

If in the dream JUST SEE A SEAL, the dream is related to virginity due to a fear, or a lack of true love (partner).

- If a KID DREAMS THAT HE(SHE) BECOMES SEAL, means that there is a danger of losing friendships because that is not being outgoing enough, for example: When he refuses to accept a new friend(s) in your group.

- If a KID DREAM WITH A SEAL, means difficulty socializing or making new friends.

- To dream about an ORCA ATTACK SEALS, means that there is a danger of losing our virginity in a way that may harm us, which advises us to be cautious while doing what no desire to do.

- If in the dream we will SHOOT or someone shoots a seal with a tranquilizer dart, means we have doubts about virginity or the way we relate to someone, depending on our current situation.

- If in the dream we see a SHOW OF SEALS, means difficulty socializing or making friends.

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