACNE, tells us that to be successful we must care more our physical appearance, or our appearance as to how we behave (our ideas and what we show to the rest of us) depending on our current situation.

- If in the dream we see a PERSON WITHOUT A FACE (with a head but no face) it represents a person whom we have not been able to understand, or who we would like to know more about. It can also represent someone who has not been released.

  • A MAN IN BLACK, but without a face, represents an enemy whom we have failed to understand (in the sense that we have failed to understand or decipher his tactics). It can also be in the sense that there is someone we know but we have not been able to understand his intentions (intentions that are also dishonest).
  • To dream of a CHILD WITHOUT A FACE means that we have a hidden enemy that is harming us in some way.
  • If in the dream we see SOMEONE WHO ALREADY DIED, BUT WITHOUT A FACE, it means that that person visits us in our dream to try to apologize, or tell us that we have not fully understood some things that happened when he lived and he wants us not to hold a grudge.


- The hair on the chest, arms, underarms, and legs represents virility.
- If we see someone we know, with lots of hair on the body, means that that person is leaving too guided by instinct and sensuality.
- If a man dreams that a woman close to you, with much hair on lips, it means that that person is sexually or implying that this trying to do.
- Our hair (of the head) represents our thoughts, so that hair is looking good good thoughts, but if this abused, represents the opposite. Show all meanings of dream about Hair.
- If we see hairless us in our dreams, it means that we are weak character.

The head represents intelligence and the soul.
- If in our dream we see that we have a BIGGER head than in real life, predicts an increase in assets.
- If we are with the SEVERED HEAD, predicts the loss of a position to take a better one. You can also interact with the phrase: "I'm losing my mind" (Which suggests that something is worrying us too or we are losing concentration by thinking someone).

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