. elamoxtli .


The meaning of dreaming about numbers depends on the particular number, as each has its own significance. It can also be a clue about something or someone; sometimes, it can refer to a number that we will see in the near future, for example: a case number, a list, a phone number, someone's age, a law... (and if the number we see in the near future ends in six, it indicates that there will be some difficulties in that matter, although with a little effort, we can counteract the bad luck; but if it ends in five, then it means that everything will be favorable).

- If we dream of a number that LOOKS LIKE A COUNTDOWN, for example: 321, 54321… (note the order: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1), it means that an important date/event is approaching that we should take advantage of.

- If in the dream we see ourselves COUNTING, it means that we must defend our interests.

  • But if in the dream we see ourselves counting to 5, it tells us that putting order in what we do can bring us good luck.

- If we dream that an unfavorable number DISAPPEARS (6, 21, 66), for example: if we dream that the number six disappears, it means that we have the possibility of avoiding a difficulty. But if after the unfavorable number disappears, we see something with a good meaning, it tells us that we have the possibility of avoiding upcoming difficulties, and the way to achieve it is indicated by the thing we see at the end that has a good meaning.

- If in our dream we see a CLOSED DOOR AND OBSERVE THAT ABOVE IT THERE IS A NUMBER SIX, it means that there is an unresolved matter that we must finish before moving forward or achieving a definitive solution. It can also mean that a series of difficulties await us before we can achieve a definitive solution.

- If our dream focuses on a number EIGHT or we simply see a number eight, it tells us that a favorable date is approaching, such as: December 12, the beginning of a season, our birthday... Which we can take advantage of to do something important or start a new project, and thus have good luck in what we do.

- If we dream of the number FIFTY-TWO (52), it means that a favorable period is about to begin, such as a good streak, a time of opportunities, etc.

- If we dream of MIRRORED NUMBERS, the meaning depends on which number is repeated, as on one hand, we have the numbers with which the universe was created: 2 (the duality of the universe), 3 (the cosmic spheres), and 5 (the five directions of the universe), so if we see: 2:2, 3:3, or 5:5, it means that something good is approaching.
But if it is about unfavorable numbers, for example: 6:6, 66:66, 666:666 or 21:21, it means that a danger is approaching.

- If in our dream we see the NUMBERS FOUR OR FIVE, it foretells success and good fortune.

- If in our dream the number NINE is notably related, it tells us that its meaning is related to maternity and/or fertility.

- If we dream of a NUMERIC CODE, like those used to number things or as a key to classify something, it means that it is important to defend our interests, and if we see someone putting a barcode on something, it means that person will try to defend their interests.

- If we dream of the number ONE, it means that we are number one, that is, that we are the best at something, or that we must choose who we know is the best. It can also represent loneliness or that among several options/things, we must choose only one; depending on our current situation.

  • If we dream that we are responsible for an ACCIDENT, FOR WHICH WE OWE a lot of money and one, for example: One hundred thousand pesos plus one dollar, it means that if we are not prudent we will end up alone and in trouble.

- Dreaming of a PHONE NUMBER can have various meanings depending on the context of the dream, so a simple phone number means that we need to get in touch with someone. But if it is the phone number of the person we like, then everything depends on how the dream develops: if they give us their number, it means they like us too, but if they refuse, it means they don't like us.

- If we dream of a number that LOOKS LIKE A PROGRESSIVE COUNT, for example: 12345678, 678… (note the order: 6, 7, 8), it means that someone sees us as a threat to their interests.

- If in our dream we simply see VARIOUS QUANTITIES, for example: 9184, 7827, 7234, 8278... It means that we want to earn a lot of money.

- If in the dream we see/hear a number, and IT REMINDS US OF SOMETHING, for example: an address, a phone number... It tells us that the message of the dream is related to what that number reminds us of.

- SEVEN: dreaming of this number or dreaming of seven things means that with a little effort we will be able to find the right path or the solution to a problem.

- If in our dream we see the number SIX, it foretells upcoming difficulties, as it is an unfavorable number. The same meaning applies if we dream of a number and realize it ends in six, for example: 84786.

  • If we dream of the number 0666, that is, a 666 PRECEDED BY A ZERO, it means that someone has been trying to harm us with witchcraft or dirty tactics, but they have not succeeded because we are well protected.
  • If in the dream we see something related to our WORK and a number six is also present (whether it is a 6, 66, or 666), it means that to avoid problems or bad luck at work, there is something we must do very well (for example, a repair, design, writing... It is important that it is very well done to avoid losing a valuable client).

- If we dream of the number TEN, it means that if we work hard and learn more things, we will soon achieve our goals. But if we dream that we get a ten in a grade (the highest grade), it means that others have confidence in us (whether our bosses, clients, etc., depending on our current situation).

- The number THREE can have various meanings depending on the context of the dream, as sometimes it refers to the past, present, and future. On the other hand, if there are signs related to love, then it refers to a love triangle. But if we see three points aligned vertically, it represents good fortune.

- Dreaming about the number TWENTY means that we have a promising future.

- If in the dream we simply see a number TWENTY-ONE, it means that we must show greater determination so as not to look like cowards. Alternatively, it may mean that we should be careful what we say or what information we share with others, as someone might think we are giving them away/betraying them.

  • If we dream that someone tells us that a certain person we know IS: twenty-one, it means that that person has some sexual identity problems.

- If in our dream the number TWO stands out, it means that sometimes both the light side and the dark side are necessary, which means that sometimes we must be firm even if it seems we are being bad, for example, when someone scolds (without violence) their child for doing something wrong, they may even feel bad about it, but it is necessary.

- If we dream of ZERO currency bills (zero dollars, sols, euros - local currency), it means that we will not have money problems. And if we dream that we see high denomination bills but turn them into zero currency bills... It means that someone is trying to sabotage us or do witchcraft so that we don't have money, but we are stronger and smarter than that person, so we won't have difficulties in that aspect.

FREE CONSULTATION: nelamoxtli@outlook.com