Unicorns are the favorite pets of the fairies, and their significance in Most cases are associated with a trip or a new project.
- If in the dream we see a unicorn in our house, is a likely trip, or a likely new project.
- If we dream of a unicorn attacking us, it means that we are obstacles delay a new project or a trip.
- If in the dream we see a unicorn with wings, promises us success and good fortune, and is related to a trip or a new project.
Horse/ Mare:- View a HORSE PENALTY punishing ourselves or a horse, it means that we will suffer false accusations.
- If we FALLING OF A HORSE, means losses or failures.
- If we are GIVING TO A HORSE PASTURE, augurs wealth.
- If the dream we RIDE A HORSE, predicts success.
- If we SELL A HORSE, it means that we may lose some property.