. elamoxtli .


A tree represents mainly the cosmic pillar, and the path to Heaven, so it is usually a good sign. At least we see it in poor condition, accompanied by negative signs, cut, or the dream relationships directly with their roots, (eg, fall to the roots) since these represent the underworld.
The trees also symbolize communication between the cosmic directions, so that, as long as the trunk grows upward, all that we see in it or attached to it, equal to our wishes and prayers (the good and what we do). And in the case of roots, as these always grow downward, equivalent to our inclinations to evil, and our evil desires (the bad and what not to do).

Dreaming of a green tree tells us that all is well.

- If we see our DREAM ANTS SEE ANTS CLIMBING A TREE, means that to succeed in the future, we must be forward and organized.

- If we see BIRDS IN THE NEST means success and fortune.

- If you see BLACK OR NOCTURNAL BIRDS, it means that someone wants to harm us.

- If in our dream we see a CHRISTMAS TREE, WELL DECORATED WITH YOUR LIGHTS ON, (without Representations of the birth of Christ) means joy in our family and prosperity.

- If in our dream we CLIMBED A TREE, means that we will succeed in our projects, if we fall on: Otherwise, if we see it cut, warns of potential dangers in our projects, whether this deterioration is that we should pay more attention to what we do, if lush is that all is well.

- If you see a CORAL TREE and full of red flowers, it means that we have a good protection, but if we see it dry, it means that a hazard exists and we have no protection whatsoever.

- If you dream that CUT DOWN A TREE WITH HATCHET and we bring it down, it means that we can break a problem with nobility and justice, but unless we cut down the tree, then, means that we have a difficult problem, which advises us no surrender.

- If this DAMAGED is that we should pay more attention to what we do.

- If we see A DEAD TREE, then something could go wrong, if we do not strive hard enough.

- If we dream that we DROP A TREE by pushing or pulling it with a rope, it means that our projects can fail; and the meaning of the other things that we see in the dream can give us more details, for example: If it happens in a school, it means that our projects can fail because of our lack of preparation, in which case it advises us to prepare and overcome ourselves in what we do.

- If you see a tree completely DRY, it means that something could go wrong, if we work hard enough.

- If you only see a FALLEN TREE, it means that something is wrong in our projects.

- If we dream of a GRAPE TREE, it means that a good opportunity for improvement may soon arrive.

- If we see a JACARANDA lush and full of flowers, it means that we enjoy good protection, but if we see it dry, it means that there is a danger and we have no protection whatsoever.

- See a LARGE LEAFY TREE, tells us that all is well.
But if we see LARGE LEAFY TREES IN STONY GROUND, then tells us to defend our interests and those of our family, even if they're being evil or too severe.

- If we dream of a tree LOADED WITH FRUITS (With too much fruit) it means that we will soon have abundance and prosperity.

- If in our dream we are al the TOP OF A MOUNTAIN, AND THERE WE SEE A TREE, means that our projects are good and we will see performed.

- If in our dream we simply see the ROOTS of a tree, it means difficulties, discussions, health problems, misunderstandings, etc., since the roots of the trees represent the underworlds (Hells), so they are a sign of all kinds of bad things.

- Dreaming of SEEDS OF CORAL TREE (Red beans), means that we are able to achieve success in general.

- If in our dream we see a VERY YOUNG tree, it means that to achieve our purposes, we need to strive and be constant (This sign comes from the idea or comparison of growing and caring for a tree to grow).

FREE CONSULTATION: nelamoxtli@outlook.com


Book of Truth.