Cosmic Directions.
The lower astral.

In the universe there are three planes, which are Heaven, this world and the underworld. The underworld is also known as hell or the lower astral, which are subworlds where the souls of the most hostile people live, and where they wait until their turn comes to reincarnate again, in order to have a new opportunity. Although it must be taken into account that it is not a place of eternal punishment nor is it ruled by an evil god, so that the devil that fundamentalists speak of does not exist, what does exist are evil spirits that when invoked can influence this world and even cause possession problems, although for this it is essential that someone invoke them, otherwise they will be prevented from being able to influence this world. As for demons, they are souls of people who during their time in this world had many followers and dedicated themselves to doing all kinds of evil things, so that when their followers died followers deified them, turning them into a kind of evil gods, as are many of the spirits invoked in practices such as voodoo, freemasonry and some cults, even some evil gods such as Loki, Damballa, etc., who, when being in the underworld and being invoked For many people, they acquire a certain power, which although they are not invincible, can sometimes be a nuisance and a bad influence for some people.