Dream about numbers.

Numbers, like most signs, have positive and negative meanings, although in this case, it is said that there are favorable numbers and unfavorable numbers, among the favorable ones are four and five, while the unfavorable ones are 6, 66, 666. , and 21, so that favorable numbers are related to the Divine order, while unfavorable ones are related to evil, so that if we dream of a favorable number it means good fortune, while unfavorable ones predict problems. But there are more cases, since there are numbers that have a specific meaning, one means that we are number one, that is, that we are the best at something, or that we should choose who we know is the best. Two means that sometimes both the light side and the dark side are necessary, which means that sometimes we must be firm even though it seems like we are being bad. The number three can have several meanings, depending on the context of the dream, since it sometimes refers to the past, present and future. On the other hand, if there are signs related to love, then it refers to a love triangle. But if we see three points aligned vertically, it represents good fortune. Although there are more cases, such as when we see a long number, because sometimes it tells us that the answer we are looking for is in something that represents that number, such as part of a telephone number, an address, a file number, a license plate number, etc.